
Tuesday 1 January 2013

Saying thanks

Hi you all, hope you have now all well and truly arrived in the year 2013. Now it's time to get back to normal, which is something I prefer, as Feast days and Celebrations are not so much fun when you are on your own. Here I must say a big 'Thank-you' to my dear friend Diane, who kept me company on my birthday and at Christmas, although she had enough to do with her own preps and looking after her family. But she found the time to send me several mails each day, so that I would not have to feel lonely! I really appreciate this, and the fact that she sent me two fat packets, one each for birthday and Christmas, filled with goodies - books, stamps, embellishments, tools, embossing folders, ribbons and bows, flowers - you name it, I got it! There are so many kind people in Blogland, and Diane is truly one of the best. Thanks for being such a good friend!  Donna also mails me often, and has kept me supplied with die-cuts and images, which she sends all the way from Mexico to brighten my day.  And Sue sent me 2 gorgeous embossing folders along with her Christmas card, I am looking forward to playing with them. Last but not least, Suze sent me a lovely owl calendar, and.....and.....wait for it - Galaxy chocolate and Horlicks, so that I had a little taste of home. Aaaaaaaaaaaaah, things like that just do good. Thanks girls!

And now some pictures of the cards I received, and what a wonderful amount of talent they show!

From Tracey, Jo, Suze and Karen

From Katie, April and Suze

From Yvonne, Donna, Carolyn and Annette

From Lynne and Terrie

From Diane

From Chrissie, Sue and Alma

From Annette

From Yvonne and Diane

And extra points go to Lynne and Suze, who sent me London cards!

And that's not all. Diane entered my birthday card into the Blog Contest at Gecko Galz - and she won first prize - a whole year, 5 new image sheets each month! CONGRATULATIONS!!!


No wonder with such a wonderful card!

So, I hope I have remembered everything and everyone now.
Take care, have a great day, have fun in the year ahead, and thanks for visiting!


  1. what beautiful cards, you are well and truly loved, I felt so bad when you talked about being alone, if you were closer you would be welcome at our table any day!Happy New Year,

  2. Laurie, your kind answer brings tears to my eyes -thank you!

  3. How nice to have such thoughtful friends! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Life is all about our people - whether they live with us physically or it's long distance. It's that heart connection that matters. The cards you received are very beautiful and the hands that prepared are as well. Happy New Year to a very lovely lady!

  5. Well my dear Valerie, you are well loved. It's a shame we are all so far away. Life just isn't fair at times. I must say you did get quiet a spectacular collection of cards - they must have looked pretty all together. I'm home today, however I am going to have a glass of champagne. Happy New Year!

  6. Loving all your beautiful cards Valerie. Sending you hugs from the UK, Annette xx

  7. I can't think of anyone more deserving than you Valerie, you are well loved by all of us and for a good reason, you are such a sweet and kind friend! So many beautiful cards you received and all made with loving hands for sure. Thank you for bringing me luck with your Birthday card, a little good Karma came my way for that, lol. Happy New Year my friend. Hugs, ~Diane

  8. A wonderful gallery of cards.
    Sending you a big New Year hug.
    Yvonne xx

  9. What a gorgeous collection of happy cards and tags! Hope you 2013 is much better than 2012!!! Hugs!

  10. Glad you had so many beautiful cards and good wishes, Valerie! See, you are never really alone :)

  11. was für wundervolle Karten Du bekommen hast... eine schöner, als die andere...wunderbar, sie alle zusammen zu sehen! Was eine Freude! Wünsche Dir ein Frohes Neues Jahr ♥ liebe Valerie

  12. Wow! What a load of beautiful art. You must have been thrilled each day the mail came. Happy, Happy!

  13. Lovely to see all of your cards Valerie and you sure deserve them as you are a wonderful blog friend.

    Have a great 2013.

    The very best of wishes to you from Chrissie xx

  14. Wow, what an amazing collection of handmade cards - it's clear that a lot of people think a lot of you!

    With love,


  15. We may not be with you physically Valerie but we're definitely with you in mind and spirit! Thank you for being such a lovely 'bloggy' friend! Here's wishing us all a happy, healthy and creative year. Sending big horlicky hugs! Suze xx

  16. Happy New Year Valerie!
    I too prefer "normality" and am pleased the holidays are over.
    You received some gorgeous cards - handmade is wonderful isn't it? And aren't crafters just the nicest people?
    Hugs xx

  17. These are all so pretty and CONGRATS on winning 1st place with your beautiful card! Wishing you a very happy NEW YEAR!

  18. It all just shows how very well loved you are Valerie! Here's to a very happy new year xx

  19. Valerie,
    You are so well thought of in Blogland that it is of no surprise to see this amazing collection of cards you received.
    You definitely deserve them for the way you are so kind to everyone.
    P.S. Did you say birthday?

  20. What a feast for the eyes, all those amazing creations. You have wonderful friends.

  21. What a lovely group of generous friends you have! That is certainly because you attract the kind of people to yourself that you are. Hugs!

  22. Wonderful greeting cards... enjoy! :]
    Many blessings your way, Valerie.
    You have many artful friends. ~xx

  23. Valerie I echo the feelings of all of the others, you are truly loved and I for one although lately am not commenting or blogging as much as I would like you are often in my thoughts and are one of the most beautiful people I have " virtually " met. It has been a pleasure to visit and share in you life over the past couple of years and I only wish that I could actually meet you in person......who knows one day......


  24. Valerie I echo the feelings of all of the others, you are truly loved and I for one although lately am not commenting or blogging as much as I would like you are often in my thoughts and are one of the most beautiful people I have " virtually " met. It has been a pleasure to visit and share in you life over the past couple of years and I only wish that I could actually meet you in person......who knows one day......


  25. Valerie I echo the feelings of all of the others, you are truly loved and I for one although lately am not commenting or blogging as much as I would like you are often in my thoughts and are one of the most beautiful people I have " virtually " met. It has been a pleasure to visit and share in you life over the past couple of years and I only wish that I could actually meet you in person......who knows one day......



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