
Saturday 20 October 2012

Sharing some pictures!

Hi you all!
As I write this I am sitting watching the sunrise again, but today I will not try running onto the balcony every few minutes for a shot! Had a rather painful night here, my knee wasn't too bad but the rest of me hurts from hopping around on the crutches! I had to do my own anti-thrombosis injection  last night, but as my belly is large enough I couldn't miss even with closed eyes!  It can only get better!

Here are some photos taken from my room at the hospital. I had a lovely view from the sixth floor onto the autumn woods. The weather was lovely, and should give us a great weekend here, too.

Another wonderful sight....and delicious!

The marvelous coffee machine in the kitchen - coffee, milk-coffee, latte and cappuccino at the press of a button. But you did have to put the cup under it yourself!

And the lovely sunrise yesterday....

I am planning a restful day, and hope to do some light crafting later on. Have a great weekend you all, take care, and thanks for dropping in!


  1. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing! Keep RESTING! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Great photos of the trees Valerie especially with the leaves falling on your screen.

    The cake and the coffee machine look most impressive.... I hope you didn't wear yourself out placing your cup in the right place!!!!

    Keep getting better :)


  3. A great view Valerie and thank you for sharing it with us.

    Hope your pain will ease a bit today and you can start to craft slowly.

    Take care love Chrissie xx

  4. Oh those trees!!!! I must say, I do miss the forests - absolutely gorgeous. Sorry you are in pain - crutches can be tricky - using muscles you are not used to using. Hope you have a little fun today in your crafty kitchen. Resting is good - a little rest - a little fun - a little rest - a little fun - like that! take care. big hugs, Donna

  5. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photo's Valerie. Have a good weekend.
    xxx Hazel.

  6. What a lovely setting for a hospital and you were definitely spoiled with your yummy cake and coffee machine - you wouldn't have got that in the UK! Beautiful sunset pics too, wishing you a good day - and take it easy!! xx

  7. Hi Valerie. What an amazing view. The trees look gorgeous this time of year. Not sure about the injections. You are very brave. Do hope you are ok!! Take care of yourself.
    Hugs from us both,
    Florence and Freddie x

  8. Gorgeous photos Valerie and a rather yummy looking cake too.
    Hoping you have a better night tonight but try and rest in the day to catch up on sleep.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  9. Beautiful photos!
    Beautiful coffee machine!
    Not so beautiful that you're having to inject yourself and are in pain.
    Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest!
    Hugs xx

  10. That wasn't a hospital, it was a hotel!! Wonderful photos, what a super view from your window. Giving yourself injections does NOT SOUND MUCH FUN :'o

    As you say, things can only get better.


  11. Beautiful pics, Valerie! Take care :)

  12. Valerie, I am sorry you had a painful night and hopefully today is much better! Beautiful pictures and dessert sure looked yummy! Take care!!

  13. Awww Valerie - having been away I lost touch with what was going on. I am so sorry you are in pain. I've used crutches and they are difficult. I hope you are better soon. I know some crafting will lift your spirits! I will keep you in prayer.

  14. Lovely photos and you're right, it can only get better!

  15. Wonderful photos, and the cake looked delicious. Hope you are having plenty of rests and not over doing things.
    hugs Yvonne x

  16. Terrific photos Valerie, please make sure you take it easy. Hugs Annette x

  17. Gorgeous view! That's the best looking hospital food I've ever seen!

  18. Super photos of the trees. Hope your knee is getting better. x

  19. Hi Valerie. Just popped in to say hi and that I hope you are doing better today. Wow, great photos and that looks delish. You've got an appetite, so that's a plus.:) Take care.

  20. Great Autumn photos, love the colors of the trees! Loved missy k's comment on hoping you didn't get too wore out putting your cup in the right spot, ha ha. It does look more like a hotel resort than a hospital. Sorry you had to give yourself those injections, that sounds awful! Take care and feel better soon!

  21. I Bet you are so happy to be home. Your view from your hospital room is gorgeous. Just look at the beautiful fall colors. So sorry to hear you had to give yourself injections. That has to be tough. You are a strong soul.

    take care my friend.


  22. Are you in a hospital or hotel !!!! If ever i need to have surgery I want to go there, great view, good coffee and scrummy desert only draw back is the pain. Do hope you are feeling better soon.



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