
Friday 19 October 2012

Happy to be back home!

Hi You all!  Thanks again for your wonderful messages of kindness and cheer over the past few days, was great to know that so many people were supporting me! My knee is looking good, looks like a shrivelled pumpkin now, I have a lovely waterproof dressing on it so I can shower, and my neighbour brought me safely home, for which I am very thankful. Got up all the steps with no big problems either, and now I am going to rest for a few hours, as I am totally knocked out!

I want to wish all those partying at PPF and sending postcard's at Darcy's challenge a fun day, I will join in again next week. Hope to be so far recovered tomorrow that I can start with some gently painting and crafting.

And to those ladies who are wondering why I didn't fly home on my new crutches - well, they gave me  leaflet with them which say it is not allowed to hang luggage or bags on to them for safety reasons....Perhaps I can learn some more tricks from Harry Potter first....

I will be back tomorrow with some photos I took while I was in Essen. Don't worry, no horror pictures of my knee!!

Have a great day, take care, and I will be round to visit you this afternoon when I have had a rest!!


  1. Glad you're back home Valerie. Have a good rest.
    xxx Hazel.

  2. Hi Val, glad you are home. Now, as I know you, I am saying: Get off the computer, put your feet up and take it easy!!! Big hugs, Sarah

  3. I did wonder how you'd manage the stairs but I suppose you could always have "shoogled" up on your bum! Take care, big hugs. xx

  4. Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery Valerie and not in flight lol.
    Hope you've had a good rest too and looking forward to more of your lovely crafting.
    Take care too.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  5. Good to hear you are back home. Take care. x

  6. Love your humor!! Flying around with crutches, good stuff there! Glad you are home and doing well! Now just don't go and over do it! Happy Friday! Hugs!

  7. Welcome back, good to have you home again. Get some rest and relax, surgery can take a lot out of you!

  8. Valerie, welcome home!! Rest and recuperate. Sending you ::healing thoughts:: Take care of yourself.

  9. Glad to read you are safely home. Be sure you get all the rest you need and take care of yourself.
    hugs Yvonne xx

  10. There's no place like home :)

    So glad you managed the stairs ok

    Love Karenx

  11. Good to have you home and rapidly getting better. Take it easy though.

  12. So good to hear you are home Valerie and the op is behind you. You really must rest it. My sister in law had the same op and because she felt so much better went and overdid it, now she is suffering. So please don't overdo it, tis not worth it. Hugs and Love Annette xx

  13. Welcome Home! Being in hospital is exhausting even if it seems like everything is done for you. Rest up and don't overdo!

  14. Hi Val, glad you are back home! now just REST!! Hugs, Barb

  15. Sorry I've missed coming 'round this week, Valerie. Hope you are mending and relaxing as much as possible. Very good healing vibes coming your way from New York!

  16. Hooray, she's home! Good to read that all is going well and that your knee is like a shrivelled pumpkin (I so wish you could draw a halloween pumpkin face on it.....).

    Rest up and take it easy, some gentle arting tomorrow will be just what the doctor ordered :)


  17. You certainly took getting into the spirit of Halloween farther than anyone else I have ever known! To go so far as to involve doctors and hospitals to get that stitched Frankenstein look on a knee- that is dedication to the holiday! Glad they gave you good painkillers and took good care of you. Get all the rest you need!

  18. Welcome home, Valerie! Don't try doing too much, just lots :)

  19. Hi Valerie glad to hear your knee op is over and went well. The perfect time for your knee to look like a pumpkin. Take care. Hugs Sandra XXX

  20. I see you didn't lose your sense of humor during the ordeal! Great to read that you are doing well with your pumpkin knee and broomstick crutches.

  21. Happy you are home safe and sound. You will have those crutches in the air by Halloween! Take care Valerie. hugs, Donna

  22. So pleased to hear that you are back home safe and sound Valerie.Hope you recover quickly.

    Love Chrissie xx

  23. Hi Val
    So you have had your operation already? I am glad to read all went well and you are back home in your own comfort.
    What a relief the operation was a success.
    P.S. I spent a little while in Essen many years ago, thankfully not the hospital.


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