
Saturday 13 October 2012

Harry Potter Surreal

Hi you all, hope you are enjoying your weekend. It's cold and wet here, good weather to stay home and craft. Thanks to all who left good wishes for my coming Knee OP yesterday, I was at the hospital yesterday for the pre-op exams, so it can go ahead next week as planned. Depending on what they do, I will be hopping around on crutches for something between 2 and 6 weeks. I'm trying to see it positively - no H*******K and plenty of time for reading, crafting, knitting etc!

This week I thought of a sentence I had read in 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire', which inspired me to do this rather surreal journal spread. I am sure it's not everyone's taste; I'm not quite sure it's mine! But I had fun making it. For those who haven't read the story, they were talking about apparating and getting splinched. 
(Both terms can be looked up on the net). People who don't apparate  carefully are in danger of leaving parts of their body behind when they magically transfer themselves from one place to another....

I used prismalo water colour pencils and stickles to do the eye, the legs, street sign and owl have been collaged, and the houses and shoes stamped.

That's all for today! Have a great day, take care - especially if you are apparating anywhere - and thanks for dropping in!


  1. As a fellow Potter fan I just LOVE it - macabre, yes, but very well done! Have a good day, Hugs, Sarah

  2. Brilliant interpretation of the sentence and love the owl sat on top of the sign-so Harry Potter for sure.

    Looking forward to hearing about your progress after the op-it may make me think about having mine done.

    Take care--love Chrissie xx

  3. Good one, Valerie. I'm aperating over here in Mexico. Like your journal, I'm sure JK would be pleased. :o) hugs, Donna

  4. They certianly are fun pages :)
    Von ♥

  5. Hello Valerie
    Such a clever journal page, love the eyeball!
    Not much of a Harry Potter fan, but I am a big fan of yours... :]
    Wishing you the best, for a speedy recovery, after your knee surgery. ~xx

  6. Brilliant Valerie. I love Harry Potter and I love the eyeball with legs.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. nice fantasy piece today, I totally get 'apparate'!

  8. What a great piece Valerie! Great details, love the shoes, a stamp? Who knew, so cool! The eyeball font is totally cool too. Love how you pieced it all together.

  9. I've read all the books, she is a great story teller, reading the earlier books to the kids at school.
    Love your pages and that eyeball is quite awesome.
    Yvonne x

  10. Wonderful interpretation of the quote!
    Rainy here too, so going to join you in crafting.
    Hugs xx

  11. Valerie

    I LOVE these journal pages they are so quirky. I love the eyeball!!!! The colours are brilliant and the glitter :)

    I am a huge fan of HP - I've not read the books but have seen all the films with my daughter - more than once!!!

    Such a long time on crutches but on a positive note - not doing housework :)

    Love Karenx

  12. Hope your downtime goes by fast and that you have very little pain. Love the eyeball!!:) Have a wonderful day not doing housework.:)

  13. Red and green streaks!? I LOVE THAT - you made me smile - thank you for your visit and this inspiration - makes me want to draw a big eye (love the subtle touch of glitter too ;) xoxo

  14. Ooh, I hope you have a speedy recovery from your knee op. 2-6 weeks of hobbling doesn't sound much fun :(

    Great eyeball!


  15. Oooh, I LOVE this one! And what a great eyeball, just think of finding it on the pavement - eeek! Hugs, Barb

  16. Love the journal pages, Valerie! Sending good vibes to you for next week :)

  17. Quite a departure from what I usually see here--I love it, Valerie!
    It's nice to step outside our comfort zone sometimes.

  18. oh my gosh, i love that eyeball! especially with the animated leaves floating all over it!

  19. Fabulous pages love the house in the background and that eyeball is amazing ! Good luck with the knee operation Valerie.


  20. Sending you hugs and love as am sure you need them all Valerie. Loving your fab pages, surreal and fabulous. x

  21. Cool take on the quote from the book. Fun pages.

    Hope all goes well with your op. x


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