
Sunday 14 October 2012

A new day dawning & Hatters' Challenge

Hi everybody! You may think I am mad to keep taking pics of the sunrise, but it is just so lovely I can't stop! And as I am waking up very early each day just now, long before dawn has even thought of cracking, I have something to enjoy while drinking my coffee. The colours were so lovely yesterday, I'm sorry the photos don't really do justice to them, from deep blue to turquoise, lemon and lilac, and then pink and gold.

And I made some boxes for the hatters Christmas present challenge. I used some boxes I got last year as packaging as templates, placed them on a sheet of red velvet paper, and drew round them. These are just the old boxes. After they were all neatly cut out and fitted together, I decorated them.

I kept to red and silver decorations and embellies. The smallest box is for a gift card, and the others will be filled with toiletries or home made cookies. I have taken the photos of them sitting on my clean and tidy kitchen table. Look well, this is a sight you might never see again!

Here's wishing you all a great day, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Love the dawn photos, and those boxes would make a nice present even without anything in them! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Goodmorning Valerie

    Great pictures of the sunrise again and lovely that you have such a wonderful view of it and share it with all of us--thank you.

    The boxes are just terrific and are a presnt on their own I reckon. Just right for the challenge at the Hatters this week. Always great to have you join in with us.

    Love Chrissie xxx

  3. Gorgeous boxes Valerie and what a dramatic sky. Your apartment will be lovely and tidy for you coming home from the hospital. Take care. Suze xx

  4. I love your sun rise photos, so much depth of colour, well worth getting up early for! Your christmas boxes are fab and will make lovely gifts filled with your homemade cookies!

  5. Gorgeous photos again Valerie and those boxes look stunning in the red velvet with those beautiful embellishments.
    Have a lovely Sunday.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  6. Oh what lovely boxes! Absolutely smashing. The sky, the sky the sky. What a beautiful way to enjoy your coffee. I'm not able to see the sun rise due to the way the house is situated, however the sun sets can be spectacular. Enjoy your day and take good care. hugs, Donna

  7. Gorgeous sunrise pics Valerie I was up early but foggy here but very mystical all the same. Boxes are very festive Fabulous!


  8. Beautiful photo's and I love your boxes.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. What fabulous boxes! They'd look lovely as Christmas decorations.
    Your photos are beautiful too.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. I'm rarely awake that early so I love to see sunrise through your camera.

  10. such lovely photos~
    and your boxes are quite charming.

  11. Fantastic boxes Valerie. Beautifully decorated. Love how you have used last years boxes as templates. I agree with Susie's comment these would look fab as Christmas decs. Great photos of the sky. Thank you so much for sharing with the Hatters again this week.
    Hope you are ok. Take care.
    Hugs, Florence x

  12. Fabulous photos so dynamic wish I had a view like that, as for your boxes , splendid !! They remind me of times gone by, I love them


  13. Fabulous photos so dynamic wish I had a view like that, as for your boxes , splendid !! They remind me of times gone by, I love them


  14. just beautiful boxes! And your photos are stunning!

  15. Your sunrise photos are as gorgeous as your beautiful description of them. The boxes are stunning, I love the old time Santa's and the beautiful red bead trim. The splash of glitter is just right and your kitchen table does look marvelous!

  16. Such gorgeous little boxes love the rich red against the silver. Stunning dawn pics. Thanks for joining us at Out of a hat. Hugs Sandra xxx

  17. You do make the most gorgeous boxes, Valerie!

  18. Hi Valerie,your boxes are stunning,I love the vintage feel to them & I love your dawn photo's
    Thanks for sharing with us at Out of a Hat
    Janet x

  19. They are beautiful Valerie.... a gift in themselves.


  20. I'm actually amazed you gt up so early. :) You have beautiful sunrises. :)

  21. I seem to be sleeping a bit later these days, so thanks for sharing your sunrise!

    The boxes are so pretty and will make someone very happy!

  22. Beautiful sunrises and lovely photos of them - although I hope you get to sleep later soon!

    Lovely Christmas boxes,


  23. Gorgeous boxes, love how you decorated them.
    The dawn photos are beautiful.
    Yvonne xx

  24. Beautiful boxes and the photos are full of colour inspirations, xx

  25. Adorable boxes my friend.i love your sunrise photos also.i have a thing for sunsets here in the lowcountry.please forgive me for not visiting lately.i started working full time and have been trying to juggle my schedule.take care, gerri

  26. Adorable boxes my friend.i love your sunrise photos also.i have a thing for sunsets here in the lowcountry.please forgive me for not visiting lately.i started working full time and have been trying to juggle my schedule.take care, gerri

  27. What a beautiful scene to wake up to! My only few is a block wall, well with plants!! The Christmas collection is gorgeoous and so festive! Hope you are doing well and not worrying! Hugs and sending good thoughts!

  28. If the morning keeps greeting you with such gorgeous colors I could never think you were mad for taking those photos! These are spectacular!- and so are your Christmas boxes!

  29. Ah, tell me about the early morning 'thing'. I suppose this way we get to experience sensational sunrises that others miss out on! I love your xmas boxes. As always, I am always inspired each time I come to visit. x Julie

  30. Hello Valerie... love these boxes!
    You are so talented, thank you for sharing... always. :]

    p.s. I am really enjoying your photos of dawn, what a wonderful way to start your day!! ~xx

  31. Hi Valerie!These Christmas boxes are out of this world fantastic!You amaze Me with your beautiful talent.I love visiting you,to see all your creations.I posted this morning about your beautiful fall tags you sent Me.Drop by for a visit.I haven't heard from you whether or not you received the tea tag I sent you? Hugs to you Denise

  32. Wow! I am so not ready for Christmas, but I sure do love your packaging. Such funky shapes! And all the embellies are so festive... love em!

  33. gorgeous photos val, love your boxes too, well done on you doing christmas things, lol...

    maria xx

  34. Oh what lovely boxes Valerie :)
    Von ♥

  35. Who could blame you of taking photos of such dramatic skies! They look fab.

    Cute Santa boxes too. x


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