
Wednesday 8 February 2012

Post Surprises and a Tag

This week I have had 3 nice surprises in the post, from Donna, Katie and Narda, who often sends such good jokes.
Donna sent me some Valentine images and embellies, packed in a beautiful mail-art envelope. The images are especially welcome just now, as my printer is back home....One of the images has been used for my Tag Tuesday Tag.

The postcard is from katie

Here is my surprise from Narda, lots of bling, and two more cows for my collection:

And here is the tag I made for Tag Tuesday. I painted the tag with black acrylic paint, before adding the image from Donna, some lace, beads and flowers.

Yesterday was the coldest day we have had since thirty years. I had to go out to have some copies made and post a letter, but I was glad to get back here again. In the evening it started to snow, and now everything is white. It's supposed to be getting a bit warmer tomorrow, and then colder again on Thursday, sounds great!

Have a great day you all, take care amd thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. How lovely for you to receive those lovely gifts - I'm sure you'll make great use of all the materials, and Katie's postcard is weird and wonderful!

    Your tag is very effective having the black background, it really makes it 'pop'.

    Wrap up warm. We're forecast more snow today and over the next few days :o(


  2. Hi

    Oh my goodness.... I'm shivering just reading your post!

    Lovely goodies.... lucky you.

    Your heart tag is so sweet...

    Keep warm.... (still no snow here)


  3. Always great fun to have a new influx of goodies. Love the BLING! Katie knows no bounds in the card department and they are always incredibly wild and wonderful. LOVE your tag - the little flowers at the bottom are perfect. From reports here, the whole of Europe is in the deep freeze .. what's going on over there? Stay warm and enjoy your new toys. hugs, Donna

  4. Oh my... how wonderful happy, happy..."MAIL ART"!!! :]
    I really like the tag and the black painted background, good call.
    Thank you for sharing, Valerie.

  5. Lovely goodies Valerie and that postcard is mesmerising! Adore your tag, absolutely gorgeous. It is cold over here but remarkably we have had no snow in the city yet this winter. The weather has certainly gone bonkers. Take care and keep cozy! Suze xx

  6. Wonderful mail art and some fabulous images. Especially love the image you used on your tag.
    Stay warm...our forecast is similar to yours..:(
    Hugs xx

  7. Fab set of goodies! Love your tag, very pretty. x

  8. Fabulous goodies you got in the mail and your tag is lovely.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Gorgeous tag and lucky you wonderful gifts, xxx

  10. Hi Valerie. What a lot of goodies you have received. Should keep you out of mischief for a while! he he
    Gorgeous tag.
    Take care,
    Florence xx

  11. Enjoy your goodies! Love the tag! Hugs, Sarah

  12. Its freezing cold here as well Valerie brrrrrrrrr
    Such wonderful gifts and loving your tag. x

  13. Lovely goodies, the tag is a beauty. Very, very cold here as well.
    Yvonne x

  14. Beautiful tag Valerie, love all the treasures you have received too! So nice to be so well remembered by friends.

  15. Hi Valerie, I hope it is warmer for you today. It is raining here.

    Aren't friends the greatest! Your mail included love as well as images and bling. You've already put one of the Valentine images to use on a gorgeous tag. BRAVO!


  16. Your tag look so pretty. Love the vintage image.. It is always fun getting happy mail.. Looks like you hit the jackpot.. Stay warm my friend...

    Hugs, Linda

  17. Gorgeous tag! Makes me wish for Spring with all of those pretty flowers! You really scored with all of that bling! Yay! Stay warm, Valerie. Hugs to you!

  18. Such wonderful goodies and such a wonderful tag.

  19. Lovely gifts and gorgeous tag! sorry to hear about the weather except it can't last forever! Stay warm.

  20. Sorry I missed a few of your posts Valerie. Are you back home now?
    Your goodies are just lovely from your dear friends.
    Love the tag.
    Keep warm, I think you are getting our winter weather and we yours.
    Hugs Lesley ♥

  21. Hi Valerie Greece is freezing too ! What wonderful goodies you have received and just in the nick of time too ! The tag is sensational and love that fab postcard you received.



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