
Tuesday 7 February 2012

Just a few Twinchies....

Hi everybody, good morning from the deep-freeze! There's no end to the freezing weather just yet, when I leave the house I look like an Eskimo! The session with the chiropractor was hard, first I got pulled, and then hung from a contraption fixed to the ceiling, ouch!! Strange feeling. I offered to sign a confession to avoid further torture, but he says he enjoys it! Glad one of us does, but I hope it will help in the long run!
I just have three twichies to show today, I made another six, but can only find three, so I will have to look for the others later. Now I have to decide which 6 I send to Laura for the Gingersnaps challenge.

So, that was all for today. Thanks for visiting, have a good day, and take care of yourselves!


  1. So ... twinchie-ish! ha ha. Gorgeous - and small - and petite - and I don't know how you do it! hugs, Donna

  2. Oh... poor you! That torture does not sound good! But, hopefully it does some good anyways! :)
    Those twintchies are so sweet! :)
    Have a great day!

  3. OUCH! That doesn't sound like much fun at all, Valerie! Pretty twinchies, I really like the colours and layered look.


  4. Lovely twinchies Val, hope your treatment brings results! Sarah

  5. Don't like the sound of that chiro contraption Valerie, hopefully you will reap the benefits soon! Beautiful twinchies (love the roses), I hope to finish mine this week. Wishing you a good day. Take care. Suze xx

  6. Love your twinchies Valerie, it's amazing how much you can put on such a small space.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. Beautiful twinchies Valerie.
    Ouch to the hanging from the ceiling!
    Hope it does help in the long run.
    Hugs xx

  8. Your treatment sounds like it came from the Dark Ages, hope it helps you. Love the twinchies all gorgeous.
    Yvonne x

  9. Better you than me, having to choose- I wouldn't be able to because these are ALL SO BEAUTIFUL! I love the way you chose your layers of color and textures, just gorgeous!

  10. Ouch again Valerie hope treatment helps you...perhaps you may have been stretched a few.... twinches lol......sorry couldn't resist the pun!!!!\\\\\;-O

    Your twinches are beautiful again today.

    Maggie x

  11. twinchies? sooo cute! you've designed these pretty awesome Val! fitting so much detail in such a small piece.
    hope you feel better soon. xoxo

  12. They are all so gorgeous. I love miniture art more than any other kind and these are so pretty
    hugs june x

  13. oh pretty little bits! And so spring like - not at all like you describe the outdoors right now :) Hugs,

  14. OUCH! Your treatments can't be a lot of fun; however, if they help you it will all be worth your time, aches and stiffness.


    Your twinchies are fantastic

  15. i like blossom and beauty!!!
    stay warm!!!!!!

  16. very pretty twinchies val...

    maria xx

  17. Your twinchies are beautiful! Love those colors; so cheerful! Your chiropractor sounds very scary. And that contraption, even scarier!! I hope it helped you. Take it easy now.

  18. Gorgeous twinchies Val. Do you want me to bash that naughty man?

  19. Cute twitches! Geez you have a time with the chiropractor. I went to one once and then never went back.

  20. Cute twinchies!! Doesn't "twinch" sound like a bad part of that therapy at the doctor?! hee! Hope you're feeling better.
    And, hope it warms up. We need a lil Spring!

  21. What fun your chiropractor sounds like. Blossom one is my favorite - I love yellow roses!

  22. Gorgeous twinchies, so colourful and happy, xxx

  23. Love these twinchies, but OUCH on the Chiro!

  24. Oh my Valerie, did you tell him you were an artist? Maybe he thinks you are one of those (need to be) tortured artists, lol. Love your twinchies, hope it all works out well.

  25. I'm surprised you made anything after your torture session !! Great twinchies ,



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