
Saturday 17 September 2011

The weekend is here.

Hi everybody, it's weekend again. Yesterday I went to my friend Inge's and spent the day with her. I had a very big surprise when I went down to my car, as the windscreen was iced over. This must have been the first frost night here in this autumn. Last Saturday it was 30°, hot and sunny and the temps have dropped a lot, especially during the night. I think I can start looking forward to Halloween!
And when I got back home in the evening I needed to do a bit of crafting. I didn't manage a lot, just my journal, but that was fun. I had some remnants of paint over from the day before, so I smudged them around the edge of the pages using a paper nib, after spraying a bit of diluted re-inker on the pages. And my pages once again reflect the colours of autumn. I added some little drawings in black ink, a few quotes about autumn and some journalling, and that was it. Today I am going to try to do something different. The journal is a good way experimenting, with everything - the good and the bad, kept together, to look back on. Learning by doing.

Ans as it's Saturday, another joke from Narda:

Little Susan was mother's helper. She helped set the tablewhen company was due for dinner. Presently everything was on, the guest came in, and everyone sat down. Then Mother noticed something was missing.

"Susan," she said, "You didn't put a knife and fork at Mr. Smith's place."

"I thought he wouldn't need them," explained Susan.
"Daddy says he always eats like a horse!"

Today I plan on having a quiet day at home, crafting, reading and resting. Hope you all have a great day, too. Take care of yourselves, and thanks for visiting.


  1. Good morning Valerie. I LOVE your journal. It's becoming an integral part of your life and indeed will be fun to look back on. It will be interesting to see how it evolves over time. FROST! I've almost forgotten what that is, however it is capable of 'doing it' here too. Perhaps you will have another lovely warm day today to play. hugs, Donna

  2. Gorgeous Autumn colours here Valerie and love the doodling elements too.
    Hope you have a lovely quiet day, I've got loads to do as I'm teaching a class at home on Monday and have yet to do my demo samples - eek!
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  3. Goodness, frosty mornings already, brrr! Fabulous doodly autumnal pages. Our community has a Gala Day today to celebrate the Samurai Thomas Glover, so fingers crossed it stays dry. Have a lovely day. Suze xx

  4. LOL @ the funny!
    Your journal is beautiful Valerie - I really love your Autumn pages - just waiting for the leaves to start turning here..the nights are def. getting chilly.
    Have a good weekend.
    Hugs xx

  5. Oh an early frost a sharp reminder of things to come. Love your journal page and the bright colourful reminder of Autumn yet to come. XOXO Zoe

  6. Hi Val, love the journal pages, it's been cold here, too! LOL at Narda'a funny! Have a nice weekend, Hugs, Sarah

  7. Good morning Valerie, OOh frosty mornings nooooooo don't need them!! LOL. Great journal pages, love the colours your worked into them. Love Narda's joke, Kids! Have a wonderful weekend. Gay xxx

  8. Ugh, frosty mornings :0(

    Super Autumn pages, Valerie - carry on experimenting, it's such fun!


  9. You do get some of the most gorgeous background colours, Valerie!

    Have a fun weekend!

  10. Whenit comes to colours you can't beet autumn :) and yor are just fab Valerie :)
    Von xxx

  11. Loving you wonderful fall pages in the warm and inviting! happy Weekend! POP ART MINIS

  12. beautiful fall journal pages. Funny joke too, thanks.

  13. Lovely pages Val. Just been looking through all you have made this week; impressive! Love the joke, too! Hugs, Barb

  14. Valerie I am going to sit in front of those pages and soak up that warmth that radiates.
    A definite Autumnal nip in the air here!!!

  15. A beautiful journal spread of vibrant and rich Autumn colours, Valerie which cheered me up no end. Autumn is so nice to look at but it's COLD! Thank you for joining in at the Three Muses.

  16. Love the autumn pages of your journal!

  17. Lovely autumn colours and drawings. Fab way to try out your techniques. x

  18. Loving your Autumn Colors Journal! And The Joke is great! Kids will speak the truth! Lol.Hugs,Tee

  19. I L-O-V-E the autumn leaf tag! The colors are so true to the maple trees we have all over here.
    The painting of your puppy is very good! Animals are hard to paint so you an excellent job. I must agree tho, put back the dark brown shadowy edge. Wish I had your talent with colors!
    Off to get into something around her even if it's wrong! Have a wonderful evening!
    Love and hugzzzz,

  20. I am amazed you have the frost already, especially after last week. Journal pages are such fun arn't they. x

  21. LOL with the joke val..

    as for the frost, can keep it over there please, lol...

    love your journal pages, the colours are fab, well done, hope your keeping well...

    maria xx

  22. Superb autumn flavoured artwork! I love your pieces. They are beautiful and so wonderfully designed.

  23. Oh, Valerie.... your pages are stunning! Makes me want to do nothing but art journal today. LOVE them.


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