
Friday 16 September 2011

PPF and the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Hi Everybody! Another week has been and gone in the wink of an eye, and it's time for Paint Party Friday again, hosted by Eva & Kristin. I want to share a painting I made of my dog *Struppi*, many, many years ago, in 1979. I dreamt of her last night, and in my dream she was looking at me just like she is doing in the picture. She was the best dog we ever had. The picture hung for years at a friend's house, who gave it back to me a year or so ago. The gold round the edges was not from me, someone must have tried to dress it up, I had a dark brown, shadowy edge which I liked better. But I was pleased to get the painting back!

And I would like to share my journal pages which I made yesterday. The pages have been painted with water colours, then stamped using TH *barn door*. I added some Halloween die-cuts and some verses about autumn. I can't seem to get away from this colour scheme at the moment; the autumn colours just make me feel good.

And now for the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY.

The Good - I got a wonderful parcel from Jan yesterday, full of goodies. I was really overwhelmed at her generosity, and will be having fun playing with all my stamps and embellies and other lovely things in the coming time!

Many, many thanks Jan, for a thoughtful and more than generous gift!

The Bad - is dropping some red paint onto the kitchen floor, treading in it with bare feet, and spreading it through the whole apartment. By the time I noticed it it had dried, and I had to crawl round on my knees to scrape it off the floor.

The Ugly - I got post from the town authorities again today. My car had exceeded the speed-limit while exiting the Rhine Tunnel again, and I have to pay 15€. They sent a photo as proof. Now I am wondering - who is this fat and ugly old woman who keeps driving my car too fast?!

Surely this can't be me?

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. Good morning Valerie. I am in love with the painting of your dog. It is gorgeous! Your journal is great, your goodies are incredible and your ticket ... well, what can I say. I would be taking my gorgeous self down to the office and showing them this could not possibly be you .... have a great day. hugs, Donna

  2. Looks like a good dog too. I know what you mean about strangers driving our cars too fast!

  3. What a beautiful painting of Struppi - a gorgeous dog. :)
    Lovely stash - enjoy playing with it. the red paint - hope it all came out.
    And very loud boos to the ticket - that couldn't possibly be you driving!
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs xx

  4. Hi Valerie, love the painting of your dog who looks such a sweetie.
    Love the journal pages too and the lovely words on there.
    Sorry about your mishaps and hope today is better.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  5. Well one thing's for sure Valerie, you don't have a boring life! Your wee doggie painting is fab, his eyes are so real. Love your funny witchie too and lots of new goodies to play with. Have a great day. Suze xx

  6. Super painting of your dog. Looks like you'll be busy playing with all your new goodies.

    Oh no what a disaster about your paint and I'm sorry but I did giggle about your ticket only that I do that when I happen to see myself in a mirror and wonder who the old woman is!! x

  7. I love your dog painting - he looks so lovely and your journal pages are great. I'm sorry but I had to smile at the thought of you crawling about on your hands and knees with red feet. Enjoy your gift and tell that woman to start slowing down before she gets to the tunnel exit. Have a great day.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. Awww I love the doggy Valerie, its so cute. Great journal pages they are wonderfully topical.
    also your stash items from Jan are gorgeous
    I am laughing at your car pic comment, lol i wonder similarly who the fat old woman is who looks at me each time i pass a mirror or shop window is lol

  9. Love your painting of your doggie! Wow! Also, your journal is creative and colorful and great for the Fall! ~Happy PPF ~namaste, Carol ^_^ ( Share the Creative Journey)

  10. Sweet sweet picture of Struppi, you must be very glad to get it back for the happy memories it recalls. Your journal pages are wonderful colours, perfect for this time of year. I like the script background too.

    Boo to the 15 euro fine, but you'll have to use the photo of the blue 'mystery' woman in an art journal somewhere!


  11. That is surely a photoshop. I would complain if I were you. :) Your pooch looks great and It's wonderful that you got the painting back. Love the journal pages as well. Nice rich autumn color. :)

  12. The look of this dog is very successful. Regards

  13. How wonderful to get your dog portrait back after all this time - and I love that she still visits you in your dreams - she looked like a wee sweetie.

    Your halloween journal pages are great - I like that the witch has a pumpkin head! And such detail on the cut out little houses!

    Sorry you tramped paint over your floors and that you got a speeding ticket - 15 Euros isn't too bad though - last time I got a ticket it was £60 and penalty points on my licence!

    Anyway, happy PPF and have fun with all your stamping goodies!

  14. How wonderful to get your painting back even if you dont like the gold frame fab journal work hugs alma x

  15. A lot to look at today! You have been busy. I love your journal pages and you dog! :-)

  16. I can't believe someone would take your car and drive it without permission!! Shame on them!! tee hee. Valerie, your work is awesome as always and I especially love the painting of your dog Struppi. My how we love our doggies. ::hugs to you:: I'm sure it caused pangs in your heart to see that painting again. We love our dogs, I've said it again, we do. Great work, Happy PPF and have a wonderful weekend.

  17. LOVE the doggie painting...and agree the gold was not a good addition, but it is nice that he is back in your good hands! love the journal pages...halloween...bootiful! And that ticket thing...i had the same thing happen to me and am wondering the same thing! How can that happen LOL Happy ppf! POP ART MINIS

  18. HOw lovely that the gorgeous painting is back in your possession again. He has such a soulful look in his eyes :)

    Watch that speed now!!

  19. Your dog painting is lovely - I wish it hadn't been messed with - that would bother me. Your journal pages look great!

  20. Well she is captured so beautifully in your painting. I agree that the original brown framing color would be better and maybe you can fix it! At least you do have this treasure and I know how our pets can just capture our hearts. I had a Border Collie (the one in my pic) that I refer to as my 3rd child. I miss that little guy who knew everything I was thinking and sometimes that was scary! So smart he was. Amazing painting!

  21. Love the portrait of your dog. Too bad they tried to change the border. Nice fall journal pages, I thought the bad was bad enough!

  22. Valerie
    I don't have a dog but I love dogs and I am Auntie to Kyle the westie (my sister and BILs dog) so I know how important a dog is in someone's life. The portrait is very special.
    Haunting Hallowe'en!!! Great journal pages.

  23. How wonderful to have your painting returned, he has such a beautiful character. Great journal pages and wowee look at all those wonderful goodies. Have fun and Happy PPF, Annette x

  24. I love your doggie painting he looks like such a soulful being. And your journal pages look so fun. I hope next week brings you only good and no bad!

  25. It's great that someone thought of giving your painting back! He's cute no matter the border :) The journal pages are striking ~ love the colors & quotes... hope your red paint dilemma is solved, as well as the mystery of the woman in the speeding car ;)

  26. I hope Narda read this and laughed as hard as I did at your joke! Lovely picture of you dog. So many of us have been blessed by Jan's generosity, she is an amazing woman, so glad to know you 2 are friends also.

  27. Oh my... you a speed racer, that just can not be so??! When, hopefully the package made your day, such lovely goodies :]
    I really like your Autumn journal pages, what fun.
    Take care and sending hugs, happy Friday!

  28. How wonderful that you got the painting back. What a sweet looking dog! Love your autumn pages. I don't see enough images like this living in South Florida, so I appreciate them. Happy PPF!!

  29. I 'm so glad your painting of Strumpi has been returned ,, this is such a treasure.Your journal pages are beautiful,, thats funny about the photo,,

  30. LOVE your painting of Stuppi- what a treasure to get it back! Maybe you could paint the dark brown back in over the gold? And I also love your journal pages- I LOVE Halloween!
    Sorry about the paint, I've done that before and yes, WHAT a hassle to clean up!
    I agree with the above- just slow down before you exit the tunnel!

  31. Love the journal pages! And what a sweetheart of a dog. I know you must be glad to have that painting back.

    As for the lady driving your car? Well, one of her fellow evil minions went and posed for my driver's license photo.

  32. How nice to get your wonderful dog painting back! A shame about the paint and ticket though. :(

    I love the colours on your journals pages too. Well done!

  33. How wonderful to have that great painting of Struppi back in your life! "the best dog we ever had" brought tears to my eyes. love the stamps and color combo of your journal, and your "good, bad and ugly" makes for highly entertaining reading!

  34. Valerie, you crack me up with the picture from the police camera! I hate those things,lol! Your portrait of Struppi is sooooooo sweet and I love how you dreamed of her and got the portrait back, it was meant to be! I love your autumn journal pages! I have been hooked on autumn colors too and yes they are very soothing to me right now too!Hugs, Deb

  35. great post today...cracked me up! loved your dog painting alot. take care, gerri

  36. I love your oranges - a beautiful color scheme :)

    Your good, bad, and ugly made me laugh! The bad could be worse... it could have been carpet (I had a cat step in green paint and drag it all through a carpeted house before!). I personally think you look beautiful in blue ;)


  37. What a fantastic story, that you got the painting back after all of these years. It's interesting, you can tell that the yellow wasn't there originally because it just doesn't seem to match the style. Would you consider painting it back to a deep brown? Lovely work!

  38. Hi Valerie. Super dog painting. Lovely that you now have it back. Fab journal pages. Have a great weekend Speedy! lol!
    Regards Florence x

  39. How sweet! Glad the goodies arrived from Iowa, USA to GERMANY :) Hope you managed to get the red paint up!

  40. Love the painting of your dog. It looks like the style of the old masters that hang in museums. Happy PPF!

  41. I love your dog portrait and am so glad you have it back!
    Happy PPF!

  42. Dogs are so good at giving us that look, aren't they? It was kind of nervy for someone to paint over your painting, even just the edges, but I'm glad Struppi has come home. She still looks good even with the gold and you can rub a little dark over it to tone it down if you want.

    LOL at the speeding photo. Those things are designed to make people look bad. I think the real punishment is sending us the photos, not the fine. :D

  43. Love your sweet puppy and your fall colors! I always feel better when the weather cools off after the summer heat, though here in the desert we don't really get the pretty colors you get elsewhere.

    That can't possibly be you! Of course some one is sneaking in and using your car when you are not looking!

  44. What a lovely pup! Glad to hear you had it returned to you and probably the dream was Struppi saying he loves being back home with you. The speeding ticket....I wonder who the gal is???? Hahaha! Loved it, very funny post!


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