
Monday 1 August 2011

Monday and Time for Summer of Color

Once again the time has flown, and it's Monday already! I spent quite a lot of time sleeping at the weekend, and must say, I feel better for it. It means less crafting time, but sometimes it is just important to rest, and this was one of those times.
Today it's *Summer of Color* hosted by Kristin. Our colour prompt this time was orange, so I needed to get used to the notion of painting with orange. I started on Thursday, when I painted 2 orange backgrounds, one of which I used on Friday for our PPF event. I was planning on doing something similar with the second one, and then when I sat down yesterday to work on it, it just turned out differently. I sprayed some more layers on it using a flourish template and some letters and numbers, and after drying it, I drew 2 faces on it, and then started with little scraps to make a collage. I used book-scraps, stamps from an old passport, scraps of printed paper and labels, as well as some random stamping using TH rusty hinge distress ink.

And while I was in an orange mood at the weekend, I altered a canvas which fits both *Summer of color* and GC110, *Gears, cogs and watch bits* over at Gingersnap Creations.I have painted the canvas with some orange structure paint, which has been bubbled and burnt, and then distressed with Stazon brown. I mounted the clock (1€ from the Euro shop) onto the centre, and added watches and watch and clock parts round about it. I had to give this one a name. I am sure you can guess it! Clockwork Orange!

And the clock in the middle really works! My journal for August is nearly finished too, but that will be shown tomorrow! Have a nice day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Clockwork Orange! I remember that movie - living in London at the time. Time flies when you're havin fun. You obviously enjoyed yourself - paintings are great. Love the clock and happy you slept! hugs, Donna

  2. Two glorious pieces Valerie but esecially love the clock and what a bonus it works :)
    Hope your day goes well
    Von x

  3. Ha, ha, Clockwork Orange - love it!!
    Great work as always Valerie.
    Hugs xx

  4. Lovely, cheery colours today! We are off out with the kids again here, how nice (not)! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Oh wow, Val, I love both pieces--and what great challenges!! I adore what you have created for them!!

  6. both pieces are the faces looking toward each other...gorgeous

  7. Both pieces are wonderful! I love the two faces, which feels almost intimate. Clockwork Orange, brilliant take on a very emotive film.

  8. Good morning Valerie have just received from Alex the lovely tags she won a while back the ones she asked if she could send me a couple of . They're gorgeous I love them !Have featured them on my blog please pop over and take a peep ! Loving your orange creations both are hot and spicy ! The second one has amazing texture reminds me of honeycomb. Love the two faces I wonder what they are thinking. Glad you got plenty of sleep.

    Take care


  9. Two fabulous orange pieces! Love the faces you have drawn on the first one..and loving the texture on your 'clockwork orange' :)

  10. Hope all goes well at the docs today and the package I sent to you last week arrives soon.


  11. Pretty oranges today. :) I'm in love with that clock.

  12. Two smashing pieces of Art Valerie. Take care, hugs Annette x

  13. Wowser that steampunk clock is the bees knees x

  14. Fabulous pieces Valerie. The clock is wonderfull.
    xxx Hazel.

  15. Steampunk orange! Great pieces for this week.

  16. Great orange collage, the ladies have beautiful serene faces and the Clockwork Orange is inspired! The textured background really does look good enough to eat! xx

  17. Ha Ha, Clockwork orange, brilliant, it had to be done Valerie, love your orange creations today:0) Hope you've caught up on your sleep, hugs Gay xxx

  18. Great pieces again,the Clockwork Orange clock is brilliant. Yvonne xx

  19. Love you work!!! I need to get out of the box a little.

  20. Wow, you really embraced orange! Your faces painting is very unusual and intriguing. Great work!

  21. Terrific projects... really love the canvas on top. And a working clock, to boot!

  22. I love your orange creations and the clock is definitely a cool tick, tock!

  23. I really like the canvass working clock This is the reason I first came to your blog from GSC and you were bubbling paint I love how you make this work ;0) Dxx

  24. Ha! Clockwork Orange! That's just perfect - and makes me want to get out a blow torch and melt some paint ;) These are fabulous and I think your orange piece could be my favorite yet. I'm so looking forward to your "Show and Tell" - thank you for sharing this with us, xo

  25. Both pieces are just wonderul! I love the faces in the first and the bubbly paint in the second!

  26. I simply love your work, your use of colours & textures are such a talent! Your first piece is stunning...& love the blues with the oranges in your clock piece :)

  27. Hi Valerie. As always great work and lots of inspiring ideas.
    Regards Florence x

  28. Oh my... such yummy colors!
    Love your painting :]
    Adding the book scraps, clever & creative.
    Happy Monday <3

  29. Orange has been good to you!
    I love these Val!

  30. I really like your piece with the faces. I like all the texture and bits of papers that add extra interest. The clock piece is really interesting also. I love all the texture and watch parts.

  31. Fabulous orange. Always love yr pieces that have human faces, so expressive. take care, gerri

  32. Yes the weekend is over and so is Monday, how does that happen?
    Your orange art if fab. Love the clockwork orange, what a great working and conversation piece.
    Take care sleeping beauty.

  33. The clock piece is ROCK and ROLL! I love all the textures and strange little images--especially that gas mask. :)

  34. Oh Valerie! I love your collage, as I am just starting to tinker in all kinds of painting, and collages myself (while still crocheting and scrapbooking whenever I can!)... But that clock just took my breath away! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!! (Great name too!)... Can't wait to see your journal! ~tina

  35. Lovely collages!! Clever title for your clockwork piece!

  36. I love these faces and the mood of the whole piece. Great Clockwork Orange as well. And your August journal above...really cool!

  37. Great pieces!! clockwork orange, very clever! I love the textures in that one.

  38. Both pieces are wonderful!! I especially love the clock and the bright orange!

  39. I love your collages, so vibrant and pretty~ Very clever~

  40. I love both your Clockwork Orange-pieces! Both of them are so fun - I can't choose! :-))

  41. I like so much the clock for the orange...and your page too...this is nice creations...I can't chooose me too...

  42. I love both your orange pieces! A clockwork orange is really a smash!
    Jessi xox


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