
Tuesday 2 August 2011

A big rarity -Sunny Monday

Good morning you all! Yesterday was warm and sunny - all day. Today should be the same. It's summer! But tomorrow everything should be back to normal - cold, rainy and windy. But now we can't say we haven't had any summer in this year!
At the moment I am just tired all the time, although I spent most of Sunday sleeping. When I am tired, I seem to make a lot of little mistakes - like drinking my orange-brown painting water instead of my glass of *Mezzo-Mix* (Cola-orange mixture). It didn't really taste much different, I only noticed it because it was neither cold nor fizzy....But the worst mistake I made Saturday evening. I wanted to make myself a slice of toast with cream cheese. Unfortunately, I had filled some of my large container of gesso into an empty cream-cheese tub as the big one is to heavy to handle easily....And so I put gesso on my toast. I never did much like the smell of gesso, and the taste is not to be recommended!
Anyway, I did manage to finish my journal for August and a mail-art envelope yesterday, without any big mistakes. I am not happy with my journal this month, it has not turned out as I wanted it too, but I don't have the energy just now to start again. So it will stay as it is, and I hope that the next month will be better. There is just enough space each day for a short few words, and enough room to write any quotes or sayings I come across in the course of the month.
I am linking my journal to *The Kathryn Wheel* Journal Challenge

And this is the mail art envelope which will be winging it's way to Greece this week, in the hope that the post out of Germany will be delivered a bit quicker than the post which is being sent here. I don't know what our post or customs is doing or not doing just now, but 2 months and more for an air-mail letter from the USA to Germany is really impossible.

Okay, moan over! Here's wishing you all a great day, take care and thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi Val, just a quickie before we go out. We are going to a safari park today, the kids are very excited! Love your journal pages, and the envelope. Hugs, Sarah

  2. I love your journal page Valerie - reminds me of the 60's and the whole psychedelic thing.
    Glorious mail art too - fingers crossed for its' speedy delivery - our post is much the same at the moment sadly.
    You take care of yourself Valerie and rest when you need to - don't like the sound of the gesso drinking..
    Sending big hugs and lots of sparkles.
    S. xx

  3. The pages may not be what you intended but to me they are great :) and lovely mailart Hummmm think you need to do something about your diet lol
    Rest up and take care
    Von x

  4. I love the look of your page, wacky. Well toast and gesso an interesting combination, lol

  5. Oh Valerie ... I'm so sorry you are not up to par. I can hear it in your 'voice'. Hope it doesn't last long. I actually think your Aug. journal is terrific! Perhaps you will like it better when you begin working in it ... or not. As you say, there is always next month. Gesso on toast, now there's a new one. Perhaps it will catch on in the artist community. Love your envelope .. you do such great ones. Your mail is VERY slow isn't it ... sounds like Mexico. Perhaps we are related (our countries that is) ... in some strange way. Well, m'dear ... hope you have a good day and a better night. Thinking of you . hugs, Donna

  6. Oh dear, you certainly were rather dozy yesterday but your gesso on toast did give me a laugh. Think the weather is partly to blame I too have felt very lethargic the last few weeks (and today it's pouring with rain!). Anyway, I like your journal, love the blue and purple. Hope your trip to the post office is not too much of an ordeal! Hugs Suze xx

  7. Gesso on Toast - yuk!
    Love your journal pages, the images are great, love your mail art envelope as well.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. Love your journal pages they look so alive and vibrant, great envelope as well. Yvonne x

  9. Hee, hee, always a giggle here, even if you're under the weather you deal with it, hugs to you!! Feel better soon but give up the gesso habit!
    I love your August journal pages, very 70's disco but gorgeous colours and plenty of room for your writing. Have a much better day today, oh love the envelope:0) Gay xxx

  10. Love you pages, so vibrant. Hope you don't eat any more art products. :)

  11. I like the idea of the lines to write on - very innovative! Hope you get some much needed rest before you consume any more weird combinations :)

  12. Those August pages are fantastic and I always love your mail art. Please don't eat any more gesso!

  13. Love your august calendar page its fantastic. Like the idea of lines for each day instead of a journal block. Made me laugh about the gesso on toast! x

  14. Love the blue background on your journal pages! I am so jealous that you have cool weather, we are so hot hear I think that I will just wilt away! :-)

  15. I love your blue August journal page - reckon it's the weather making you not see how good it is! Hot and humid here, but rain forecast for tomorrow :(

    Hugs, Carole xxx

  16. LOL, Valerie! I love your journal pages and the envelope art.

  17. Hi Valerie. Sorry, I did have a giggle at your gesso on toast. Great work on your journal page and fab mail art.
    Florence x

  18. So sorry to hear you're still not feeling too great Valerie and hope you recover soon as the gesso on toast does not sound good!
    Lovely artwork as always though and love the art journal pages. Colours and doodling are fabulous.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  19. Hi Val, take care of yourself, I think you sometimes just work too much! Lovely journal pages and envelope! Hugs, Barb

  20. Love the journal page and boy does that take me back in time! The envelope is so amazing! Wonderful art!

  21. Firstly Hope the tiredness thing will soon pass and you will be feeling more chipper ! Secondly yipee !!!!!! That gorgeous maileart envelope is for me I,m so excited !!!!!!!! it is for me right ??? Thirdly your journal I think you secretly wanted to be a Charlies Angel come on don't deny it which one did you want to be Blonde or brunette !

  22. Your dietry mishaps did make me laugh although on a more serious note I hope you can rest up and feel more yourself soon. Love the colours and silhouettes on your journal pages. Just had a though...cream cheese would be fab in place of gesso!!
    Jenny x

  23. Hoorah for the sun! Love yr journal pages today too!

  24. The pages may not be what you intended but I think they are pretty! I just love the color combination! Thanks for sharing!!
    Jen :)

  25. Hi Valerie, it certainly wasn't your best day but you did make me laugh. I think we have all sipped items from our craft table in error; however, I have not eaten gesso on anything YET.

    At least the sun was out otherwise it would have really been a bleak day for you.

    Hope tomorrow is better and your energy returns. I have to say I like your August journal pages because there is room for you to write, plus blue is always a favorite of mine.

    Take care.

    Energy hugs headed your way.

  26. hummmm, gesso on toast. I don't think I'll try it :)

    Gorgeous journal pages, Valerie!

  27. Oh I like it a lot. The concept with the lines along the side is very clever. I will have to try that instead of fighting with fitting the boxes in and getting them straight.

    Stopping by from The Kathryn Wheel

  28. I really like your AUG page it's wonderful bright and stylish I love it. I am sorry to hear about all your wee mistakes time for a rest I think ;0)Dxx

  29. WOW!
    Your August calendar is fantastic... LOVE IT :]

  30. Your blue combo is lovely, and I really like the silhouettes.

  31. What fun pages! Love all those silhuettes. :)

  32. Absolutely loving the journal pages!!!

  33. Gorgeous zingy August pages, really different :-) And thanks for the reminder not to eat gesso, I must remember that LoL!

  34. Oh my goodness, gesso?? Not any worse than making strawberry short cake at a friend's house and using the canister of sugar only to find she had a canister of SALT!! too late. Ruined strawberries.

  35. Lovely pages for August and a clever layout x

  36. I think your page is great. In fact, I might borrow this idea for December when life is hectic and I wont have as much time to do my journal. Hope you soon feel brighter.

  37. i LOVE your journal page..very creative!


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