
Saturday 11 June 2011

Sunny Saturday....and some freebies from days past.

Good morning you all. The sun woke me up very early this morning, perhaps it wanted to play! Looks like it should be a nice day. Then I could either go to the flea market on the other side of town - always very full of everything, or I could walk along the Rhine into our little *town' and drink a cup of coffee,
But first I must tell you a story, about the Post Office yesterday. I walked in - the place was empty - and Mrs Grumpy Drawers said, very friendly, *Good morning!* Never heard tones like that before. Then I showed her my envelope and she opened the flap at the side so I could push it through to her,
+OOOOOOOOOOOOh, how pretty!* she warbled, *Somebody is going to love this!*
*Have you got any pretty stamps?* I asked
+Oh yes, lets see what matches the colours - yellow there , and the blue airmail sticker there - now it looks even better*
*Ye-e-es* I quaked as I gave her the money.
*Bye and have a lovely day* she called after me!
Now I am wondering what happened. Did I imagine it all? Did Aliens come overnight and change her? Did she win in the lottery? I have
no idea. Where has she hidden her dragon? I need to take another envelope on Tuesday, we will see is the change still holds good....
I spent yesterday crafting - what else - bur can't show you what I made till tomorrow or Monday, so I will show you a piece I made at the beginning of the week, which then disappeared under a big heap of papers.
It's an altered canvas, also for the theme *things with wings*, which seems to have kept me occupied this week. But if you are curious to se a bit of what I am hiding and why, look here:

The background has been made with torn strips of paper and then gessoed, before adding a stamped owl - stamped on tissue and then stuck on with mod-podge, and some winged figures. I twas hoping that the whole thing would be it a bit darker, which I would have liked better, but it will have to stay as it it. Next time i will colour the gesso first, that should help.
And now some freebies for you to download. They are the latest fashions from spring 1900. Enjoy!!

The first one shows a cap for ladies to wear after getting up in the morning and before having their hair dressed by their maid. It was, of course, very important, that the man of the house did not see his beloved
wife in a state of disarray. Ladies, please take note!!!

This shows a suitable spring jacket for a girl of 12 years. The next 2 pictures show comfortable play clothes suitable for 4-5 year olds! Poor kids

And the last ones show suitable playclothes for 4-5 year old boys for playing in the garden or park, probably accompanied by a nanny!

Okay, that was it for today, don't forget to get your kids dressed suitably before you let them out, next week I will show some baby clothing!
Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting.


  1. What fun Valerie - are you enjoying being a guest designer?
    I have taken note that DH should not see me with messy hair - now where can I buy a cap like that?lol
    Thanks for the freebies.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. I can just imagine DS's face if I'd dressed him like that!

  2. Sue, buy one of thos mops with an elasticated edge, put a bow on top, and then you should look grand!

  3. No. 1. great piece .. I see you use those wings often .. how, who, when etc.?? They look like wood.
    No. 2. Congratulations on your guest designer invitation! They chose wisely.
    No. 3. Great downloads. Thanks. Funny because I have a couple of things already in draft to share, but I didn't know how. It seems I just put them on as photographs, and my computer does the rest. Is that right?
    No. 4. I now have Habibi dressed exactly as in photo. We will be taking a walk before it gets light ... he said he wouldn't be seen on the streets looking like that and is currently hiding under the table.
    Hugs from Mexico, Donna

  4. Hi Val, just wanted to say hello. P will kill me if he catches me on the computer again! Love the old pics, I could imagine the screams if I tried to put my kids into things like that!
    Hugs, Sarah

  5. Congratulations Valerie. You deserve to be featured.

  6. Hi Valerie, Many congratulations on your Guest DT spot YAY, good for you:0) The PO lady must have had a 'good night' ? Well. no one changes that quickly without a reason. Perhaps you've trained her to appreciate art, it just took a while:0)
    I love your canvas and for me the depth of colour is perfect. Thank you so much for the beautiful pics, you're wonderful:0) Have a brilliant weekend, hugs Gay x

  7. Oh something to look forward on Monday and I've got a day out tomorrow with a friend so it will be here all to soon really LOL

    Gorgeous gorgeous canvas all those pretty winged things love it

    Rocked with laughter about your visit to the post office think we might have to rename you Saint George!

    Thank you for you generous share of wonderful vintage images some really delightful ones here XOXO Zoe

  8. Does Mrs Grumpy have a twin?!!!
    What a beautiful canvas.

  9. Loving your canvas, and thanks for the downloads, my daughter will love those for school! Hugs, Barb

  10. Congrats on your DT spot Valerie, that'll keep you busy and out of mischief for the next couple of weeks! Canvas is gorgeous, I really like the pinks and purples you use. Your post office encounter made me chuckle, I don't know what to make of Mrs GD, maybe she 'googled' you! xx

  11. Your canvas is just beautiful Valerie. And what on earth came over the lady in the Post Office? Maybe it was her birthday ... ?! It won't last - will it?!

    Hugs, and have a lovely weekend, Carole xxx

  12. Love Ya Val!! I hope that in keeping your visits pleasant that dragon lady has come to her senses!? after looking at white all day who wouldn't want a spot of color? Or in your case a color splash! Lol.

    And Congrats!Your work speaks for itself.
    I have always felt for the poor babies who were waddled in clothing! Tight.
    The clothing looks heavy tight and stiff! Ouch!
    I love looking at vintage fashion! It is interesting what women and children had to endure in clothing from certain periods! Thank you for sharing! Hugs Tee

  13. I'm thinking Mrs. Grumpy Drawers has seen your blog :) So nice for a change.

    Your canvas is gorgeous, Valerie! The sneak peek looks fabulous too.

    Thanks so much for the vintage ads, such fun.

    Have a super weekend!

  14. Your canvas is gorgeous Valerie, such beautiful colours. Thank you for sharing the fashion images. I love them.
    xxx Hazel.

  15. wonderful art--I love the depth and texture. thanks for the freebies.

  16. Fantastic wings canvas, love the raised effects and textures. Your gorgeous envelopes must be getting to Mrs Grumpy's soul and spreading a little love and sunshine into her life. Yvonne xx

  17. Congratulations, Valerie, for being selected for the two-week designer at the Cheerful Stamp Pad. I tried to leave a comment on their blog, but Mr. BLOGGER wasn't cooperating.

    Thanks also for the downloads of the fashions from the 1900s.

    Love your art; you inspire me so much.

  18. Lovely work, Val, always something new! Hugs, T

  19. Congratulations on you GD spot am sure your work will be inspirational.
    Love your altered canvas. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  20. congrats and lovely work val...

    as for the woman in the PO, I want a pint of what she's on, if it changes her that quick, lol..

    maria xx

  21. Congrats on your GD event! Thank you so much for the free images..I like the 12 yr old???? cant believe shes 12, LOL. I have copied and will use it in the future. take care, gerri

  22. oh my god, loved the story about the post lady suddenly having a change of heart. Maybe she got some good drugs! hahaha! Take care

  23. Fantastic!
    This altered canvas is wonderful.
    Great artwork, always :]

  24. Beautiful canvas piece! I can't believe the lady at the post office was so nice! Maybe someone she admired at work admired your envelope and she opened her eyes and saw how truly lovely they are, naw, it must have been aliens!

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