
Sunday 12 June 2011

Sunday sketches & some sunshine

Good morning you all. I allowed myself to turn over again when I saw that it was before eight as I woke up, and managed to doze off for over an hour. As I then sleepily got out of bed, I managed to turn over my glass of water, so my bedside table is now shiny clean and tidy.
Yesterday I had a paint day. Mixed up some tempura paints and just got started, so that was fun. There's a new blog event going on called the *summer of colour*, and the theme this week is blue, so I painted in blues. I've been rather hoooked on blues the past few weeks after not using them for ages, and painted a mixed-media self-portrait with *Blaue Gedichte* = *Blue poems*. This is a little pocket book, where all the verses are printed in blue, and have blue as their theme. Some are very sad, too, but it's a little book I love. Anway, I have sacrificed one of my copies - the tattiest - to use in the picture, at least some bits of it. I'd better show the picture, so you know what I'm warbling about, and then I can tell you more.

I have called the picture *Blue self portrait with blue cat and blue poems*
I have painted the hair in different tones of blue, turquiose and purple, and divided the colours with silver, Her face is blue, and she is looking at the book titel. Fragments of the poems are floating around in the picture, and the blue cat is under her chin like a scarf. I won't bother to to translate the poems, anyone who is interested can do it with google. But one of the poems is by Rose Ausländer, a holocaust survivor who died in the Old people's Home where I worked after I had stopped teaching. Her poems are always worth reading though often very hard, very sad, if you can get them English, have a look. I do not usually run around with blue hair - although I will admit to pink and fiery red in younger years . And I would love to have a cat again, althout it would not have to be blue as in my picture. I am entering this painting into *Sunday Sketches* over at Blue Chair diary* and at *Twinkle, Twinkle,The Summer of Colour*

And apart from that I wa not lazy all day. I made 2 mail art envelopes which will be winging their way through the world this week.

They are both completely different, but were,as always, fun to make.
I hope you all have a lovely day, take care, and thanks for visiting.


  1. Rainy here today, a stay at home day so the Owls and Otters are spared our gaze until another day.

    Love your blue collage how lovely to have your favourite poems incorporated. Great Mail Art wonder the lady st. George will make of these. XOXO Zoe

  2. Morning Valerie! Your blueness is beautiful and the mail art is just amazing. Every time I see the mail art, I think "that's it" it couldn't possibly get any better and then TADA!

  3. As usual Valerie your mail art is superb. I love your self portrait, you do these so well and with great originality. Annette x

  4. Love your blue collage, its wonderful. Your mail art is superb. I always wonder what the postman will think when he sees it!!! Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog, sorry I have not stopped by sooner but blogger has been playing up and not allowing me to comment on anyones blog x

  5. Love the painting Valerie. You must be going through a 'calm' phase (I think that's what blue means). As ever, your mail art is gorgeous. Happy Sunday! xx

  6. Hi
    I said previously that your paintings would be amazing stained glass pieces but I've realised they would be so beautiful on silk, turned into scarves or silk wall hangings.
    More fabulous mail art from you.

  7. Beautiful work again. Love your stained glass pictures, I still have the blue baby collage you made for Ronny when he was born, and he still askes if he was really blue then! Hugs, Sarah

  8. Loving the blueness of your painting Valerie (will see if I can get hold of the poems).
    Ad yet more stunning mail art - I don't know how you keep coming up with so many different ideas - they're all fabulous.
    Hugs xx

  9. Easy Sue - my head is stuffed with everything it doesn't need. If you can't get the blue book, I can get it here, and send it you, no problem!

  10. the blue is pretty - mixed with the cool colors - sounds like you had a great day yesterday.
    I love your envelopes, too! So fun - have a great sunday

  11. Oh, I forgot all about the summer of color thing and haven't done my blue painting yet. I really like your blue self portrait! And the mail art! I love mail art!

  12. that blue challenge sounds like fun, you did a great job and those mail envelopes are fantastic too...

  13. Can't take my eyes off the mail art - love them both!

  14. Love all the blues in your painting! Just beautiful :-)

  15. Your painting is beautiful. As always I love your mail art, how much more fun for the postal people than plain old white or brown.

  16. Anyone would be waiting for your mail art envelopes with great expectation. I don't know what to say about the blue art--it is magnificent in detail and creativity and the inspiration for it makes me think you've had some incredible experiences that influence your art.

  17. Love the blue collage! Awesome and full of emotion! Happy Sunshine Sunday Sketches!

  18. What an interesting post, Valerie. I love the thinking behind you 'blue' artwork. I like the combination of stylized self portrait, old papers and collaged images.

    Your Mail Art is, as usual, gorgeous!


  19. she's ally blue but I don't feel sad looking at her - more like a calmness. great blue hues.

    have a lovely day.

  20. gorgeous! your mini book will go out in the mail tomorrow!

  21. Very cool. I have a blue cat - Yuri, my Russian Blue. He's a charmer!

  22. nothing like spilling water to get us to clean up. Maybe I will clean up before I spill water, for it is a clean up day.

    your piece is wonderful.

  23. Nice pieces of artwork. I love your combo of the blue and purple. :)

  24. The blue portrait is really cool. It looks almost like stained glass. Love that first envelope too.

  25. The blue portrait is really cool. It looks almost like stained glass. Love that first envelope too.

  26. I love your blue tones and shades! SO fun! I love your envelopes too. I've never one - great idea!

  27. Love your blue pieces, hope your post lady will have another happy expression [she should] when you pass your gorgeous envelopes into her care. Yvonne xx

  28. Oh, wow! What a wonderful piece full of meaning! How amazing for you to have been with the author of those poems in her later years - what a treat for us too. Thank you for sharing this with The Summer of Color too - I am so happy to have you. Also, if you are willing, I'd love it if you'd link this post again as of tomorrow when the blue week is officially up. I want to make sure we can all see your beautiful piece, Kristin xo

  29. I love your Blue Book. The portrait has a silk painted quality about it with the outlines. And you could get a blue cat, a Russian Blue! Very pretty.

  30. Love the colours you've used. Some of my favourites.

  31. Your mail art is A work of art themselves. surprised they don't get scooped up before their arrival.
    Such thought went into your blue painting. Well done.
    hugs Lynn

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. love the blues with the

  34. Such beautiful creations. I looked at them all for ages :)

  35. Fabulous portrait for our blue week at summer of colour and totally different the mail art is simply gorgeous.x

  36. Wow, such an interesting blue painting ...loving the tones and info behind your inspiration...
    ...and WOW at that awesome mail-art too!!
    Jan x

  37. I love your blue too. Amazing piece of work. Great mail art too. Very clever

  38. I think mail art like this should be compulsary!!!!

    Your blue piece is stunning.


  39. Love your gorgeous painting... and your mail art is divine... fabulous work...

    Jenny x

  40. Beautiful! Looking forward to more.

  41. So glad to see you participating in the Summer of Color! Beautiful work on the painting. I LOVE your style. The blues are gorgeous together. And of course your mail art is fantastic! :)

  42. Morning! Your blue portrait is amazing! I am also in love, in LOVE with your mail art..

  43. This is an awesome post. Your self portrait and blue book have such a touching impact for the week of blue. So beautifully done! Jessi xox

  44. Your blog is BEAUTIFUL! So glad to have stumbled upon you...your work is stunning, & I'm lovin your blue interpretation. Makes for a lovely self portrait :)

  45. Neat portrait! The hair is especially awesome. Lovely envelopes, too.

  46. WOW, when I miss a couple of days, it takes me three to catch up. Crazy wonderful stuff, Valerie. hugs, Donna

  47. how lovely, perfectly lovely,

  48. I really like your blue collage; your mail art is special, too~

  49. absolutely love your envelope art - I may have to expand my horizons....

  50. Wonderful portrait - and I LOVE those envelopes!!!

  51. Lovely art - all of them. Please visit my site, especially this post, an entry to TTS This summer of colour because I've got a shout out (big thank you) waiting there for you.


  52. oh nice self portrait...not easy to use only blue color...I like too your mail cute, rich in color ...

  53. Love your blue painting and the mail art envelopes are awesome!

  54. i love the colour blue, and i love how you use your colours!

  55. Love how you used the book in your painting. Beautiful!

  56. Fabulous collage of color!!!
    I also would love some mail like you created!!!

  57. Valerie, you create beautiful mail art envelopes!

  58. oh, really beautiful portrait. and that mail art rocks!

  59. Fabulous mail art... so much detail and your portrait is really cool.


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