
Sunday 5 June 2011

Some Freebies and Blue Chair Diary Sketch Sunday

Good morning èverybody. It's nearly 10 a.m. here, and I just rolled out of bed - what is the world coming to! I slep well two night running, that is a wonder. That must be thanks to those who wished me another good night's sleep, thank you!
Today it is Blue Chair Diary Sketch day so later I will be showing you my sketch. But first I have 4 vintage pics for you to Download. They are all taken from *Der Häuslicher Rathgeber* von 1899, magazines with stories, fashions, adverts and tips just like now, but a bit different.
So here are your pics, hope you can use them:
You are very welcome to download and use them in your projects!.

Now to my pictures for *Sophia's Blue Chair Diary, where it is sketch sunday today. I drew a self portrait and then coloured it with water colour pictures while I was feeling very down, and have called it *depression*. It's not a nice picture, but I think we sometimes have to record things as they are. These pictures are not for downloading, not that anybody would want to, just saying after the freebies! The first one is after drawing, the second one with some colour added

And just so that you don't all feel too sad now, here's another little joke from my friend Narda:

Women over 50 don't have babies because they would put them down and forget where they left them.

One of life's mysteries is how a 2-pound box of chocolates can make a woman gain 5lbs.

My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely.

The best way to forget your troubles is to wear tight shoes.

The nice part about living in a small town is that when you don't know what you are doing, someone else does.

Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today.

Sometimes I think I understand everything, and then I regain consciousness.

I gave up jogging for my health when my thighs kept rubbing together and setting fire to my knickers.

Every 7 minutes of everyday, someone in an aerobics class pulls a hamstring.

Amazing! You hang something in your closet for a while and it shrinks 2 sizes!

Skinny people irritate me! Especially when they say things like..."You know, sometimes I forget to eat!" ......Now, I've forgotten my address, my mother's maiden name and my keys. But I have never forgotten to eat. You have to be a special kind of stupid to forget to eat!

A friend of mine confused her Valium with her birth control pills...she has 14 kids but doesn't really care.

My body is not all that communicative but I heard from it the other day after I said "Body, how would you like to go to the six o'clock class of vigorous toning?" Clear as a bell my body said "Listen it and die."

The trouble with some women is that they get all excited about nothing and then they marry him.

I read this article that said the typical symptoms of stress are - eating too much; impulse buying and driving too fast. Are they kidding? That's my idea of a perfect day!

So, here's wishing you a perfect day, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. ROFL @ the funnies - priceless! Thanks so much Val.
    I love the self portrait - I think you're right that we need to document the bad times as well as the good - they're all part of who we are.
    Thanks you so much for the freebies too - I'll be able to use them.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. hope you don't mind if I copy the funnies and post them on my blog - spreading the cheer!

  2. That is always allowed, give people a laugh! Have a great day!

  3. OOOoo .. thanks for the gorgeous freebies, Val. I will definitely enjoy them. I love the reason women over 50 shouldn't have babies ... WaaaaHHhahahahaha! So true. Your painting is wonderful .. I agree .. it's so good to document the bad and the good. The thought that we can be 'happy' 100% of the time, is just so 'wrong'. Hope you have a lovely day. Happy you slept. Take care, big hugs, Donna

  4. great sketch!! thanks so much for the freebies!!!!

  5. Thank you our generous friend for sharing the laughter and those lovely vintage images. Your self portrait is brave you are sharing such a big part of yourself thank you. XOXO Zoe

  6. Thanks for the fabulous freebies Valerie - they're really gorgeous.
    Your paintings are beautiful even if they're sad and it's so lovely of you to post the funnies afterwards as they made me giggle (much needed after talking about finance with OH)

    Wishing you a perfect day too (that song has now sprung to mind - you know the one I mean?)

    Hugs, Fliss xx

  7. Have a great day Val, hope you soon feel better, it wilol pass. Hugs, Sarah & Kids

  8. Well there I was feeling a bit sad after looking at your picture and then you picked us up with all the jokes! Hope you feel more perky today.

  9. Oh my goodness Val your eyes look dreadful, definitely lack of sleep. I love your self portraits as you know but this one appears to totally reflect your mood.
    I can so relate to the saying My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves
    Enjoy your day and keep up with the good sleeps. Annette x

  10. Hi
    Wonderful freebies, thank you.
    You are very brave to paint such a picture but that is why we love you Valerie, nothing is sacred, you face everything in life face on whether it be from your dreams, etc.

  11. The song "where did you get that hat" immediately came to mind with your vintage pics. They're fab, I'd love to step back in time. You certainly look very sad in your painting (but I like your dangly earring!). Happy Sunday. xx

  12. Hi Valerie! Gosh, depression is tough, I know, and having grown up from the family I come from, it's tough to shake off; but I do my very best not to let it rob me of what precious life I've got! Glad to hear you're getting some sleep! Thank you so much for sharing your vintage images, AND the jokes; and hope you're enjoying the rest of your weekend! ~tina

  13. lovely vintage photos and you look beautiful in your self portrait, even if it's a depressed version.

  14. Love the vintage images. Gibson girl types are so wonderful. I also love your sayings...many true, gave me a good morning chuckle! :-)

  15. Oh, I forgot to mentions, I love your self portrait! :-)

  16. Good Morning, Thank you for the images, they are beautiful. I really like your self portrait, who said art always had to depict Happy? Art can express many emotions and it should. Thank you also for the laughter, I needed a good laugh this morning.

  17. Thank you so much for the freebies, they are wonderful!

    Your sketch is very moving, Valerie! Amazing how you can capture a mood with pen and paper. Hope you have a wonderful day, my friend.

  18. what beautiful vintage images...thanks for sharing. the jokes are funny, too!
    I like your sketch, it does capture the feeling of depression very well...hope today is better for you...
    it does feel good to draw moods helps! :) enjoy your Sunday! hope it is happy! xo

  19. Definitely captured a mood there - you should do another with her expression after she read those funny lines!

  20. LOL...enjoyed the humor! Thanks for sharing! Your sketch definitely captures what you intended! Very moving! Hoping you have better days and you able to keep getting a good nights sleep!

  21. I like your portrait!
    And like this one:Sometimes I think I understand everything, and then I regain consciousness.
    oooh, I feel this way lately. :0)

  22. Thanks, Valerie, for the downloads. The second one is so beautiful!


  23. fab sketch val and the funnies, lol...

    maria xx

  24. Powerful depression drawing. The jokes definitely helped cheer me up afterward. Happy Sunday Sketches! :D

  25. Valerie you are so lovely to share those beautiful images. I love your portrait, the eyes are extraordinary and totally agree with the feel you managed to project in the portrait. Excellent work my friend
    hugs June xxxxx

  26. great art and great laughs! Thanks for the freebies and the fun!

  27. Know how you feel, hang in there...hugs.

    Great funny lines, made me smile. Some of them you could even use as amusing sentiments on cards. CoB

  28. I am so glad you shared your depression drawings with us - very powerful in line and color.

    Your jokes made me laugh out loud... the perfect way to end your post and the perfect way to end my day (it's bedtime).


  29. Loved the Narda quips! Your pictures really capture the sadness in her eyes, well done. Thanks for the free images too.

  30. Well Im back from my long weekend visiting my daughter, so I have alot to catch up on. You always make my day with a little laugh in the morning! Love your sketch and painting. Thanks for the vintage images too, I am always looking for them to use! Love the hats.take care, gerri

  31. What a wonderful sketch, love it!
    Thank you for sharing the free vintage clip art.
    Take care.

  32. Thanks for sharing the vintage images! I have a similar set of French ones which I will be sharing.

    And I agree with showing the bad with the good - who is to know us if we only show the one side? I try to "like me" -and the me I am is the result of the bad and the good. LOL Now if that doesn't sound a bit deranged!!

  33. Hope you are feeling perkier by now. I apologize for the delayed responses. Between my father and then not able to comment for awhile after that due to a blogger issue. :)

  34. Very powerful self-portrait, Valerie. I LOVE it.

    Your funnies had me laughing out loud because I can identify with so many of them. ;)

    Hugs to you!


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