
Monday 6 June 2011

A Mixed Bag for Monday....

Good morning evereybody. Today the sun is shining again, and I am happy to say I slept well, which helps enormously. Had another crafty day yesterday, while listeneing to the thunder rumbling, as it was a hot and sultry day, and the rain did cool things off a bit.
I made a mini book, 4x3", with covered chipboard covers, and it ended up completely different than I expected. I don't plan things through, just sort of take it as it flows, and yesterday it flowed in a different direction, but I think I like the results. Here it is, as a slide show, so that this post does not grow too long.

Then I have three tags that i made last week, but never got round to showing.
The first is made of cardboard, painted with acrylics, *bubbled* and then decorated with a beaded bird and some matching roses.

The second one has been made for *The cheerful Stamp pad*, where the challenge is a *Special occasion*, and this one has been made to attach to the present for a newly born baby girl, Lillith Devorah. I have once again used cardboard - one old box makes a lot of tags - covered with some backing paper from Dezina World, distressed, and then embellished with a vintage scrap picture, some prima fabric leaves, and some other bits and bobs.

And as it's Monday, another little joke to finish:

Teacher Arrested

NEW YORK -- A public school teacher was arrested
today at John F. Kennedy International Airport as he attempted
to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor,
a set square, a slide rule and a calculator.

At a morning press conference, the Attorney General said he believes the man is a member of the notorious Al-gebra movement.

He did not identify the man, who has been charged by the FBI with
carrying weapons of math instruction. 'Al-gebra is a problem for
us', the Attorney General said. 'They desire solutions by means
and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in search of
absolute values.'

They use secret code names like 'X' and
'Y' and refer to themselves as 'unknowns', but we have
determined that they belong to a common denominator of the axis
of medieval with coordinates in every country.

As the Greek philanderer Isosceles used to say, 'There are 3 sides to
every triangle'.

When asked to comment on the arrest,
The President said, 'If God had wanted us to have better
weapons of math instruction, he would have given us more fingers
and toes.'

White House aides told reporters they could
not recall a more intelligent or profound statement by a politician.

Have a nice day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Love your album, and the tags. And the joke gave me a god laugh, too. The kids are at school, P is out, I'm enjoying being on my own....Hugs, Sarah

  2. Smashing tags Valerie. Annette x

  3. Love the elephant at the end of your book (you're so clever setting up these slideshow thingies) and the tags are beautiful. Happy Monday. xx

  4. I have to say, your little book today really captured my heart. I had to go to your photograph site, take my time and look at the pages one by one. The details is incredible. Where you get these images is beyond me! The wolves are amazing ... well, all of it is amazing. YOU are amazing! The tags are both wonderful and so different. Love the bird one .. a little off the wall. I like it. And your joke for the day ... what can I say .. I'm still moaning. xxHugs from Mexico, Donna

  5. Love your tags so bright and cheery on this dull day :)

  6. Brilliant gag the very best kind!

    Adore you little book each collage is a work of art making this yet another treasure.

    Glad you are feeling better XOXO Zoe

  7. Just gorgeous work Valerie. Love everything here.
    I'm now crying with laughter over the joke which is the best one yet!
    Have a great day and send some sunshine here as it's nasty and grey.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  8. Hi Valerie, WOW a slide show now, I'm so impressed, your book is really special but I adore your baby tag, it's stunning, Thanks for the joke it definitely tickled my funny bone:0) and Thank you so much for your kind comments, Gay xxx

  9. Your book is just fabulous. And dI really do LOVE your tags! They are so beautiful and colorful!

  10. Terrific projects, the colours absolutely fantastic. Thank you for joining us at the Cheerful Stamp Pad.

  11. Hi
    The slideshow is such a clever idea and what a wonderful mini book.
    Great tags as always.

  12. Well that mini book is soooooo gorgeous, Valerie! What do you do with all this gorgeous books?

    I also think you are becoming the queens of tags, they are magnificent!


  13. BEAUTIFUL! BEAUTIFUL! BEAUTIFUL! So many wonderful new pieces!

  14. Love your mini album especially 'the end'. Your tags are gorgeous and your funny has left me smiling again.
    xxx Hazel.

  15. Gorgeous album and I love those tags!

  16. Im always so impressed with your books so much texture and detail...but its your tags that I adore. Gorgeous images and lovely colors. so lovely!

  17. Your mini book is fabulous... love the slide show!

  18. Totally lovely work on show today, Valerie, the book is a work of art, and the tags are gorgeous. I get fed up of using those words all the time, but they really apply to your photos.

    Loved the joke, had me giggling. Glad you slept well, have a good day. CoB

  19. My oh my... I see a tag created out of cardboard! :]
    The colors are fabulous, great artwork!!
    Happy Monday...
    Thank you for your lovely comment on my daughter Graduating today <3
    Got a big day ahead.

  20. You've been busy, and I love everything you have here today! The mini book is wonderful. Well done! And the tags are beautiful! I'm particularly fond of the bird! I sent the math joke to my (probable)future son-in-law! He majored in math, and is now a teacher, so I'm going to pass-on the smiles! Enjoy your day! ~tina

  21. I love your little book, there's so much going on in it and your tags are stunning xxx

  22. Lovely tags, really pretty.

    Hugs, Carole xxx

  23. Love your little book, so many details to look at. Had a chuckle at your Monday joke. Yvonne x

  24. Great joke Valerie - well, it made me laugh. :)
    Love the mini book - especially the wolves. The tags are both beautiful too.
    Hugs xx

  25. Valerie,you have convinced me to try cardboard boxes for tags. You have made several that really bring out the texture,

    No art for me today -- laundry, shopping and cleaning.

  26. I love your tags and your joke is hilarious! I'm going to have to pass this one one!

  27. Fabulous new baby tag. Loved your joke too. Thanks for sharing your art in the Cheerful Stamp Pad challenge.


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