
Thursday 10 October 2013

Patchwork, Frames and Photos

Hi everybody!
For these pieces I have used Jessica Sporn's 'frames' stencil.
I used Viva paper colour for the background, and purple metallic for the frames. The photos are from a photo-booth strip from way back in the seventies, dig those shades! The quote means something like 'Better to be painted by Picasso than scarred by fate'
I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.


I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, 'she art'
The second piece has been made using another frame from the same stencil, and with the So Artful challenge 'Patchwork' in mind. I stamped the squares using the stamp-pads - dried marigold, rusty screw, wild honey, forest moss and barn door -  directly on the paper . I added frames to some of the squares, and stamped some with a leaf stamp, which was a free gift many years back. I added some faux stitching to some of the squares and decided to stop there before it got too full.

I am linking to So Artful challenge blog - patchwork.

And here a few photos taken at the Rhine today, on a grey and misty day:
 The ancient stairs used to lead up to the mill:

The top got blown off the mill a couple of hundred years ago:

That's all for today, take care, have a good day, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Must comment on the photographs first as they are terrific. Love the mysterious steps pic. I would have had to climb them to investigate :)

    Wonderful idea for the journal page and the quote is fantastic.

    Now to the patchwork this is inspiring for me as I am just learning to sew patchwork and haven't a clue how to fasten things together in any sort of pattern. Now I am wanting to try this overlapping--not seen anything like it before so you may have started a trend :)

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  2. Morning Valerie, wow, I am loving your patchwork art and your photo booth pics did make me laugh, why did we always have to pull funny faces! Lovely photos too, it's wild, wet and windy here today, definitely time to dig out the vests! Xx

    1. Freezing here, too, I am already totally wrapped up in woolies!

  3. First of all I love the photos, I always enjoy seeing your neighbourhood.
    But the patchwork, it's fantastic, I knew you would make something inventive. The way you have stamped the squares then the pretty frames then the leaves, and I really like the overlapping. Terrific artwork Valerie, and it's splendid for the Soartful challenge. I love the colours and their description too. Yes, I LIKE IT!

    1. Thanks Sheila, it was fun to make, just playing around and layering, and seeing what evolved....

  4. I love this Val, I still have the photos we took together with Wendy waaaay back when! Great art work and lovely photos, Gorgeous colours on the patchwork! Hugs, Sarah

  5. boah.. die Seite mit dem Picasso - Spruch macht ganz schön was her... toll!
    würd mich direkt interessieren, wer der das da auf den Passfotos denn ist...

    Deine Patchworkumsetzung finde ich auch perfekt gelungen ..

    danke liebe Valerie, dass Du immer so viele Ideen zu unseren Monatsthemen hast und sie so genial umzusetzen verstehst!

    xxx Susi

  6. Your patchwork piece is fabulous and I love your photo-booth photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. Tolle Umsetzungen der Challenges, und mit den Fotos vom Rhein hast Du mir eine große Freude gemacht. Ich hab als Kind direkt am Rhein gewohnt, das war eine tolle Zeit und daraus ist eine Liebe fürs Leben entstanden.
    Liebe Grüße Anja

    1. Der Rhein ist immer sehr faszinierend, ich finde immer was neues dort!

  8. Gorgeous projects! I love the Fall patchwork!

  9. The old photo strip is wonderful - and your patchwork piece is smashing - gorgeous colors - what a great idea. I always love it when you post pictures of your walks. It is the next best thing when someone cannot be there! Isn't it time for more soup!!

  10. Neat wonderful colors. Great job.

  11. Wow lots to see ! Beautiful designs love the frame around the photos and the bright patchwork is gorgeous. Beautiful photos as well, thanks for sharing. Shirleyx

  12. wonderful work with those beautiful stencils and the photos are a treat!

  13. I like your work is amazing!!!

  14. Fantastic projects & photos.

  15. I especially like how you used the frames in the second piece--very creative! I enjoyed the photos of the Rhine. It looks like an interesting place to explore.

  16. Gorgeous Patchwork, the stencil frame is super. Loved the photos of the Rhine.
    Yvonne x

  17. And you as well my friend! SO happy to be hopping with you :) - love your stencils (and the purple!) and your pictures are gorgeous! xoxo

  18. Love the stencil and your use of it!

  19. Love the way you used the frames stencil! Thank you!

  20. I'm so glad you did another "quilt" What a wonderful idea, to stamp all the different "patches"! I love your photos as well, always enjoy coming here. Thanks for being Soartful with us!

  21. Great use of the stencils!! Very pretty!

    Hug Giggles

  22. great photo booth idea and love the patchwork. Thank you for sharing those wonderful photos, you live in such a beautiful place. Happy PPF, Annette x

  23. Valerie, diesen Spruch liebe ich ja. Ich glaube, auf Deutsch macht er mehr her als auf Englisch wegen der Worte "gemalt" und "gezeichnet". Das geht im Englischen irgendwie verloren, ne?
    Witzigerweise dachte ich, das sei John Lennon auf den Fotos..... *lol*
    Deine Patchworkseite sieht richtig toll aus, die macht mächtig was her. Wunderbar!
    Und die Bilder sind -wie immer- traumhaft schön. Am besten gefällt mir ja diese Treppe, das hat was. Sollte man evtl. mal malen...

  24. Beautiful and very creative post Valerie. Thank you for sharing.

  25. Those stencils are so cool, and your retro pictures in them look just right! I also love the photos of the Rhine. 'Makes me want to to do more traveling!

  26. Die Seite mit dem Spruch... super und creative Idee!! Einfach toll!. Die Patchseite hat wundervoll harmonische Farben. Auch die Fotos sind sehr schön und stimmungsvoll!

  27. Wonderful to see your part of the world...
    we are having a few days of rain here too in Virginia, USA (we really need it!)
    Great use of frames and fun photos in your first piece and your fall leaves are beautiful too

  28. Excellent compositions! I love those precious photos!

  29. Love your funny photos, and the patchwork, and, of course, the photos of the Rhine! Hugs, Barb

  30. That stencil frame is so cool...and I LOVE the pics you posted, especially that staircase. HPPF!

  31. Oh my, wonderful quilt!!! Thank you for playing along!
    I also enjoyed seeing your fun blog!!!

  32. Wow..fantastic..wonderful energy! and I am very drawn to second piece.. the patchwork of Autumn stunning and magical..pure beauty! Visually-Gorgeous and meditative for me!! and lovely scenic photos..inspiring!
    Wishing you a magical wkd!
    Happy PPF!

  33. Your project look great. I always enjoy seeing what you create. And I enjoyed your photos as well.


  34. love your fun frames and the patchwork page! Your scenic photos are gorgeous too!

  35. Yes , very nice semi-abandoned that ladder !

  36. Love the effect those stencils have. Great work. Nice job on all and I especially love the patchwork page. Thanks Valerie. Have a great day.

  37. Very cool mixed media pieces! Happy PPF!

  38. Brilliant patchwork piece Valerie ! :)
    Von ♥

  39. Super fun pieces - I love the background color on your photobooth frame piece! And, the patchwork leaves are perfect for Autumn (very cool leaf stamp... even better that it was free! hee hee)

  40. Love your original patchwork pieces, quirky and great!

  41. Both projects are great! Really love the patchwork one. Very creative use of Jessica's stencil.

  42. Love it all as always, you are so very talented! ~Diane

  43. The patchwork piece is quite something, Valerie. Very beautiful. Thanks for the photos - the steps are my fave. Hugs, Donna


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