
Friday 11 October 2013

ATCs, photos and a little giveaway.

Hi everybody!
Hope you all have something good planned for the weekend. It's cold, wet and windy here, so apart from taking my walks each day I will stay home, cook, do some knitting and play in my arty kitchen. And perhaps I will back a carrot cake, as I dreamed of eating carrot cake this week, and woke up very disappointed when it was not there. Ah well, the dream was at least free of calories.
I have made a set of 3 ATCs for the Craftroom Challenge.
I am also linking to Manon's Paper Saturdays.
I used some of the pretty Halloween paper that Donna sent me, and mounted it onto some scrap pieces of black card. The middle one is showing Miss Araminta, a wonderful stamp from Catherine Moore. I wanted to stamp another bird, but Miss A. started complaining that she had been in the cupboard for months, so I let her out to play. She has been fussy cut, and dressed up for Halloween with a smart hat I made for her, and a magic wand. The right ATC has been made using images from Gecko Galz, which have been coloured, fussy cut and given a coat of paper glaze to make them shine. I rolled the pumpkin over a pen to give it some form. The embellies on the left ATC, and the broom, were gifts from Donna.

And here a group photo with our resident witch, Miss Fitt.
(I was taking the photo!)

If you would like this set of ATCs and the bony hand necklace, please leave a comment and tell me so. I will pick a winner on October 15 at 8 AM German time.

This was the view out of the window yesterday morning, I just love the depth of the sky and the varying colours.

A view through the trees in the park:

And one of my favourite spots along the Rhine here:

The gate leads to the back yard of the hospital:

The little alley connects the Church close with the 'main' street, I love the play of light and shadows on the bricks of the old wall.

And here the shadow of the lantern on the wall caught my eye:

That's all for today! Have a good one, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. i love the bird in the dress it is wonderful. I would like to win the necklace a ATCs because of the delicate wit and humour displayed.EE

  2. Love your photos..we visited the Rhine many years ago and had a boat trip on the Mosel.

  3. Miss Araminta was wise to raise a ruckus to get out of the cupboard--she looks spiffy dressed in her Halloween dress & I would love to be entered to win your aceos! Enjoyed all the photos, too!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. I love your fun ATCs and the creepy necklace, and would love to win, of course - who wouldn't? Hugs, Sarah

  5. Oh Valerie, was ein inspierender Post voller schöner Bilder und Eindrücke...und weil Du fragst...jaaaa ich will gerne der Gewinner sein der ATCs :D ...ich bin aber ganz und gar beeindruckt von Deinen Fotos...So gestochen scharfe Bilder voller wunderbarer Farben...Du hast sicher eine Mega-Kamera ;) ich liebe die alte Mauer und denLaternenschatten und das schöne Muster des Tores...LG ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  6. I'd love a chance to win those ATCs!!! And gorgeous photos, the skies are beautiful this time of year. It's Thanksgiving weekend in Canada, so lots of turkey!

  7. Fabulous ATCs Valerie, I love the one with the crow, thank you for sharing them with us at Craft-Room Challenge.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. Would love to win too! Halloween ATCs are my favourite! They're all so cool too. Very nicely done. Your photos are lovely. I really love the one of the tree with changing leaves.

  9. Fab ATC's Valerie, it's great to see Miss A again! Please put my name into the cauldron for your giveaway and save me a slice of carrot cake please! Xx

    1. I will at least think of you when I am eating the carrot cake....okay, don't want to be mean, I'll save you a slice!

  10. Loving Miss A got to come out and play, great trio of ATCs. Thank you for sharing at the Craft Room challenge. Wishes, Suzanne x

  11. Amazing photographs as always Valerie and the gate one is fabulous.

    Love the ATCs with their bold images and humour. Please add me to your list of hopefuls

    Have a great day

    Chrissie x

  12. Deine ATCs sind wie immer super mit ihrem skurrilen Humor, den ich sehr an dir mag.
    Aber mein absoluter Favorit des Tages ist heute der Baum im roten Kleid. Traumhaft!

  13. wunderbare ATCs sind das wieder -- Du Stempelhexchen!
    Deine Fotos sind beeindruckend schön !
    Valerie hab ein schönes Wochenende - ich hoffe sehr, dass es Dir auch wieder ganz gut geht!
    knuddle Dich!

  14. Loving your Halloween theme..gorgeous, just right for getting us in the mood.. :)

  15. Where to start? Awesome your halloween ATCs are brilliant, so glad you made all three and shared with us. Once again you have taken some stunning pictures that sky!, just want to dive into it. Thank you for once again sharing your art with us at Craft-Room Challenge XOXO Zoe

  16. Your ATCs are beautiful Halloween creations. Your photography is gorgeous ! You have nice scenery around you! Have a wonderful crafty weekend ! Shirleyx

  17. Fantastic set of ATC's, it good to see Mrs A again. love the photos you shares.
    Have you baked the carrot cake yet, it sounds delicious.
    Yvonne x

  18. Do I want your ATCs - I would love to have them. My favorite is the bird all dressed up for trick or treating. She is a real hoot Valerie! As you know, I love it when you post your pictures of your walks. You definitely have an artist's eye. Now, how about a picture of your carrot cake! Isn't it time to make some more soup!!!!

  19. Wow, What a question, of course I would love to have them. A very generous giveaway too. I love those fabbby pictures and the the sky one would be beautiful as a background. Hugs Rita xxxx

  20. Love that little ATC with the bird in the pretty dress!.. My favorite! Please do count me in for your giveaway drawing!.. Thank you, Valerie, and have a great weekend! ~tina

  21. Your ATC are wonderful little pieces of ART.. You did a great job with them.


  22. Your ATC's are so arty! The embellishments are so unique. The necklace is JUST right for Halloween! Thanks for the chance to win.
    Grandma Nancy Sapp

  23. WOW,das sind richtig coole ATCs,und die bilder sind traumhaft,besonders deise alten türen mag ich besonders.
    GLG Jeannette

  24. If a stamp wants out of a cupboard you have to pay attention. It's a lovely set of ATC's. What a fantastic gate, thanks for the little outing.

  25. I love your ATC collection and would love having it, so please count me in. As to your photographs, they are stunning. Blessings, my friend!

  26. Wow.
    The ATCs are charming, and the necklace, very cool! I wouldn't mind winning at all!
    And your view … so beautiful.
    And that hospital gate … LoVe it!

  27. How weird before I read your blog post I had just finished making a carrot cake !!!!! really spooky ! So if you've eaten yours maybe I could send you and Suze a slice of mine ! Fabulous atc's and I see you have used my favorite stamp the bird lady I adore her and she looks splendid in her frock ! Thanks for those magnificent photos the colours are amazing . I wouldn't mind be put in the cauldron for a chance at winning if you have any rom left that is!


  28. my cauldron, your cauldron - always room for friends!

  29. Thank you for sharing this cute, creepy and fabulous ATC cards at Craft-Room Challenge, welcome again;-))m

  30. just love these- great dimension details! thanks for sharing with us at craft Room challenge, Debi x

  31. I always love seeing your scenery photos! Love the Halloween ATC's and all the details, so count me in - Thank You! Hugs!

  32. Wow. I love your Halloween ATC's. And it looks like you've been enjoying fall and the outdoors with your lovely photos. Have fun.

  33. I love the ATC's they are adorable! The hometown tour is great too, beautiful pictures! ~Diane

  34. Great ATC's! Love the 'Miss Bird' one. She always makes me smile. Thanks for taking such lovely photos. So nice to see where you live. Have you tried to get the roses off the gate? I think we could do something with those. :o) hugs, Donna

  35. Unfortunately there always seems to be someone looking....


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