
Saturday 1 June 2024

What makes me happy - Weekend Post

 Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Art Journal Journey. I enjoyed co-hosting with Erika, and she is a lovely person to work with,  but am happy to hand over to someone new after hosting  twice in a row! This time the lovely Matilde from 100% Homemade / Craftowanie is hosting, and her theme is

What makes you happy?

I knaow what makes me happy - painting, drawing, writing and reading  and lots more!  Today's A3 face was drawn using a fine brush and my beautiful Japanese watercolours. The tag has been added digitally:

More from David Zinn:

Some thinkies and funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. such a gorgeous journal page! xo

    1. Thanks Michele, hugs!! Have a great weekend!

  2. Your lovely lady will make everyone happy. She is stunning. I like the color you chose, too. Thanks for sharing this great entry with us at AJJ using Matilde's theme.

    Some of the funnies were great, especially the google search and the artist's reply. The thinkies were all so true and wise, too.

  3. Hi Val, good morning! I love your new page and new header, so beautiful! Great colour! I just hope you are going to do a bit less this month, you need more rest and less work! Here all is well, I am looking forward to a restful weekend, and I need it! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I was out and about with Heike, I will ring you back later! Hugs!

  4. Your painting is really beautiful Valerie! Such a lovely face.
    Great to see more of David's art too, and the thinkies and funnies.
    Have a happy creative June.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, have a great June, too! Hugs!

  5. She is really lovely, and the /magenta you used make me happy too. This is a great way to start off the new month, and I bet you are ready to hand over the reins. I love the new header, and the reminder that getting up in the morning is a gift. Happy start of June to you Valerie. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, have a great month! Getting out of bed is sometimes hard, but yes, it's a blessing to be able to do it!

  6. Who can not like this page, Valerie? A lip-smacking beauty who looks like she has been dipped in red wine! Now there a combination I can appreciate! You crafters go from one challenge to another with never a break it seems. No wonder you get exhausted! I can just imagine you waking up and feeling groggy, wanting to go back to bed, yet knowing that another object has to be produced for this challenge or that. It’s a challenge merely to keep up with the challenges. According to Miriam, I am challenged, but in a completely different way, and maybe she is challenged having to live with me. Actually she has imposed a challenge on herself. She has called it “Friday finishes” and she pledges to complete unfinished projects in her sewing room, of which there are always many. So far she has been very good about it and lots of items have been completed as a result of this new resolve. You may remember that I have been a judge at the Canadian National Wildfowl Carving Championship in the past - three times in fact. Well, I had the honour of being invited back for a fourth time so that will be my challenge today. Picking winners is hard, but we will do it and I will come away aware of my lack of talent. Ah, the challenge of it all. Enjoy the weekend and give my very best to Heike. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I was just trying to imagine that image of you licking the wine off....let's talk about something else, now! Sometimes the challenges are really challenging, and a lot of work, but we still carry on. I will have to give up sooner or later, but I hope can manage a few months more. Have fun picking your winners today, I am sure you are very suitable as judge. Enjoy your weekend, hugs xxxxxxx

  7. We do forget to say 'thank you' for another day but when a friend prayed for my back pain to go, and it did, I tried to say each morning "thank you for another day without pain". Sadly, due to the way I have had to hold myself on account of the knee injury the back pain has come back.but i must be grateful for the months I had free from it
    Your portraits always make me happy so that is two of us today. I love this study in the various shades of purple and the addition of the tag gives it another dimension. Thank you for sharing this work.
    Also for the various works of David Zinn always guaranteed to bring a smile to my face, one of many I guess. Thanks also for the Buddha words, if only ...
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps hope you are feeling a bit better today.

    1. It's sometimes hard to be thankful when in pain, but as my great aunt used to say, if it hurts you're alive, be thankful! And yes - if only! Have a great weekend, hugs, xxx

  8. Thanks Matilde, this is a lovely challenge!

  9. A lovely new theme and page! Great thinkies too.

  10. Another beautiful painting with a fun tag included. Great photos and thinkies today too. Have a fabulous weekend!

    1. Thanks so much Carol, hope you enjoy your weeend, too!

  11. Have a good weekend — I hope you are feeling better.

  12. I can see why faces make you happy -- you do them so well! I loved the funnies but the one about arsenic and cyanide made me laugh. I googled some stuff for Rick and now all the ads on my FB page are about stuff I have no interest in! I hope you're having a good weekend and feeling a little -- a lot -- better!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, If you research something you get lots of useless information afterwards. Enjoy your weekend!

  13. Love that watercolor subtlety. Too bad you don't like to watch TV, too. Haha.

    1. Thanks, but I'll stick to painting and reading.

  14. You have some thought-provoking images here. True, necessary, kind? All 3? I may be in trouble...

  15. Hi Val, hope you are resting! We're having an easy weekend. My big girl is staying overnight with a friend, so I m having a quiet evening with the kiddies. Love your portrait today, gorgeous colours! Hugs, Martha

    1. Hi Martha, enjoy your quiet evening with your two Sweeties! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  16. A lovely weekend post, I enjoyed it.
    I hope you have a restful weekend, we are seeing family on Sunday ... looking forward to it :)

    All the best Jan

  17. Your journal page is stunning – I love the colors and delicate brush strokes.
    The funnies and thinkies made me smile too.
    Keep sharing your beautiful art, Valerie.

    Happy Sunday!

    1. Thanks Veronica, have a great Sunday, I am looking forward to meeting up with friends! Hugs!

  18. Love the poppies on your header Valerie and your art work. Enjoyed the thinkies and funnies.

    1. Thanks Sue, the fields are full of poppies, so beautiful! Hugs!

  19. Striking color for the face. The Adam and Eve funny reminded me of when my nephew was around 10 or 11 and was boasting that God created Adam first. So I said: Yes, and She realized She made a mistake so She created Eve. She saved the best for last.🤣

  20. Great face Valerie, those Japanese paints sound interesting. Love the funnies, hugs Wendy.

  21. Love the pink/magenta colors of your pretty face drawing. Hope you are feeling better, still have you in my prayers. The Peanuts graphic is my fave today. Hope your week goes well, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, I am slowly feeling better but still very exhausted. This too shall pass! Have a great week, hugs 🤗!

  22. Hi Valerie I knew you would be sharing your faces this month just as Erika has with her Bees, you share so much love and devotion for them in your artwork. What I always love is how you create these using one main colour, so dynamic what an impact.
    Hope you are keeping well and enjoy a very crafty June.. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracy, it's fun working with one colour or a limited palette, I'm enjoying my experiments! Hugs!


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