
Saturday 22 June 2024

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

This week I tried a few of the Kaleidosocope taster sessions, and it was fun. I didn't have time to do them all, but at least I managed some.
The first piece I tried was from Kim Dellow, amd her piece was light and airy, so I was a bit unhappy with mine, which was too heavy and dark:

Then I decided to try it again....and liked it even less.


So I tried it a third time. This one was better, but still not what I wanted. But I decided not to try again. Sometimes it's better to leave things and get on with something else!

In the evening I looked at them again, and then they didn't look quite as bad....

Some flowers from my balcony:

Stormy weather again this afternoon:

More from David Zinn:

And this last one was a consolation for me today:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I like the colours in your art.
    Your balcony flowers are colourful and pretty.
    David Zinn is amazing.

    Wishing you a happy and relaxing weekend.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  2. Your flower images are nice. Have a good weekend!
    best, mae at

  3. Hi Val, gorgeous art , have a great weekend, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, hugs to all, enjoy your big weekend 💖🤗 Hugs!

  4. Well, I think they are all lovely interpretations. We are our own worst critics, that is a fact. Walking away was probably best if it is being so frustrating. I signed up, but it clashed with ICAD and there are only so many hours in a day! Enjoy your weekend and enjoy your art. Hugs Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, ain't that the truth! Hope you are having fun with the ICADs, take care. Hugs!

  5. I wonder if Pablo Picasso worked on something, and figured it wasn’t quite right, so gave it another shot, and then decided that the second version wasn’t quite up to par, and tried one more time. Even then, perhaps he said, “It’s better but still not what I want.” Well, Valerie, can you even imagine what those first two productions would be worth today if someone had retrieved them from the waste bin? Better hold on to yours. They may be the find of the night on the Antiques Road Show one day. A Tups formative piece it will be labelled, and the appraiser will fawn over it with comments about integrity, and deft brush strokes and interpretive use of colour, with swirls blending and forming unified themes, and on and on it will go. She will see things in it you never knew were there yourself. And when she tells the owner of the piece how much it is worth, that famous and oft uttered word, “Wow!” will burst from her mouth like a rampant fire hydrant on a hot summer’s day. See what you have done! Have a great weekend. Zillions of hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, you always manage to cheer me up, thanks. I can just imagine the scene, with people fighting over abstracts and men drooling over my luscious ladies....What a scene! Today I have a red eye which keeps running, a sore on my lip and a bruise on my face where the cabinet door smacked me, and this evening I'm invited to a posh restaurant where I was hoping to go in style....I'll probably look like Dracula's bride. Who cares, the food will be good!
      Have a great weekend, dear David, hugs to you and Miriam! xxxxxxx

  6. You are being too hard on yourself-I Love your art! enjoyed the blooms in the photos-and thanks for sharing more from the street artist
    happy weekend hugs Kathy

    1. Oh and I love that last quote need to share that with my husband

    2. Thanks Kathy, glad you enjoyed it. That last quote is good, I tell myself that every day. Have a great weekend!

    3. Kathy, please give my best wishes to Larry!

  7. I love all three pieces Valerie, the colours are beautiful.
    Have a great weekend.
    Alison x

  8. I like all 3 of your pieces, but I know what you mean when you don't like a piece. Fixing it works, and sometimes it doesn't. But at least you gave it a try. Your flower box looks amazing too. We've got rain this morning and all the days plans have been cancelled. OH well, maybe it's a good art and reading day. Take care and enjoy your weekend Valerie. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, that's the way it is indeed! Sorry you had to cancel your plans and hope you soon get time to try again. Happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

  9. Sometimes we are our own worst critics. I like all 3 because I love vivid colors and each one is distinctive and pretty in it's own way! Mission accomplished! Beautiful flowers and scenery in your photos too, TFS! Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks so much, Carol, Thanks for the kind words. It's true, we judge ourselves too much. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  10. Lovely works vj. Happy weekend

  11. I like your kalaidescope piece -- it's so free and happy and the colors are wonderful. And the blooms on your balcony -- wow! You must have the most beautiful balcony in Dusseldorf!

  12. Fabulous colourful art love them all-and I say to my daughter if not happy with hers -leave it till tomorrow,then look again-just before she rips it up and puts it in the bin!!!
    Carol x

    1. When I am feeling sensible I tell myself that art doesn't need to be perfect, but I'm not always sensible! Hugs!

  13. HOORAY the weekend is here...and I think all of these are fabulous although I love the added feathers and white flowers best and those white dots are perfect..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Yessssssss! Weekend! Soooo good. I slept very late this morning, I was out yesterday evening with Heike and her sister in law and then I really slept, wonderful! Have a great day, Chrissy! Hugs!

  14. May your struggling prevail against what is ailing you, xo. I agree that the third one is the best as you separated the dark purple from the flower with the dark purple bloom (which is beautifully drawn in each one). So it looks more balanced. That stormy weather looks scary, add a little green to the sky and it's tornado weather over here. Hope you are enjoying your weekend. I decided no more tasters, they just make me get further behind, but that's me. If I didn't have such an art to-do list, I'd probably do them all, lol. XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, the flower was my fave each time. We have had very changeable weather here with lots of flooding, the Rhine is very full. Tasters are fun, lots of good ideas, but take up a lot of time! Have a great Sunday!

  15. Great creations. Hope you have a peaceful weekend. Anesha x

  16. I prefer the second piece, mainly because I like the white flowers. Well, as they say: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

    1. Thanks so much! White flowers are beautiful!

  17. I like the first one best lol. Your balcony flowers are lovely. We need rain here, so your stormy sky photo looks good to me.

  18. Sometimes we can be our own worse critics. Recently I made a card for a new baby three times. I just had something on each one I did not like. In the end i sent the third one but looking back at the others I wonder why? I do not see anything wrong with your earlier tries and as you say, looking later they did not seem bad at all. I like each one.
    Thanks for the David Zinn's
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Yes, Neet, that's true, and it is something I need to shake off - easily said! I'm glad you like David Zinn! Hugs!


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