
Monday 27 May 2024

Monday / Tuesday Post

Hi Everybody!
Hope you all enjoyed / are enjoying your weekend!

Today I have another piece for Erika's and my poetry challenge at AJJ. I am re-showing a poem made many years back, but still very much me:

Give me coffee, but no tea,
Tea is not the drink for me.
Coffee, frothy, brown and hot -
I can always drink a lot.
Coffee topped with whipped up cream -
This with joy will make me scream.
Cafe au lait with chocolate sprinkles,
Makes me happy, stops my wrinkles.
And if the point you have not seen -
A day without coffee makes me mean!

And as you can see, this is what Leda was dreaming of when Leonardo painted her!

This evening I will be linking to Elizabeth's TsfT link party.

And some pictures, thinkies, funnies etc:

David Zinn showing his coffee:

Have a great, new week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good evening, enjoyed your post-love the painter that does those art pieces on the concrete-Happy new week hugs Kathy

    1. Hi Val, good morning! Your picture today gave me a laugh, I imagined Leda stuffing the cake into her mouth and washing it down with Coffee! Great idea! Have a wonderful day, hugs from us all, Sarah

    2. Thanks so much, Kathy, have a great week!

  2. Thanks Sarah, have a great week, don't work too hard! Hugs to all!

  3. I am glad that we finally know the full story of the enigmatic Leda. Of course, it should have been obvious to any sensitive person that she was contemplating coffee. After all, what else could produce such an expression? Sex? Wine? Music? No, it had to be coffee. Maybe we should switch her name to Valerie! I am sure that next time the coffee industry is looking for someone to become the face of their advertising campaign they could do no better than choose you. Even better than Leda, I think. It will be very necessary, however, to find another Leonardo to interpret that look of longing so perfectly. Today, it will probably be with a camera. A new week begins - enjoy it and drink coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. And by the way, thanks for the original poem. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David! Of course she was thinking about coffee - what else? I think I should really be the one to advertise coffee, I am a natural. I started drinking coffee when i was 3! I had fun with poems and pictures in this challenge, really my cup of coffee! This afternoon I need to put my feet up and read, yessssssssss!
      Have a good start in the new week, I wish you lots of birds and lovely walks with your friends and followers! Hugs, xxxxxxxx

  4. Coffee Lovers unite! I think I need to go fix myself a cup now after seeing this fun and coffee- themed post! Beautiful painting addition to what Leda was thinking of too LOL Enjoy your week and your coffee too !

    1. Thanks Carol, we need to stand together and of course, we must keep drinking our beverage. Leda is an example for us!

  5. That pic of the kid with toilet paper made me laugh. Clever! And I love that pic of David Zinn. I love my coffee and Arizona green tea every morning without fail.

    1. Thanks, it's a sweet photo! No life before coffee!

  6. Lovely page and poem. Almost a self-portrait. The Thinker and the kid with the toilet paper made me laugh. Enjoy your day

  7. Lovely page and fun poetry -Christine

    1. Thanks, for me coffee makes everything fun! Hugs!

  8. I remember that poem but it is a good one Valerie. It's not only perfect for T day, but perfect for you and Leda. What fun. And your book meme is so true. Thanks for more David Zinn's too. I hope you are having a great start to the new week. And happy T day too. hugs-Erika

    1. I have that poem on my kitchen wall! I have often felt that I was part of a book, it's a great feeling. Nothing better than early to bed and reading! Hugs,!

  9. Hope that you are having a great day. Hugs Anesha x

  10., I can relate, love the poem, pictures and sound chipper which is really good, have a great week..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, I am trying to do a bit more each day. Hope you are well!

  11. Goodness. You are a great poet and I LOVE the subject. It could be my mantra. Coffee for me, too, please. I love how you illustrated with Leda, too. Such a great entry for yours and Erika's theme at AJJ. And of course, it works perfectly for T this Tuesday, too.

    LOVE the child with the Thinker and also the fact art doesn't have to match your couch. Of course, David Zinn is wonderful. Thanks for sharing these memes with us, too, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E. ☕☕ inspires me! Happy T Day!

  12. A lovely post. I really like that first piece and your poem. The little girl with the TP is just too cute. That is so right about the books too. Happy T day to you.

  13. How does David Zinn do it! It's wonderful.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, I love his wonderful drawings! Have a great day, hugs!

  14. I wonder if some of those images by David Zinn are near my house. Have a good coffee-full week.
    best, mae

    1. When you are home you can look! Just drinking my morning coffee now. Enjoy Paris!

  15. Oh see I always wondered what Lida was thinking of! heehee Brava!
    Love the poem too as I sip some coffee with butter in it. Hope your week is treating you well, xoxo

    1. Yes, she was thinking of coffee, hope she got enough! I have never had coffee with butter must try it one day! Hugs!

  16. Me and Leda! Yes, we're in agreement about coffee, but I take mine black tyvm ;)

    1. No problem, I serve all sorts of coffee here! Hugs!

  17. Great little poem about coffee. I must admit that in the past year I have become more addicted to coffee and I hardly drink tea anymore.
    I love your funnies and thinkies. Especially about art not matching the sofa and the Thinker with the offered wc roll.
    Happy T-Day,

  18. That coffee looks most inviting that Leda is contemplating. Not to mention the cupcake with its chocolate and fudge bits on top. What a great poem, Valerie, you must bring more of your poetry out, the lst two have been so enjoyable.
    Love the loo roll picture.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, now you know why I chose this theme!

  19. Fab poem! All fun pictures and the art is all wonderful - made me smile. Hope you are having a good week. Happy T-day and hugz

  20. it seems that nearly everyone that I commented on earlier didn't get my comment! So sorry for being sooo late.Typeing from somewhere else this weekend so internet, or even blogger maybe better connected! Have a great week, love the coffee pictures and the funnies...Happy very Late T for Tuesday day! (on a Friday!) ((Lyn))


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