
Thursday 23 May 2024

Enjoy your life

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a colourful and fun piece to share. I was clearing my workdesk, better known as my messy kitchen table, and found a half finished piece painted on the cardboard from an A3 drawing block, as well as various scraps collage pieces. So I finished painting and then added the bits and bobs. I had fun, and I love this colourful journal page:

And then I remembered this poem written many years ago, and decided to put it together with this happy painting:

'We all get born when we are small,
It would be hard if we were tall!
Then we start out on our way
Through life which takes us many a day.
At first we cry and bawl and scream
Get fed and washed and rubbed with cream,
With powder and I know not what,
All babies seem to get the lot.
Then come the teeth and baby ills,
And weight-control and potty spills,
We start to laugh and talk and run
A toddler's life is lots of fun.
The years at school go by real’ fast
We learn that nothing in life can last.
Then comes the time to learn a job
Now we are part of the working mob,
Doing lots of work for little money,
On the whole not always funny.
And then we fall in love and wed
Kids are born and must be fed;
The days go by like a flash of laughter
Running after son and daughter.
And they grow up and then leave home
Start on families of their own.
And we get older then and older,
But have no fear, old age makes bolder,
For we don’t care what others say
And spoil our grandkids every day.
And then, perhaps, an old age home
With senior games and never alone.
And sooner or later, the game is over
And we get buried under the clover.
What comes after that, is yet to be seen,
Perhaps an eternal Halloween?
But as we don’t know, enjoy it now,
The journey through life till you take your last bow,
When the curtain falls for the very last call,
Till then, enjoy life, and have a real ball!'

I am linking to Erika's and my challenge at AJJ, Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love the poetry. Life in a bottle. The page is great. The more colorful the better. Beautifully done.

    Hugs and Love with lots of blessings

  2. I love this so much Valerie
    Hugs Kathy

  3. I hope you enjoy the rest of the week!

  4. Hi Val, good morning. I love your fun poem and colourful piece, so lovely. It really is life in a bottle, very clever. I have a photo shoot tomorrow, so need to get things ready today. Take care, get plenty of rest, and please do more with those lovely colours! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Have a good day tomorrow, have fun! Hugs to all!

  5. This is a very colourful piece, Valerie, and appealing in many ways. There are fish and birds and feathers so what’s not to like? Speaking of birds, I just fed Miriam’s crows (she is not up yet) and they cleaned up everything, and now they are calling for more. they are sooooo demanding! There is a nest not far from here and it may have young by now, and I have noticed that a couple of the birds stuff their bills and fly off in that direction, so perhaps they have kids to feed. They are such sleek, handsome birds and it’s a pleasure have them visit. Your poem encapsulates life, doesn’t it, and the simple fact is that we are close to the under the clover part. We won’t know a damn thing then so we won’t worry about it, will we? Give my best to Heike. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, it is great fun just to play with colours and bits and bobs! Crows are lovely birds, we have a lot here and they regularly steal my fat balls. Okay, they probably need them just now! Yes, the poem is a run through life, and the clover is coming nearer. So let's have fun as long as we can! Hugs xxxxxxx

    2. I was unaware that you even had fat balls!

    3. They're so fat they have to be hung in nets!

  6. That is such a great poem, and so true. It's sad ending in many ways, but all we can hope for is that our senior years have some golden moments. And your art piece is also lovely. I love how it feels like to flows and has lots of movement. I hope the end of your week goes well and you have some good days. Take care. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! At my age the clover is coming close and closer, but till, then I will have some fun! TODAY I was out with Heike for a meal, and sat outside on the terrace and enjoyed good food and good weather! Hugs!

  7. Fabulous colourful page and love the poem-so true! Enjoy the weekend.
    Carol x

  8. Thanks Carol, have a great weekend! Hugs!

  9. A lovely page and poem to go with it!

  10. WOW, what a poem that is. Very clever, funny, moving and thought provoking. Much like your accompanying painted and collaged page. I love orange and blue together, two of my favourite colour contrasts and you have some beautiful blues i this piece. Lots to look at and enjoy. Thanks for sharing - off to read the poem again, its really quite jaunty.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks so much, Neet! I love writing poems, and have a big selection. I hope your knee gets better day by day! Hugs!

  11. I like that colorful village. And that poem! The perfect reminder to enjoy each day that comes.

    1. Thanks, it is so important to use our time well!

  12. Your colorful journal page is absolutely delightful!
    And your poem captured the journey of life with such wit and wisdom.
    It's a beautiful reminder to cherish each moment and make the most of every stage, from infancy to old age.

    Happy Friday, Valerie!

    1. Thanks so much, have a great weekend! Hugs!

  13. hi Val, I love what you have created here, so pretty. You really have the best ideas! We have been busy decorating, things look better now!. Have a great weekend, take care. Hugs from us all, Martha.

  14. Thanks Martha, have a lovely weekend, hugs to you all!

  15. I love this colorful art. Makes me happy. Your poem is the essence of what life is. Thank you for joining FFO and have a very lovely weekend.

    1. Thanks Nicole, you have a great weekend, too!

  16. An "eternal Halloween"? Never considered that. Love your cute art piece. Well done and imaginative.

  17. are you, be different, Amen sister!

  18. Happy to read your poem Valerie. First time reading your work.
    Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


    1. Thanks Gillena! Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!

  19. Interesting poem, I hven't seen it before but there are some very true words in there. Loving all the colour in that new journal page too. Thanks for your kind words over at mine too. Sending hugs Angela xXx

    1. Thanks so much, Angela, have a good weekend and take care of yourself!

  20. Beautiful, colourful art, Valerie.
    Your poem is spot on.

  21. Your piece certainly is fun and that poem does sum up life doesn't it?
    Enjoy your weekend, my friend.
    Hugs, Sandra

  22. I love your vibrant, colorful page, Valerie-Jael! I'm glad you had fun. I do just about everything at my kitchen counter, and I have a perfectly fine office downstairs. I just like being in my kitchen which is the middle of everything. The poem is great. I plan to live as fully as I can until my last breath. Wishing you the same! Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Yess, that's the way to go! Kitchens are always the centre of the house for me! And I love being near mf coffee maker and the biscuit tin! Hugs!

  23. Fabulous art and that's a great poem.

    All the best Jan

  24. Is that a gypsy or Indian mermaid? I love her and that "quilted" background, gorgeous. And the poem is a good one for life. Hope your weekend is a good one too! xoxo

    1. I think she's a Gyndian mermaid, they're very rare!


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