
Saturday 27 April 2024

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Another week has raced by and now it's weekend. I have no appointments so I can do what I want , and that's the way I like it! 

I have another piece for my challenge at AJJ. The background was made with my gelli plate, and the rest is just a mix of blue objects and one of my heads. For those who don't know, I have a lot of heads, all made from paper....

I am linking to my geometric shapes challenge at AJJ.

Some photos from the Rhine and from my balcony:

These photos have not been coloured, we just had a strange light on that evening:

Part of a painting I am working on. What is it? Your guess is as good as mine!


Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love everything. The Chilis, the clouds, art, you got it all.

  2. Lovely geometric page and enjoyed your photos! -Christine

    1. Thanks Christine, I'm starting to see geometry whever I look!

  3. The colors of your flowers are so vibrant and especially in contrast with the brown photos! As usual your posts are fun and uplifting.

  4. Wonderful art work once again Valerie, love the photos of the kids in corn!! How cute! I wonder if the sand from the desert was in your sky to change the colour of your photos?

    1. I think it was perhaps a combination of the last rays of sun making the Rhine look golden and sand in the air!

  5. Ah okay, rollator, I googled and my dad had one with a seat. My brother scarfed it and I got his cane. Love the blue art and cute photos and the flowers are lovely. Enjoy your free weekend, but not too much! haha xoxo

    1. Yes, my rollator has a seat, so I can have a rest in between if I need it, and a tote for my shopping. And I can fold it together, very practical!

  6. I am very happy to see that Canada Geese are still occupying the Rhine, Valerie. At least there is some stability in the world! It’s good to hear that you have a weekend free to enjoy in whatever way you choose without a series of appointments to keep you running. Enjoy it to the fullest. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Oh yes, the geese always remind me of you. Most of the geese are at a little lake near here, they are nesting, and it's not good to go too near just now! Tomorrow I am hoping to have a long sleep and not get up early, that would be a real treat! Today I was out and about with Heike, she went to the hairdresser and I did our shopping, and then we had a nice cappuccino at a place nearby. Have a nice weekend, hugs to you and Miriam, Valerie xxxxxxxx

  7. The Rhine and the garden sound wonderful... and spring is coming back... is back - we ate outside today, windy but warm... bliss. I wish you a nice spring weekend.
    I see an old castle with a garden... have fun painting and designing.
    A hug from Viola for you

    1. Thanks Viola, always nice to hear from you. It's so good when the weather warms out and we can go out without freezing. The painting - which is not finished, was inspired by little houses fom the middle ages as well as other things. Here in Kaiserswerth we have a lovely castle ruin where the Enperor Barbarossa once lived. Long time ago! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  8. I'm so glad you don't have appointments to contend with this weekend. Lots of time to just "be" and have a wonderful time. I am loving your new painting. I can't wait to see the finished piece. The colors are spectacular!

    1. Glad you like the new painting, I need to do more work on it! Hugs!

  9. I like your interpretation of once in a blue moon. Yay for no appointments and to be able to do whatever you want. I hope the weather is nice so you can sit out on your balcony with the lovely flowers and view. Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Oh yes, that would be good indeed, fresh air and sunshine.....Hugs!

  10. Hi Val, sorry I'm rather late today, we were all invited to a big celebration, with nice food, and I didn't need to cook, lovely! Your art is beautiful, as always, and <i love your light and funny posts! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Ooooh, how nice to have a yummy invitation, that really was a treat for you, glad you enjoyed it. Hugs to you all!

  11. Wonderful pictures vj. Have a great weekend!

  12. Your first photo reminds me of myself. I've always told my kids I had an extra pair of eyes on the back of my head whenever I caught them doing something they shouldn't have been doing LOL Great photos today, especially those children dressed up like corn! That is one of the cutest pictures ever. And those shoes! I wonder when they'll hit the runway in Paris? It gives a whole new meaning to "keep on truckin'" It's more like an accident looking for a place to happen! Hah! Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Hi Carol, with kids we NEED extra eyes. I found the photo of the kids on FB, they are so sweet, it really made me smile. I will definitely not be wearing those shoes, they would look odd with my walking stick or rollator! But they are really an accident waiting to happen, say it loud! Have great weekend, hugsxxx

  13. Oh, the babies dressed as corn and that little dog with his hydrangea ears or whatever those flowers are just stole my heart, how fun and cute are those, and of course your clever art work shines too..Have a wonderful weekend..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Oh yes, I love them, too! So sweet! Today I am going for a meal with a friend, that will be nice! Hugs!

  14. Bardzo interesująca praca. Śliczne fotografie. Udanego nowego tygodnia życzę:)

  15. Gorgeous photographs but not sure about the shoes though they would make me taller for sure. Hope your weekend is a good one. Sending hugs Angela xXx

    1. Yes, I must admit those shoes are not for everyone! Hugs!

  16. Wonderful photos and I adore your artwork Valerie.
    Love those cute sweetcorn babes.
    Isn't it nice when there are no appointments. Thankfully I only have one this coming week, and I can get back to my walking routine.
    Have a great new week.

    1. Thanks so much. Days with no appointments are always special!

  17. Always nice pics of the Rhine. Adorable sculpture of the winged cherub. I like that abstract you're working on. Looks finished to me. Frame it and give it away to your dearest friend.

    1. Tha Rhine is beautiful. The cherub sits on my window sill and looks after me! Happy Sunday! Hugs to you and David!

  18. Beautiful flowers. But those high heals look dangerous.

  19. Lovely photographs here, and those sweetcorn babies are so sweet.

    All the best Jan


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