
Monday 1 April 2024

New challenge at Art Journal Journey - Geometric shapes/ forms

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at AJJ and this time I am hosting . But first I would like to thank Chris for her fun theme 'On all fours', which I enjoyed very much!

My theme is asking for any sort of geometric shapes - circles, squares, triangles, lines, curves, spots, dots, stripes - this is a great theme to mix and match! For my first piece I have used lots of circles. The background is handpainted, as are the circles:

I am very much looking forward to seeing your takes on this theme!

And I have some pictures of the clinic here where I have been staying the past weeks. The first 2 pictures were taken by the Rhine:

And I just had to go to the bakery for my coffee....

The staff here decorated the place beautifully for Easter, and we each got an Easter nest filled with chocolate goodies. The table and rooms were all beautifully decorated:

Heike and her bunnies for the family:


Inside again:

The garden:

Have a great Easter, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good morning!. We have all slept looooong today, so I am making brunch instead of anything else, and I think the kids will like it, I've got them all here over the weekend, and they are having big fun together . I'm wearing earplugs, so I don't care! Hugs from all 11 of us, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sara,h, I can't imagine feeding and managing 11 kids all at once. Good that you have earplugs! Hugs to all, Valerie

  2. This is a fabulous way to start the month. I love all the circles, and it does look very space like. Ha ha-I love that quote and it is really true. Smile. And it looks like you had some wonderful spring and Easter decor at the clinic. Those chocolate bunnies look great They look like Lindt bunnies-yum. I hope April starts off well for you, and that's not an April's fool joke. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, they are the yummy Lindt bunnies! I am looking forward to going home on Thursday!

  3. Good morning, Valerie: The clinic looks very austere and foreboding from the exterior, in stark contrast to the sparkling images from inside. Looks like they made a huge fuss of Easter. I note that you are in charge of things this month so that’s a good reason to get your health up to par and to get back home. I remember that you spoke recently of going home “on Thursday” but I am not sure which Thursday. Is it the one coming up three days from now? Heike looks well prepared for Easter. It comes and goes in our house like any other weekend. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David! Sorry I missed a couple of sentences. That was the old clinic, it. Moved to the lovely place we are now some 150 years back! I'm going home on Thursday! All feasts are celebrated here!On Thursday I am going home - 4 days time,. Hugs xxxxxxxx

  4. Good morning Valerie, I love that your clinic decorated for Easter-it's lovely and those chocolates too.
    You chose a great theme love your page
    Happy new month and week hugs Kathy

  5. It’s amazing how an old and very forbidding building on the outside has been converted to a comfortable and cheery clinic — at least as you present it with all your elegant foods and pretty decorations. The huge wall looks as if it was meant to keep the inmates imprisoned, but thank goodness, you show how you go out when you want a nice visit to a coffee shop or want to take photos of the beautiful Rhine. That said, I hope you are soon recovered and able to go home!!
    best, mae at

    1. Sorry I missed a couple of sentences. That was the old clinic, it. Moved to the lovely place we are now some 150 years back! I'm going home on Thursday!

  6. Nice work for the new theme! Good to see your clinic. It is cheerful inside

  7. Brilliant page Valerie, great quote too! Of course you went to the Bakery (no cake?). The clinic seems to have quite a large garden area. I do love how the clinic celebrated Easter! Heike's Lindt bunnies probably didn't last long! Hugs, Chrisx

  8. That quote with your circles is quite appropriate, given the times. Oh, I just love the plant decor at the clinic. It's balm for sore eyes!

    1. Glad you like it! The gardeners here do a great job!

  9. Great quote. Made me laugh. Such pretty decorations especially the Easter tree made from pussywillows. Take care

  10. I love the colourful journal page and circles and the quote is quite apt.Love how they decorate the inside of the clinic for you all too.
    Carol x

  11. Your geometric theme is wonderful and I love how all those planets are circling the central "sun." This is a fabulous first entry for your theme this month at AJJ.

    I enjoyed seeing the buildings by the Rhine. And I really enjoyed seeing how the clinic decorated for Easter. Heike's bunnies were incredible. They are advertised here in the states and they are quite expensive. Nice views you shared of the clinic, too. Have a lovely April, dear Valerie.

    Got "Failed to Publish." Not sure when you will see this. I first left this comment at 12:22, my time.

    1. Hi Elizabeth, it's here already, so it did publizh. It's midnight here! Bugs!

    2. That was 12:22 AM, right after I linked everyone.

      Got another Failed to publish" this time, too.

    3. The comments mostly go to spam. I have the same problems on lots of blogs. It is as it is!

  12. So nice to see all of your photographs.
    The clinic is beautifully decorated for Easter.

    Sending good wishes for the new month of April.

    All the best Jan

  13. Thanks so much jan. Happy April and Spring!

  14. I need check around for some pussy willows

    1. Good idea! There are lots in the garden of the clinic where I am staying!

  15. Really love your page and challenge for this month Valerie! What a lovely post full of pretty Spring photos too! Have a wonderful month!

    1. Thanks so much, Vicki- I will visit you when I am back ome, I'm still in the clinic just now!

  16. I love seeing the photos of the clinic. It's beautiful inside and out and they look like they do the very best they can for their residents during their visit. I love the Easter baskets with the chocolates and the pretty table. The grounds are beautiful and I love the photo with the egg and the pussy willows. I'm thinking you'll be home this week? I hope so!

    1. Yes, I am home as of today, yesssssss! Hugs!

  17. The staff do go out of their way to make your stay pleasurable. I am always in awe of the corridors with the window sills decorated with lovely fresh flowers. Their Easter decorations were absolutely lovely and it must have felt nice when walking down to see what they had done. Such a lot of caring staff. Plus you all got a gift as well.
    Thanks for all the photos, I do so enjoy seeing where you are at various times and it is nice to know you can go out for a coffee now and then.
    Your inspirational journal piece is lovely. I am in love with the painting you have done. All those gorgeous colours intermingled with one another is very pleasing to the eye. I love that you used the same technique for your circles.
    Whilst I am glad that you are going home shortly I do enjoy your posts from here and at least I know you are in safe hands.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks! It's Thursday now and I am back home, so nice! It's a great place, well run, and always beAutifully decorated. This is a fun challenge for me! Big hugs!.

  18. Loving the circles and how you cut, turned and displayed them very dynamic with the paint grain in different directions, what a fun theme Valerie, I'm sure it will take your mind off things this month. The clinic looks very old but yes what a contrast to the bright cheerful insides, very glad to see Easter was celebrated.
    My MIL loves those Lindt Bunnies, she refuses to eat hers and keeps jingling the bell hee hee.. Sending healing hugs and I hope today is the day you are now at home..?? Take care of yourself Tracey xx

    1. Linda bunnies are the best. I have no problems eating mine! The clinic is about 150 years old, but very nicely reztored. Glad you like my theme! Hugs!

    2. Lindt not Linda - spell checker is sometimes crazy!

  19. Hi Valerie! What a great theme for April. I love your project and especially like how you featured the circles! I am hoping and wishing that you are feeling better. The clinic where you are recuperating is a beautiful place. I love all of the photos that you shared, especially the Easter celebration ones and the garden! Thank you for hosting and sharing your art with all of us. Sending love and hugs, Sharon

    1. Thanks Sharon. I love playing with shapes. I am back home since Thursday, and trying to be good and not overdo things, but it's hard - very hard! The clinic is a lovely place to get well. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie


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