
Wednesday 10 April 2024

More Geometric shapes (6) Squares

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another piece for my challenge at AJJ. This time it's about squares:

This is, of course, another of my weaves, which I always like making. For this one a 12" sheet of painted paper was chopped up to make the weave, although I once again didn't get the lines straight!

And I recycled an Easter card to make a tag with spring flowers. I coloured the edges with picked raspberry distress ink and placed it onto a paper lace doily. I found the flowers in a jar of bits and bobs. I painted the rabbit using distress inks, too. I am linking to my spring flowers challenge at Tag Tuesday:

And some photos:

At home!

My evening walk through the fields:

The sun was going down:


More skies:

Yesterday morning. I took the picture through the glass. Can you see what happened?

Enough for today! Have a great one,
Take care and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely page and spring tag. Is that your eye reflected back in the photo? -Christine

    1. Thanks Christine, it looks like it, but perhaps it's the camera lense, I don't know!

  2. Beautiful photos from your evening walk- so pretty. Your little Easter cards are sweet.

    1. Thanks Judee, hugs! I'm just a bit late with Easter!

  3. I am SO glad that blogger is FINALLY allowing my comments to get through. Now if THIS will publish.

    Love the weaving. I was thinking of something similar. And that is one adorable bunny.

    Love the sky shots and especially the one from your eye spy window!!

    1. Weaving is fun, and you can use up odds and ends, too. Get well, please!

  4. Good morning Val, hope you slept well! I slept too well today, must ave turned the alarm off and gone back to sleep, so enjoyable. I'm not sure if that's your eye or the camera lense in the photo, I wil enlarge it later when I get into my studio and let you know. But I've never seen that happen before, either! Another great post And I love the evening walk, especially the sign and the railing with the wonderful lighting, a fantastic photo for geometric shapes. Have a great day, take care, I have a photo shoot at a wedding, so need to make myself presentable. Take care! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, hope you made it to your shoot punctually and that you had fun! Glad you liked my walk, I enjoyed it, too. Hugs!

  5. Two lovely creations. Love your photos. Have a wonderful day. Hugs Anesha x

  6. I adore your recycled Easter card! Love the colours and patterns in your current header. Hope you're feeling more yourself now. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks, Deb. Slowly, slowly! But I am getting out for walks each day, and that's great. Hope you are feeling better, hugs!

  7. Paper weaving reminds me of my childhood, we often did it with colorful strips of paper... it's great that the strips are a bit uneven :-)))
    Oh yes, the tulips in the gardens and the tree blossoms... it's heavenly.
    A hug to you from Viola.

    1. Yes, paper weaving has made me happy for more than 70 years, so that's something. Dometimes I thread string or fibres into te weave. Have a great week, hugs!

  8. I am happy to see that those two stalwart characters, Bit and Bob, have once again been pressed into service, Valerie. They always seem willing to surrender themselves and I am quite sure you couldn’t make it to the end of a week without them. It’d good to have friends you can count on, isn’t it? It’s a pleasant walk you had through countryside that is already green and bursting with life. It is starting to look like that here, too. Yesterday the temperature soared to an incredible 22 degrees. Very pleasant but catastrophic in the overall scheme of climate change. You should ask Bit and Bob if they have a solution for human recklessness. It’s certain that we haven’t been able to come up with anything ourselves. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David, Bits and Bobs are very good friends, and always ready to spring into te breach wen I need help. And they are very talented, and can take on so many roles. I managed to go out for my walk again today, and it was really pleasant with sun and mild temperature. I think to find a solution for the stupidity of man would even exceed the possibilities of Bits and Bobs. Big hugs, Valerie xxxxxxx

  9. I like your weave Valerie. I bet it is relaxing to do also. And I love seeing all your photos too. I can tell you are happy to be home. I would be. You really have full on spring too. How exciting. I hope you are feeling great and having a super week home. :) Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, weaving is a relaxing way to spend time, and you can use up old paper or scraps as well. Yes, spring is really here - warm and sunny and flowers everywhere, this makes me sooooo happy. I haven't got anything done except for the laundry, but I'm just relaxing and enjoying the weather. Yesterday I even had as ice, yummy! Hugs!

  10. Bardzo podoba mi się ta ozdoba z zajączkiem . Piękne wiosenne fotografie. Miłego tygodnia.życze:)

    1. Thanks so much, Lucyna. It's fun to take photos in this lovely weather. Have a great week, hugs!

  11. I love your woven creation and it would look off if it was totally straight I'm sure. Thanks for sharing all those beautiful photos of the world where you live. Tis beautiful!

    1. Thanks Carol, this is a lovely season and I am enjoying walkig and taking pics! Hugs!

  12. I used to make weaves like that as a kid. Fun times! I enjoy looking at pics of your home. Always interesting from an artist's perspective.

    1. Yes, weaving is fun, I've been doing it for more than 70 years!

  13. I love your weaving Valerie and as far as making them straight ,well, perfection is over rated and I like a little crookedness in my life, and I adore the little bunny and flowers tag, it is gorgeous..

    .luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, that bunny 🐇 just had to be recycled! I am not a fan of perfection either. Have a great day, it's bedtime here so I 'll day night night. Hugs!

  14. Ooh that bunny is so cute. Are you home now?

    1. Thanks Sandra, I have been home for a week, sort of busy doing nothing! Hugs, hope you are well

  15. Aww I do like your bunny and flowers tag ... so cute.

    Great photographs from your walk.

    We had a lovely day yesterday and enjoyed a walk but today the heavens opened again!
    We do not seem to be getting any settled weather yet.

    Hope your week is going well.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, hope your weather soon gets better! Hugs!

  16. Hi Valerie, I found your comments. I don't know why but blogger keeps hiding them in the settings but they're live now. Loving your art work today and the gorgeous photos too. I've done some woven pieces like that before. I especially like them for when I have bits of Masterboard left over and just can't let them go. Take care and have a great week. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. This is happening a lot just now.Many of my comments land in spam and have to be released from spam seems to be the new fashion! Hugs!

  17. Wonderful artwork and photos Valerie! I love your imperfect weaving.

  18. It's good to hear you are home again. That must feel great. I love your flowers.
    The weaving is lovely. I used to do it as a child. It's very satisfying, I agree.
    The different skies are really beautiful.

  19. Thank you for all those fabulous photographs. I do enjoy seeing the sky in its different forms.
    I often do paper weaving with little bits of coloured paper and card, I find it very satisfying and good to change the overall shape when you move it about.
    Cute Easter Bunny.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I think weaving is one of the primeval activities that we can all enjoy. Hugs!

  20. Your home is so lovely. And seeing that sky and that -- pond? The narrow one leading to the big building -- beautiful!

    1. It's a stream that leads to the Rhine called the Kittelbach. Have a great weekend.
      , hugs!

  21. Loved your geometric art!

  22. Am I hiding in spam? If not, excellent brightness. I love the mouse. So cute. And your talent for out and photography is wonderful. Huggs, Ivy.

  23. Such a cute tag, as always I love looking at all your photos Valerie, hugs xx


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