
Sunday 17 March 2024

T sTands for sTill Tired....

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a few nature photos to share. I walked though the park this morning and enjoyed the Magnolias especially, so beautiful:

I found this flower on a rock, love the fungi or growths round about it:

Some funies / thinkies:

More flowers:

And of course, I need drinks as it's Elizabeth's TsfT this evening:

And I have another piece for Chris' challenge 'on all fours' at AJJ:

That's all for today!

Take care, happy T Day,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your flowers look very cheerful — I hope that means you are feeling better this week.
    Magnolias are wonderful but ours are very far from blossoming.
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. The pains from falling down the stairs are slowly receding. Hope your magnolia soon bloom!

  2. Gorgeous flowers Valerie, and those magnolias so beautiful-I have never seen one in person. the funny about the news was perfect-smiles.
    take care of you hugs Kathy

    1. Magnolia are very popular here, in most of the gardens they are flowering. Hugs!

  3. Hi Val, the magnolia are my faves, too, so pretty. Hope you are feeling a bit better! Have a good, new week! Hugs from us all, Sarah

  4. The flowers are bright and cheerful, Valerie, and no doubt make everyone’s day a little brighter. Your spring is ahead of ours, but we are getting there - despite having a little snow today. Keep on getting better. Hugs and kisses - David

  5. Love the fungi and beautiful magnolias-hope you are feeling a little better.
    Carol x

    1. The Fungi were really gorgeous, I have never seen those colours before! Hugs!

  6. Such lovely nature photos! I love your part of the world-you must be much warmer than we are!

    1. Our spring comes earlier, but I think your weather will be better than ours in a few weeks!

  7. I sure hope you are mending from your fall and that all health issuse are going away. There are so many beautiful photos today. I like the coffee memes too but best of all are the elephants. LOL Have a wonderful evening.

    1. Thanks Nicole, slowly, slowly the pains are getting less, but my ribs will hurt for quite some time!

  8. What a beautiful walk you had looking at all that beauty and your head full of elephants is AWEsome..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  9. Only a few magnolia trees here. They're kinda ify here.

  10. First of all thank you for sharing this fabulous elephant page for my AJJ theme! I should have looked at this post first - you have been enjoying walking by Magnolia trees too! Great funnies - love the kitchen drawer one! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I love elephants. My kitchen drawer is sometimes like that, too!

  11. Lovely photographs showing the magnolias.
    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  12. Gorgeous flowers Valerie and i luv the thinkies.
    Take good care of yourself


  13. Beautiful flowers Valerie, the magnolias are such wonderful trees.

  14. The magnolias are a dream... thank you.
    And the rabbit tree... isn't it delicious to look at?
    We are moving towards Easter... wonderful.
    Lots of love to you from Viola.
    I am happy :-))

    1. Thanks, Viola. The rabbit tree is such fun! They have just put up Easter decorations here in the clinic!

  15. Your walk must have been a splendid one yesterday with all those wonderful sights to see. I love those beautiful magnolias and especially the tree that looks just like a bunny. Those gorgeous flowers are just lovely as well. I can relate to the herd of elephants in my head too - it's a weird feeling but the herd just always seems to stay there. Take care, be well and have a great week ahead.

    1. Magnolias are really precious, I love them!

  16. Prissy had a beautiful magnolia tree in her front yard. We had an ice storm one year and the tree split from the weight of the ice. Prissy had to have the tree taken down. I missing seeing those beautiful blossoms though in reality, the tree doesn't do well her in New England. Out of the funnies, I love the black cat and follow your dreams back to bed. 😸Happy T Day!

    1. Is it too cold for the magnolias over there? Wouldn't it be good to follow a nice, black cat back to bed. I love black cats!

  17. The elephant art is cute. Love those magnolias. We don't have them in Hawaii.

    1. Even if you don't have magnolias, you have many beautiful plants and trees that we don't have!

  18. Lovely flowers...beautifully clicked vj

  19. That cat looks blissful! Loved all the photos. Those magnolias! Ours MIGHT be budded -- haven't seen them and if they are, they are struggling in the below freezing days after being very warm. Certainly no blooms yet. Gorgeous. And I love the photos of the flowers in your room. So beautifully elegant and simple. Keep on getting better!

    1. Thanks Jeanie! Hope spring soon comes to you, too! Hugs!

  20. Gorgeous magnolias! Thanks for the thinkies! -Christine

  21. Wow those magnolias are gorgeous. Seeing those must really put a smile on your face. And I love it when you make your heads. This one looks great with those animals in it. I wonder what this person is thinking about. Hopefully not big problems to move. I hope you’re feeling on the improve. Hugs erika

    1. Thanks Erika, my ribs are still so sore, I think there are elephants trampling about there! Hugs,!

  22. The flowers are gorgeous! We just had a 2 1/2 day blizzard that stacked up almost two feet in my city and much more in the mountains, so no flowers for us just yet, but they'll be here soon enough.

  23. Happy T day. I hope you are feeling well.

  24. so amazing awe inspring flowers:)

  25. All sorts of goodies today. Love the bunny tree and the happy kitty taking time to smell the flowers. Hugs, Sandra

    1. My Kitty used to sniff the flowers and then sneeze!

  26. Oh what beautiful magnolias. A feast for the eye.
    I love your elephant art, and the thinkies and funnies. Love the one where you talk to yourself like you talk to your dog.
    I hope you are recovering slowly.
    Happy T-Day,

  27. Oh ja, gib mir doch auch ein paar Tassen köstlichen Kaffees. Die Fotos der Magnolien sind wunderbar, schaut so erfrischend frühlingshaft aus. Und ein paar versteckte Fotos hast Du uns auch eingestreut (muss man ja extra anklicken).
    Alles Liebe und eine gute Zeit

  28. What fun elephant art! And those magnolias are gorgeous! Lots of folks around here reporting dead trees due to last summer's heat and drought, so we may not have a showing this spring. Hope you can get some energy back, I hate being tired all the time and spring is bad on me due to my allergies. XOX

  29. Love this post. The cat and kitchen drawer are my favs. Next would be the coffee cups but all of the post is a smile.

    Hugs and Blessings

  30. Oh that cat in your opening photo - Bliss! he looks so happy.
    Fabulous magnolia. Ours are just budding but i doubt we will have a show like some of these anyway, they are magnificent, It was a treat to see all the photos of them thanks Valerie.
    Love your elephants, what gorgeous colours and what lovely shades and tones on them too.
    I guess your stay at the clinic has been extended because of the fall you had. Thank goodness nothing was broken although bruising can be jolly sore. My knee injury - where there is no skin is numb, no feeling at all, but the part that looks fine is the part that hurts to touch. I am liking ths to your extensive bruising. Hope it heals soon Valerie but in the meantime enjoy the flowers dotted here and there. Must be a pleasure to walk along the corridors.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  31. Pearshapedchris! I hope you are getting better every day Valerie . Your walk photos look wonderful - Spring does have the best flowers! I adore your head full of elephants and thank you for sharing it for my AJJ theme! Needing coffee now! Hugs, Chrisx


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