
Friday 8 March 2024

Happy Weekend

 HI Everybody!

Sorry I have not been around for a couple of days, just been having a difficult time healthwise, and had to go to the other department of the hospital for lots of MRTs, x-rays and  a Sonographie , and I am not a friend of these machines, they scare me! . But they are necessary, and I am thankful that my insurance pays for all of these things. I hope to get the results on Monday.

I hope that you are all keeping well and fit, and that spring is on its way to you. I love seeing everything wake up to new life again.

This was on my way to the hospital early this morning:

The magnolias will soon open!

These were taken in the covered seating area outside in the garden, much loved especially by the smokers!

And last but not least I have a hybrid piece for Chris' 'On all fours' challenge at AJJ:

And for Pinky's hares or rabbits challenge at Tag Tuesday I have a new tag- The white rabbit is looking for Alice, can you find her?

And as it's Friday as I write this, I am linking to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF.
I will get round to visiting over the weekend, I just need time:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, life would be so sad without flowers! Happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. I do hope you feel better soon Valerie and get good results from the hospital..I love your tag with Alice and the rabbit and found her quicker than looking for Waldo..your elephant is gorgeous well over the weekend and take care..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  3. Yes, Alice is there in the leaves. Love your hybrid elephant, too. Best wishes for better health, Valerie.

    1. Thanks so much, hope David is doing well, too! Hugs!

  4. Wow a lovely sharing of art and photos. How your health issues subside and you feel better, much better.

    Happy you linked to AFFF


  5. Lovely art and photos Valerie so sorry you are not well. -Christine

  6. I hope you are doing well. The flowers are certainly very cheery. Your art is colorful and fun, too. I love the image of the White Rabbit as a herald.

    1. Thanks, he does look dashing, doesn't he? Hugs!

  7. No one wants all those tests but I hope they help sort you out soon and make you better. Magnolias are so beautiful. Hugs, Deb

  8. I do hope you get sorted soon, you must be fed up with these health problems. Spring looks as though it's on it's way here too, it was very sunny for most of the day and hubby managed to cut the grass which is a good sign. Loving your art work too. Take care and get plenty of rest. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, I am really fed up just now, but I hope that I will soon be on the right way! Say hello to Lincoln for me! Hugs

  9. Hi Val, glad you have a few hours at home, enjoy it, don't start working! Here it's cold this evening, but we had a lovely day! Love the sunrise photo! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks, I have no intention of working. Right now I'm looking forward to an early night and a good book! Hugs!

  10. Lovely photos, hope you are feeling better soon.

  11. I enjoyed all of the beautiful flowers and sunrise too. Hoping you will good answers from all the tests-hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, let's hope so. Happy weekend, take good care of yourself! Hugs!

  12. Oh Valerie, I'm so sorry things aren't going well. I hope the results come through quickly and that whatever is found is something that your medical team can get on right away. I know that waiting is worrying. I'm glad you had some beautiful views enroute. That magnolia is going to be a stunner!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Spring is keeping me going just now, so much beauty all around. Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  13. I'm sorry to read you've been having a tough week Valerie I hope you get lots of down and relaxing time this weekend. You're having some wonderful spring time too. We are too, but we are behind as we just lost the last of our snow yesterday. I like your Alice in Wonderland tag for Pinky's challenge, and your elephant is also very nice for Chris' challenge. Thank goodness for art or any kind to keep us sane. I hope your art is doing that for you. Happy weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Spring will soon be there in all it's glory! Art is really keeping me sane just now. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  14. Always a joy to see flowers.
    I hope the results of your tests come through quickly for you, sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, Jan, I hope to have the results soon. Happy weekend!

  15. Hope the test results are good for you. Those machines ARE scary, lol.
    Beautiful art you've shared. Enjoy your restful downtime and hopefully a pleasant weekend, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee! 20 minutes in one of those tubes is hard to endure, but what must be must be! You have a great weekend, too, hugs!

  16. Wishing u good health Vj
    Lovely post

  17. Good morning, Valerie. Sorry to hear that you have been having challenges, but, of course, that’s why you checked yourself back into the clinic, isn’t it? I chuckled to myself at the thought that smokers have a preferred area to impact their breathing and increase their susceptibility to cancer and respiratory problems. It does seem odd that people go to a clinic to improve their health yet continue to engage in one of the most damaging practices of all. I hope that you will be able to enjoy the weekend, perhaps get together with Heike, and that soon your health will improve to the point where you can return home. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, the clinics all ban smoking inside, bur provide a place outside....And a nice place! I have just come back from a meal out with Heike, it was delicious. Now I am having a happy hour at my computer before I go back! I am having problems wit my h button, I have to hit it very hard or all of my hhhhhs would be dropped! Hugs, Valerie xxxxxxx

  18. I'm sorry you are still feeling poorly and I do hope your test results are favorable. The pictures of spring about to burst with beautiful colors and flowers is always so promising for new hope for tomorrow. Take good care of yourself - sending comforting hugs.

    1. Thanks Carol. The beginnings of spring are always wonderful, we need hope! Hugs.

  19. So sorry to read about all the tests you had to take. I hope they find out what is wrong with you.

    Loved the flowers on the table and the cute hare in Alice in Wonderland. And of course, that is an adorable elephant for Chris's theme at AJJ.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, take care, hope you are feeling better? Hugs

  20. I see Alice! Love both pieces. Fun. I am so sorry your health isn't better. Here's hoping for a turnaround soon. Hugs, Sandra

    1. Glad you found her, thanks for the good wishes!

  21. Oh do hope you will be well ~ Magnificent photos and awesome art works as always ~ the elephant is fascinating ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  22. I see your getting time to be creative. Sorry about the health issues.

  23. So sorry to hear about your health struggles, Valerie.
    It's never easy dealing with tests and uncertainty, but I'm glad to hear you're taking the necessary steps and that your insurance covers it all. Your positive attitude shines through despite the challenges, and your creativity with the art pieces is inspiring. Wishing you a speedy recovery and sending you lots of positive vibes and virtual hugs.

  24. Good luck with all the diagnostics and with finding help for your health problems!
    best, mae at

  25. So very sorry about your health and all the running around at the doctors. Wishing you a fast recovery.

  26. A fab Tag, I have several stamps of that Hare, too many stamps to remember what I have got,lol.
    I hope your results are good and you can get well and go home very soon, sending love and hugs xx

  27. I really love your elephant with his little mouse friend - another fabulous page for my AJJ theme. Take care, hugs Chrisx

  28. Love your elephant - what a magnificent one he is - what a beautiful array of colours and patterns and things.
    Pretty tag too.
    Sorry to hear you are ill and in the clinic. Worrying that you have had to have all those machines examining you - I too. am petrified of some of them and I thought I was safe from having an MRI because of my pacemaker. Seems not, they just put it to sleep whilst they do the MRI. Hope the resuklts come throuigh soon and they are good.
    hugs, Neet xx


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