
Thursday 11 January 2024

Thursday / Friday post

 Hi Everybody!

It's very cold here today, and we had the coldest night on record for many years here at the lower Rhine, where we are usually favoured with mild weather. Brrrrrr!

First of all I have  a piece for Erika's 'It's on the calendar' challenge at AJJ. I found an old head in one of my stacks of paper - a painted head, of course - and fished it out. It was covered in splodges. Still - waste not,  want not, so I went to work on it. I filled the head with various bits and bobs and ufos from my craft table. Then I painted the left side purple and wrote my text on it - finished. Sometimes it's good to have an empty head going spare....

And I am showing another face meant for Nicole's FFO. I made it in September and never got round to showing it yet.

The decorations were inspired by these delicate, dried branches from one of the hedges, they were so pretty:

And for Pinky's 'Something new' challenge at Tag Tuesday I have a tag:

Now for some photos from yesterday.
First of all sunrise. Stupid as I am I stood on the balcony and enjoyed it, and today  I have a nasty cold:

Then I went out walking and took more photos so you see how high the water still is:

The ducks out for a swim:

This is the meadow where the horses usually graze. Back in the good old days this was part of the moat, and it always fills up after heavy rains and high water:

This was taken from the bridge which used to be the entrance to town in the old days. The moat has filled up here, too, although it's usually a park:

And here I reached my goal, my reward, my safe place to warm up - Bolton's Bakery, where I was able to enjoy a sandwich with meat and salad and a large cup of cappuccino:

I think I'd better stop here!
I'm linking to Erika's challenge at AJJ,   Pinky's challenge at Tag Tuesday, Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF.


Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art I love your necklace inspiration. Enjoyed the photos. Get better soon Valerie.

  2. Beautiful art Valerie, glad you could get out for a walk and lunch. we will be bitter cold this weekend in the minus's brrrr enjoyed all the photos toohugs Kathy

  3. Hi Val, good afternoon! It's very cold here, too. You have been busy, and 3 lovely pieces, wow! Have a nice rest this afternoon! Hugs from us all, Sarah

  4. I love how you create your collages. You have such a talent for it. I also am delighted with that face. Inspirations can come from anywhere. You did a fabulous job. Wonderful photos too. I would love to find a bakery like in your photos. Have a wonderful day today.

    1. Thanks Nicole. We have bakeries like that everywhere, I love them!

  5. No such thing as a wasted piece of art, it can always be worked into with mixed media, or worst case scenario painted over with gesso! I love your red headed lady! She's special. You did get some lovely photos but were they worth catching cold? Hope it's better soonest. Hugs Deb

  6. I am excited as I finally finished cleaning off my desk and organizing it so I am off to make art once I finish with my lunch. I feel very refreshed and ready to go, before my covid induced nap sets in though. :) And I just love your heads, and this time I like how you filled it up and that quote is great. That's how my head looks most of the time; thank goodness I can write things down or I'd forget half of them. Hee hee. And I can see how your inspiration for that pretty face fits. She reminds me of lots of images of medieval ladies you see. And lucky you to get a walk in. I am going to try tomorrow, but my one complaint about being sick is how tired I seem to get so quickly. Have a great end of the workweek. And Thank you again for linking up to AJJ. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Well done on cleaning your desk! My workdesk looks like a catastrophe zone, and I need to see to it, too, but everytime I plan to start, it somehow doesn't happen! The COVID fatigue goes on and on, a friend says it can last 3 months. I hope not! If you go for a walk, don't go too far, take it, but take it easy! Hugs!

  7. U nas też zimno a ja nie lubię zimy więc chętnie piję gorącą kawę:) Twoja praca i fotografie są piękne. Udanego weekendu życzę:)

  8. She's a beauty. She puts me in mind of sister golden hair from the song.

    1. Thanks, yes I remember that song, that must be 15 or 20 years back. Time flies!

  9. Yay for Bolton's Bakery and all kinds of empathy for the cold weather. You do have a lot of water still. Love the expressive face and the inspiration for her decorations. Hugs

    1. Yes, Bolton's Bakery is one of my daily goals, I love sitting there and listening in on other people's conversations. Naughty, but nice! Hugs!

    2. Heh. Sandra

  10. Valerie, your calendar page is clever, love the spiked hair, lol. Pretty face and tag as well. Also photos. I hope you just have a reaction to the weather since it's so cold there. Glad you got some good food on your outing, xoxo

    1. Thanks, Aimeslee, at one time I had my hair short and spiky, too, but I think I'm too old for that these days! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  11. Lovely post Valerie and great art work, I hope your cold goes away quickly! There is a lot of water around in your area.

    1. Thanks Sue! I'm staying home today so hope my cold goes away!

  12. Next time you are in need of empty heads, Valerie, please let me know. There seem to be many here, especially among the political class, and most of them are insensitive to logic, reason or decency and would barely know if they were decapitated. If they are not using their heads you might as well! I am very happy to see another long-necked Balconia beauty, a ravishing Rhine dweller, a delectable Deutsche dame. I am beginning to think that these gorgeous maidens are swans that have been transformed into human form, hence their long necks. Oh to have the grace and beauty of a swan. They are indeed exalted. Bolton’s Bakery looks wonderful. Be sure to look carefully at all the women there; who knows when a long-necked apparition might be standing in line ahead of you. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi, David, I hope you enjoyed all of your bird talks this week. I know, of course, that you are not talking to birds but people, but I'm sure you do often speak to the birds. I have lots of visitors on my balcony today, I bought them some suet pastries, and have them hanging all over my balcony. Normally only the small birds can reach the nets, but yesterday a crow sat on my balcony and watched the little Meisen at work. After about 5 minutes he flattered in front of the suet net like a humming bird, pulled the net of the hook, and flew off with the whole thing! Clever, too clever. The pigeons are sitting in the tree opposite waiting for the lady who lives in the apartment above mine to come home and feed them on her roof garden! They all know exactly where to go!
      And thanks for the good idea, a swan lady sounds a good idea to paint.
      Have a wonderful day, dear David, hugs! xxxxxxxx

  13. It is lovely to find an old piece and be inspired by it.

  14. Well I have both an empty and old head. ROFL. Your tag is both delicate and pretty.
    Have a grand weekend. Hugs, Sandra

    1. Thanks Sandra. I love my empty head time in the mornings. When I've just woken up but haven't yet caught up with the hard reality of the day - lovely! Happy weekend, too! Hugs!

  15. ...thanks Valerie for tour, I hope that we can do it again soon. Take care and be warm and well.

  16. I love all the numbers and letters on the calendar and found it interesting to see what inspired your painting. TFS the beautiful photos of your part of the world. Our waters are high too after having had much rain with more on the way later today into tonight. Take care of yourself and stay warm to get rid of that cold!

    1. Thanks Carol, much appreciated. I really stayed home today. There seem to be floods everywhere just now, and now it's started snowing....perhaps I will stay home tomorrow, too! Hugs!

  17. Liebe Valerie, das hast du SUPER gemacht mit dem "Reste-Kopf" - wirkt wirklich wie ein Kopf voller Gedanken... Und ich bin froh, dass du uns endlich das wundervolle Septembergesicht gezeigt hast!
    Uff, bei euch ist wirklich ganz schön viel Wasser - mir hat's schon genügt, dass das eine oder andere Feld durch flache Pfützen wie ein kleiner See aussah. Deine Fotos sind auf jeden Fall sehr stimmungsvoll. Ich hoffe, deine Erkältung verzieht sich so schnell, wie sie gekommen ist!
    Danke für deine lieben Kommentare - ui, du bist eine WAHRE Frühaufsteherin... In jüngeren Jahren bin ich manchmal (zumindest an Wochenenden, aber nicht nur...) erst um diese Zeit schlafengegangen. Heute ist die Zeit zwischen 1 und 2 Uhr nachts meine übliche Schlafenszeit...
    Ich kaufe mir auch schon ewig keine Tassen mehr - aber eine Zeitlang habe ich gesammelt bzw. bekam viele geschenkt.
    Herzliche Rostrosengrüße und alles Liebe, Traude 😊

    1. Danke liebe Traude! Mein Kopf ist immer voll mit so viel dass ich es nicht sortiert bekomme. Meine Therapeutin sagt immer dass ich Sachen aufschreiben soll aber dazu habe ich wenig Lust, Lesen und Malen sind mir lieber! Hugs!

  18. Great creativity. Still haven't done a calendar or a date page yet.

    1. Don't stress yourself, you always do so much. One thing at a time! Hugs!

  19. Can you do something with my empty head?😂 Lovely art and photos.

    1. Oh yes, definitely. pop over any time and I'll see what I can do! Hugs

  20. So glad you reached your goal! Well done (and what a wonderful place to end up! Yum!) I love your pieces. We're due for 10" of snow over the next day or so. I hope they're wrong. (It's started.) And it's COLD!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Same here - snow, ice and ain't getting warmer! Not my cup of coffee! Hugs!

  21. Hee! Hee! that's my head at the moment, it's either completely empty or full of so much I don't know where to start! Brilliant collection of photos,, so much water at the moment. Hope the cold settles soon. Take care and have a happy weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. That's the way it goes - stuffed full or nothing to find! Hugs!

  22. Lovely art and I enjoyed your photographs.
    With the cold weather it must have been nice to get in the warm at Bolton's bakery to enjoy your food and cappuccino.
    Here in the UK our Health Security Agency (UKHSA) have put a cold-health alert in force!

    Stay warm over the weekend.

    All the best Jan

  23. Wonderful face creation ~ she is beautiful and divine ! ~ Lovely series of photographs of nature ~ thanks, ~ stay warm ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks so much, Carol, have a great weekend 💖

  24. Hallo Valerie, what a beautiful empty head - a very clever idea. I like how you make use of ufos in your stash. I sometimes do that as well, but I get to create to seldom at the moment that the stash must truly feel left alone. I had to laugh about your mixed language comment on my last post - this is the way the Geek and I often talk with each other. Please go on with it, it really made my day! In diesem Sinne - ich wünsche dir ein gutes und hoffentlich nicht zu kaltes Wochenende (hier ist es auch affenkalt, und das in Kalifornien!) - Carola

    1. Kalt in Kalifornien? Oh dear! I often have friends here from the UK, USA, France, Ukraine and Germany and we all laugh over our mixed Sprachen and have a wonderful Zeit. You wish I a schönes Weekend und viel fun!

  25. you are such a wonderful artist. i love the journal page, the painting and of course the "new year" tag! xo

  26. Your artwork is truly amazing Valerie and a joy to look at!! I love your tag and how you reflected the image from your photo, really stunning!!

    1. Thanks Pinky, I have a clever computer! Happy weekend, 💖 hugs!

  27. What a fabulous idea to start with an empty head and fill it up with all those lovely things. I do like the purple side you gave to your journal page.
    I also like the portrait you painted for Nicole's challenge, lovely to replicate the tiny branches you collected on your walk.
    That is a lovely tag too.
    Just sorry you have a cold. Take care of YOU.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, you are always so kind. I had fun with all those little branches, but it did take a long time. Have a great weekend, hugs xxx

  28. Happy New Year Valerie.

  29. That old head definitely has a new lease of life - I love the purple! I must say your portraits are always wonderful but this one with the gorgeous foliage is on of your best. The Rhine looks as though it's still racing along! Love the sunrise but sorry to read of your cold! Bolton's Bakery sounds very English but I bet it's got much nicer bread and cakes than some around here.... and you can eat in! Hope you feel better soon, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks! Bolton's is a nice place to sit and chat and have a coffee. The bread and cake there is very good, a bit expensive in comparison to Aldi, but really worth the money.

  30. Bitterly cold here today Valerie, noticed it was -4 degrees, no snow though, although we don't have snow that often here locally, when we do get it, it's quite a novelty, lol. I hope you are still getting better by the day. I'm not quite back to normal, must be my age,lol.
    Love your tag for Pinky's challenge. Take care, xx

    1. What's normal? I'm sure I don't know anymore! Get well Sweetie! Hugs!


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