
Friday 26 January 2024


Hi Everybody!

This has been a very busy week, and tomorrow I have an early appointment at the doctor's , so I must try to get to bed a bit earlier today.

My first piece today - also with a face - is for Erika's 'It's on the calendar' challenge at AJJ. I re-used an old 10" tag on the calendar:

And this is a drawing I made from a photo of me, several years back:

And I love this one.

A smart dog:

And Heike is back home, we went for coffee / hot chocolate today. I missed her while she was in hospital:

Look at mother cat:

This is a new painting, painted over an old collage that I didn't like. I'm not sure if I like this one either, perhaps I will change some parts, or perhaps not - we shall see! Definitely a WIP

I am linking to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. So good to know your friend is out of the hospital and you were able to enjoy your favorite coffee/hot chocolate once again. Beautiful calendar, drawings and especially the one you made of yourself!

    1. Thanks Carol, much appreciated. Happy Friday, hugs!

  2. Great to have your friend out of hospital and ok to have coffee with you Valerie. More beautiful art work, love the jade colour in the last painting.

    1. Thanks Sue, I've never used that colour before, but I'm trying to like it!

  3. Lovely art Valerie including your self portrait. -Christine

  4. Happy Friday Valerie. Thanks for linking to AFFF


  5. I am cuing the band, they are striking up a tune, I am tap dancing furiously, the cymbals are clashing - Heike is back! Yippee, hooray, hurrah, three cheers. She looks terrific too. I think they recharged her battery while she was in the hospital and she is revved up and raring to go. I am sure you are happy to be reunited with your pal, Valerie, and she equally to enjoy your company again. Sometimes it doesn’t take much in life to make us happy. A friend of mine had urinary issues a while ago, and he is overjoyed that he can now pee regularly without a burning sensation. It’s the little things that count. Heike, a steady stream, it’s really all we need. Hugs and kisses and many extras for Heike - David

    1. I just got back from visiting Heike at her place, I think she is happy to be back home. I will relay her your message when I visit her again, I am sure she will be happy! I went to my psychotherapist this morning, and it rained all the way there, but in the meantime the rain has stopped and there are patches of blue sky and the sun is squeezing through the cracks in the cloud, yessssssss! Ah yes, it's the little things that make life good, like being able to eat, move, pee etc! It's all so important! Take care of yourself, be good, hugs! xxxxxxx

  6. I just posted a comment, Valerie, but I am not sure it “ went through.” Let me know, Valerie. I would want Heike’s return to go without due recognition.

  7. hI vAL, oooops, started off wrong! Love yyour art today, the new painting is fabulous, I love it, and you should, too! I hope you are feeling well, and I am so happy that you have your Heike back, I'm sure you missed each other! Have a lovely day, take care, it's been pouring non-stop here. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, I make so many mistakes lately, it costs a lot of time to put things right! Yes, it's great to have Heike back. The rain here has stopped, hope it stays away now! Hugs to you all!

  8. I'm glad Heike is home and well. You must be excited to go out for coffee and to be able to have a catch up. And you made some lovely art for today too. I like your calendar piece. Recycling the tag was a great idea! Thank you again for being so supportive. :) And I like your new face too. The turquoise really pops and I like the hint of her chin. I hope mama cat and her kittens don't get hit and get out of the rain. That photo made me a bit sad that they should even be there. Have a super weekend! hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, we are both happy that she's back home! I've been trying to re-use things lately, and it goes well with the re-used calendar that was actually never used! I wrote my name on the front, that was it! At first I didn't give my painting a chin, and it looked strange, so just added it with a touch of white. Mama cat & her babies seem to be strays, but I love how she is holding that little one, and we must hope that they all got safely over the road. Have a happy Friday, hugs!

  9. That mama cat! I love it -- and your portrait. Good luck at the doc today -- I hope it's just a routine and easy appointment and all is well. And tell Heike "welcome back!" I'm glad your coffee dates can resume now. I hope she's feeling all better and you are doing OK too.

    1. Thanks Jeanie The doctor today is my therapist, she's a great lady, but I sometimes think she has a hard job with me! I just talked to Heike on the phone again, and she was very happy that so many people were sending her greetings. That mama cat carrying a baby, that is so astonishing. They are such good mothers. Happy Friday, hugs, Valerie

  10. Your self portrait is very good. I have done one but I did it as a hand carved stamp. I think I need to turn it into an art quilt now - thanks for the idea.

    1. A face quilt is a great idea, Gene, your quilts are always fabulous!

  11. Valerie, you put so much goodness into one blog post, I sometimes wish I didn't have to wait to get to the comments because then I forget some things I wanted to say, LOLOL. But I so love your WIP, looks fine to me as is. Happy to see Heike back and y'all having fun as usual, xoxo

    1. I often forget things I wanted to comment on, too! I'm glad you like my wip, I had fun making it. I don't like throwing old stuff away! Heike must feel like a star today with all her mentions! Have a happy Friday, hugs!

  12. Your art is truly amazing! The colors in the last painting are just perfect, especially that jade shade. And your self-portrait is fantastic; you captured yourself beautifully. So glad to hear that Heike is back and doing well. It's the little things, like enjoying coffee together, that make life so special. Happy Friday and sending hugs your way!

    1. Thanks Veronica, much appreciated!yes, the little things are important, and make our lives worthwhile. Happy Friday, hugs!

  13. As always your art is thrilling to me. You have no limit to your imagination. I also like painting over old art. It shows growth and how much ones art has changed over time. Your funnies are perfect especially the moron one. Thank you for joining FFO and have a warm and wonderful day.

    1. Thanks! It's fun to paint over old things, and I really enjoyed this one!

  14. Creative calendar page ~ Wow! ~ Glad your friend Heike is home ~ she looks happy ~ hugs, ~ portait over collage work is so creative too ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. You're very good at drawing eyes. That is your forte. Also, gorgeous hair. Keep at it.

  16. That's a bright, expressive eye. Also like the calendar piece. The moron meme is priceless. Hope your doctor's visit goes well.

    1. Yes, that moron meme is wonderful. Happy weekend! Hugs!

  17. You always come up with the most amazing paintings, love it. The cat with her family is so sweet. She reminds me of a dog we used to have that managed to escape one day from her kennel taking five puppies with her, she did the walk that we normally did with her though luckily there werew no roads to cross and then brought the pups back in time for tea. Have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela! Nice story, dogs are clever, always back home in time for their food! Hugs

  18. I like your calendar piece and your WIP is very colourful.
    So nice to see Heike out of hospital.
    Hope your appointment goes well.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  19. How lovely that you and Heike can share each other's company over hot drinks again. That poor mother cat ~ omg! Love your calendar piece! Take care, Valerie!

  20. I'm glad your friend is out of the hospital and y'all are finding time for visiting :)

  21. Good to see that you can go out with Heike again. I love the journal page! Love the cat and kittens, hugs, Chrisx


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