
Monday 29 January 2024

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a great weekend. Mine went by too quickly, I have no idea where the time went, but that's the way it is!
First of all I woud like to share a tag made for Michele's challenge, 'Marie Antoinette'  at Tag Tuesday. You still have a whole week to join in, and tags of all formats are welcome. I unfortunately made a hole in her head - tags usually have holes - but it looked bad, so I gave her a floral decoration:

And I have another calendar page for Erika's 'It's on the calendar' challenge at AJJ, once again using a re-used calendar and tag. The lettering and ballett figures were stencilled:

This evening we will start celebrating Elizabeth's TsfT drink party, so here some drinks. And a hearty welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. And of course, my drink is coffee:

A few funnies / thinkies:

Some icy early-morning photos taken from my window:

Happy T Day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I hate when someone has a hole in their head! Nice fix with the flower LOL Now I feel the need for a good hot cup of coffee! Thanks for the suggestion :)

    1. Thanks, Carol, it just looked wrong ! Have a great week, hugs.

  2. It's always fun to stop by your posts! I'm drooling for some of that whipped cream. Marie Antoinette looks good with the bow and love the Alexa joke!! Lovely photos too.

    1. Yes, I love that Alexa joke, too! Have a great week, hugs.

  3. Lovely tag and page. Delicious coffee and thanks for the thinkies.

  4. Funny memes! Thanks for the chuckle!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Lovely art to start the day off well. Thanks for sharing. I love the ballet page very much. Have a good morning, take care and don't overdo things. Hugs from us all, Sarah

  6. Luv the thinkies😆
    Nice calendar piece. Have a nice week.

    1. Thanks so much Gillena, have a great week, hugs!

  7. A hole in the head of Marie-Antoinette wouldn’t have been so bad, Valerie, given the fact that it all ended for her with no head! That gave a whole new meaning to “losing your head” or even “head over heels” depending on which direction it rolled. And all because she told people to eat cake. There is no justice in this world! I bet she wasn’t thinking about point shoes and pirouettes as she laid down her head for the last time. Heike looks the very picture of health and vitality and has a smile as big as a politician’s ego. I noticed that while in hospital they amputated that appendage from her hand, that so resembled a giant glass of beer. She looks wonderful and I am sure you are happy to have her around you again, to share food, drink and conversation. Good friends should be appreciated and cherished every day. Enjoy the week ahead. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Marie Antoinette was not a person who cared about others, but nobody should have to die like that. I am sure that appendage will return to Heike's hand when the weather gets better and we once again long for cold drinks! At the moment I'll stick to my coffee! Have a great week, BIG hugs xxxxxxxx.

  8. I guess a hole in MA head is better than if you cut it off 😜. I like it. And your calendar page is amazing to. You have that blue again. I love it. The dancers are a great idea also. I haven’t seen dancers for quite awhile. Thanks you once again. As always, it is much appreciated. I hope you have a great start to the new week. And happy T day too. Hugs Erika

    1. Indeed, that was an awful way to execute people. I have one more page for your theme, then the new one will start. Have a great week, take care, hugs.

  9. I'm thinking the hole in her head would've been appropriate lol The dancers are enjoying their lives :)

    1. I think dancing is a passion which is really for life! Have a great week, hugs.

  10. Oh that toilet truck..
    Mmm all those drinks look yummy.

    1. Thanks so much! A truck like that wouldn't be bad for long distance trips! Have a great week, hugs.

  11. Oh, that insulation meme was funny! I love both your pieces and so glad to see you and Heike are back in action and enjoying time out.

    1. I can't understand why anyone would put something like that on their heads! Have a great week, hugs.

  12. "Circumcisions," huh? Haha. Love your ballet tag. It's been years since I saw a good classical ballet other than the annual "Nutcracker."

    1. Ballet is wonderfucl to watch, but hard work for the dancers! Have a great week, hugs.

  13. I always need my coffee, too! Have a great week, hugs.

  14. Love your tag Valerie and had a loud giggle with the hole in her head, great dancing calendar page too and you have lovely views from your window..hope you are feeling better., or at least getting better everyday...

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy. The view from the window is the best part of my flat!

  15. Ahhh the hole in the head, I've done that SO many times lol. I love your tag and your altered calendar, and talking to a can of tuna is definitely something that I would do! Take care and have a very happy week xx

  16. Loving your arty work today. I did smile a bit at the lady with a hole in her head poor thing but you fixed it nicely. All that coffee has made me feel like I must go and make one Lol! Thank you for the kind words over at mine too. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. You're welcome, Angela. Coffee ☕☕☕ often calls to me, too! Hugs!

  17. Good collection of images and funnies this week! A good book for your post: “ Marie Antoinette: The Portrait of an Average Woman” by Stefan Zweig.
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, new books are always welcome!

  18. What was she thinking to put that hat on her head? Maybe she should cover it up like you did with Marie Antoinette's hole in the head. I like your way of artistic rescuing! I'm glad to see Heike again - and that looks like a very cozy cafe where you are. Why don't we have places like that in the US? And drinking coffee from real cups and not paper or plastic ones. So lovely. Have a wonderful week, Valerie, and happy T day. Hugs - Carola

    1. I would never eat anywhere where they used paper or plastic! Real table ward is so much nicer. Perhaps you need to start a cafe..... Hugs!

  19. I was most impressed with your dancer calendar dancer spread. It was fascinating and a fun piece for Erika's theme at AJJ.

    I adored your various coffee choices. Nice to see Heike out having coffee with you, too.

    Laughed at Camila's insulation hat. Shows her fashion choices. Thanks for sharing your art and various coffees with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie. Hope you're feeling better.

    I got a "failed to publish," so will keep trying throughout the night.

    1. Whoever recommended that hat should be sacked. And Camilla should look in the mirror! Hugs!

  20. *LOL* Too funny, but a great fix with the flower! Happy Tuesday!

    1. Thanks, who needs a hole in the head?! Hugs.

  21. The little dancer looks very cute. The plumber's truck is clever advertising. I'm glad I wasn't sipping my tea or I would have spewed it across the screen. Looks cold out your window. Just like outside mine. At least, Heike's smile is warm. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ. I nearly spat out my coffee when I say that plumber#s truck for the first time! It's still cold and very grey today!

  22. Marie Antoinette looks great with the flower in her hair! I love your journal page, the black calendar pages make great backgrounds. Loving those morning skies! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! I didn't like the black pages at first, but now I do! Hugs!

  23. Love your tag and your page - a Marie Antoinette challenge! I have so many images, I wonder if I can find them in time to join in! Happy T Day! Elle xx

    1. Thanks Elle. I have a set of lovely MA stamps - but where???

    2. ooh stamps, really? I hope you can find them.

  24. Marie looks much better with her hole covered and I always love to see the little Tim Holtz dancer. Is that a new blog header? The sunshine looks so nice! Hope your week's going well, xoxo

  25. LOL! Just love the plumbers van :)

    All the best Jan

  26. your marie tag is gorgeous and the calendar page is full of fun. all beautiful. thanks for playing along with my marie challenge! xo

  27. You have such a busy blog, I don't know how you do.Love the funnies and of course your wonderful photos. Love the Tag for Michele's theme, hugs xx


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