
Friday 1 December 2023

New Challenge at Art Journal Journey - Above us only sky

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at AJJ, and this time the lovely Wendy of Wendy's Art and Craft Journal  is our host. The theme - above us only sky - is the title of a Beatle's song. You can read more about it on our Blog AJJ.

And I would like to thank Jo for hosting last month and for all of the beautiful pages she created.

When I think of sky I always think of the paintings of van Gogh, and my first piece is a 'knock off'' of his starry night painting. I drew it using soft pastels. Then I added the tree at the front, the text, and the naked lady digitally. The lady is a pastel painting  made back in the 1990s. I love to combine things this way to make hybrid projects:

And I have some sky photos taken here at various times:

I hope to see lots off you joining in with this challenge, and look forward to seeing your creations. And above all have fun!

Have a great day,  take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I was blown away by your interpretation of this theme. I love the beautiful starry night. It was the perfect first entry for Wendy's theme at AJJ.

    You got some great sky shots. Love the contrails, as well as the airplane. Your morning skies are lovely, too.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, starry night is one of my all time faves!

  2. What a fabulous idea for your first entry for my theme, love it. I love pastels and have done a couple for mine own pages. Hope you are keeping well, hugs Wendy.

    1. Thanks Wendy, I love working with pastels, too. Hugs!

  3. Hi Val, good morning. Love your beautiful art again, I know how you love Vincent! I am looking forward to another day on my own and hope to get a lot done. Have a great weekend, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, enjoy your restful weekend! Hugs.

  4. What an absolutely brilliant start to Wendy's AJJ theme! This is such a fabulous 'knock off' painting Valerie! Your photos are wonderful too, Hugs, Chrisx

  5. Your Van Gogh "knock off" is wonderful. You could have been a professional photographer as well. Love all of your work.

    Hugs and Blessings

  6. You may have been inspired by some famous artists for your piece Valerie, but it is definitely not a knock off. This is really lovely. I also did a dream page which I'll share sometime this month too. Happy December to you! hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I'm lookig forwrd to seeing your dream page. Hugs!

  7. Beautiful pictures of sky and sunset. The picture looks a bit like Vincent...
    All the best

    1. It is one of my Vincent knock offs! Happy weekend, hugs

  8. The sky is my favorite aspect of living on Earth. I like your "Starry Nights" knock off.

  9. Just a quick note to let you know I am back in circulation, Valerie. I arrived back home about eight hours ago. Should be back to normal for your next post. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. So happy that you are back with us! Hugs, xxxxxxx

  10. Beautiful hybrid journal page and love all the sky pics-enjoy the weekend and stay warm.
    Carol x

  11. Beautiful page and photos today Valerie!

  12. Beautiful are and wonderful photos. I hope you are feeling and happy December.

  13. I love your dreams piece. The blue is spectacular. Your photos were great.
    Hugs, Sandra

  14. Totally adore this.. I always think of Van Goghs sky's too, so atmospheric always takes me into another dimension. One day I would really love to have the biggest of canvas or a wall to just paint the sky.. sigh!! Inspirational Valerie a great theme from Wendy.
    Sending hugs for a creative weekend Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, I would love to pant this on my walls! Hugs!

  15. Awesome page with the starry night sky and love the sky pictures, makes me want to go lay on the lawn and look up to see what I could see, unfortunately I probably couldn't get up..ha ha ha..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. This is my problem, too. Getting up is haaaard!

  16. Hi Valerie, love your Starry knock off! I like that you used pastels too, lots of fun there. Have a great month!

  17. Lovely art and a great collection of photographs.

    All the best Jan

  18. I always enjoy your knock offs and the Van Gogh is perfect for the theme and a terrific offering on its own. And of course your local skies are always beautiful!

  19. I have a stamp of his sky and I'm thinking of ways to use it. That's a nice interpretation of maybe my favorite painting of his. I've been resting for a few days and now catching up. Happy week for you, xoxo

    1. Thanks so much! Glad you had a good rest. I love this painting very much! Hugs!

  20. A beautiful hybrid piece of art Valerie, and wonderful photos.

  21. I love your naked lady sitting in the corner. What a beautiful job you made of painting her way back. She works so well with your Starry Nights which is from one of my favourite artists. The only thing is, Valerie, I now have the song permanently going around and around in my head,.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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