
Monday 27 November 2023

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

This will be a short T Post as I have a nasty cold and cough and need to get back to my bed.

I have a new journal page for Jo's challenge at AJJ.
The owl postcard on the right is a Freebie from the Graphics Fairy:

This evening we will start celebrating Elizabeth's drink party, so here a warm welcome to the ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

My drink is coffee, as always:

Wishing you a Happy T Day,  a good, new week ,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely journal page.
    Sending lots of get well wishes to you, feel better soon :)

    All the best Jan

  2. sorry you are not feeling well. The cold and cough are going around. Love your artwork and funnies. The cat with the coffee mug is adorable. Hope you are feeling better real soon.--Judee from Gluten Free A-Z Blog

    1. Thanks Judee. Yes, colds and coughs are going round, my neighbour has Covid!

  3. Lovely art and thanks for the thinkies. The drinks will be good for your cold, feel better soon.

    1. I'm drinking lots of hot tea, unbelievable! Hugs!

  4. Hi Val, good morning 🌞. It's pouring here, it's probably the same where you are, the best thing would be to stay in bed....but I need to work! I hope you can rest today and that your cold is soon better. Take care! Hugs from us all, Sarah

  5. Hi Val, good morning. It's pouring here, I suppose it's the same at your place. I hope you stay home today! I need to work, so must go out! Hope your cold is better, take care. Hugs from us all, Sarah

  6. The first comment disappeared, I wrote a new one, and then there were 2!

  7. Szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia życzę. Piękna praca z sową. Milego dnia:)

  8. Take care and look after yourself. There are some nasty viruses going around now. I hope you've got somebody who can pop in and keep an eye on you. Make sure you're drinking plenty. Hugs. Deb.

    1. Thanks Deb. I'm drinking plenty, I made ginger & lemon tea in stead of c offee!!! I will look after myself and hope it goes away soon. Hope you ared well, stay safe! Hugs!

  9. I love your latest page Valerie. It has owls on it. :) And so sorry to hear you have nasty cold. They are never fun, and even the not so bad ones can ruin a day. Get lots of reest. The smiley mug and toast made me smile this morning. Take care, get lots of rest, and have a Happy (early) T day too. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks, dear Erika. Well you won't beieve it but I've been dxrinking TEA - ginger and lemon, wow. It's supposed to be good for sore throats. I am staying home - it's very cold and wet outside, and will use the time for reading and perhaps some painting! Look after yourself, hugs!

  10. Thanks for another fun combination of art and smiles in your post today. I just love the smiles on the toast and coffee mug - too cute! Take care of yourself and feel better soon. Everyone I know is dealing with a cold or sinus issues these days.

    1. I used to have a toaster which made smilies on toast, it was fun. Must see if I can get another one. Have a great, new week, look after yourself, hugs!

  11. Beautiful journal page,love the Owls and cute Fox.I can relate to the "what day is it today?" lol.Me and my daughter had this cold/cough bug last week and she still has it-put my feeling better down to taking honey every day.Hope you feel better soon.
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol. I sometimes have to think really hard which day it is! I have honey here, I wsill try it, thanks for the tip! Hugs, Valerie

  12. I'm sorry you're sick and hope your recovery is quick. I can remember honey (as Carol says above) by the spoonful. I don't know that it helped, but I certainly enjoyed it :)

  13. Having a cold is no fun. Get well quickly. Like that orange hued card. Nice.

  14. A beautiful post! I hope you get better very soon!

  15. Sweet journal page. Coffee and Tim Tams will help perk you up. Feel better!

  16. Very meaningful thoughts today Valerie. I do hope you're feeling better soon but I think it's that time of the year when these bugs are going round. Gorgeous journal page, love it xXx

    1. Thanks Angela. Two of my neighbours are down with the same!

  17. So, so sorry you're not feeling well right now and I hope you are much improved and all better soon. Meanwhile, loving the art and your cat memes! You take care!

  18. Gorgeous piece Valerie, such vibrant colours and I love owls, what a gorgeous page.. hope you feel better soon, take care, keep warm..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. I love owls, too. I hear one nearly every night, but I've never seen him yet!

  19. Feel better.

  20. Love your page today Valerie, that owl that looks like part of the branch is very cool, and the cute fox. Also that cat funny holding a packet of Tim Tams, must be an Aussie lol Hope you feel better soon, happy T day!

    1. Thanks Elle, I wish I had some TimTams! Hugs!

  21. Beautiful owl-y page, Valerie. Gosh, sorry to hear you have a nasty cold. If you have something with zinc in it, take a little extra every day, also hot tea, chicken noodle soup and lots of rest. My Honey swears by honey in his tea and he is never sick, except for his allergies which is a constant condition. I'm big on hot soups and tea. Hope you are back to it soon, but if you get worse, please get medical help because pneumonia is no joke. XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, I have been good and drank lots of hot ginger tea instead of my usual coffee! I have an appointment with my doc tomorrow. Have a great week, sta healthy!

  22. Hope you feel better soon. I was sick for over a week. It was terrible! Loved your journal page and all the fun images you shared.

    1. Thanks so much, I have never before felt so bad with a cold, IT CAN ONY GET BETTER! Hugs!

  23. All these are beautiful photos. I like the journal pages too. Very creative. Hope you will get better soon. Happy T Tuesday!

  24. Gute Besserung wünsche ich dir und schön auskurieren!
    Tolles und wunderschönes Posting hast du wieder gemacht.
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

  25. Hi Valerie, can you check the email I sent you this morning, there is an issue with Mr Linky on TT and I can't sort it. Sorry you aren't well, xx

    1. Thanks Sandie, the blog is now OK. Hope your back is soon better! Hugs

  26. in the autumn days lot of my friends are not feeling way....

  27. Love your journal page. That cat with the candy bar is great!
    So sorry to hear that you are under the weather. I hope you get the rest you need to heal.
    Happy Tea Day,

  28. I stopped by earlier, but it was about the time I lost electricity. I was scared my pipes would freeze, but the electric company fixed the problem within 3 hours. While I slept, thankfully.

    Sorry to read you have a cold. Glad to read you are drinking tea for a change. It sounds delicious, too. Please stay in bed and don't worry about anything except getting better.

    I really like that journal page. It is beautiful and I love owls. The fox has sucjh a sweet face, too.

    I love the cat with the Tim tams. What a cute hat it is wearing. Thanks for sharing the lovely drink entries and your great funnies with us fr T this Tuesday, dear Valerie. BTW, the Cat is meowing.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, glad you got your electricity back relatively quickly. I visited the cat! I am not a tea fan, but Ginger tea wuth lemon is nice!

  29. Wow! That is a beautiful piece of art. The Owl really caught my eye. I am so impressed with your bakery. We only have in store bakeries and they are terrible. The same flour mix for everything. Have a nice day today.

    1. We have lots of good bakeries here, three in our tiny place, and there's always fresh bread and cake, yummy! The bread here is wonderful! Hugs!

  30. Great woodland journal page!
    The funnies made me laugh and I could really identify with the kitten waking up in the morning.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. I never know wh, where or what when i wake up! hugs!

  31. What amazing work and gorgeous images, brilliant post as always. ♥

  32. I hope you are better soon Valerie. Love your journal page, I had a giggle at the Tim Tams in your picture!!

  33. Liebe Valerie,
    dein märchenhaftes Eulen-Fuchs-Waldbild gefällt mir gut, es passt zur Vorweihnachtszeit. Und ganz entzückend auch manch ein Meme, vor allem die mit der überfordert dreinblickenden Katzenmutti, dem zerstrubbelten Katzenkind und dem Hund, der auf dem Pferd eingeschlafen ist. Tiere können so komisch sein ;-DD
    Ich hoffe sehr, deine Erkältung ist nicht so hartnäckig und immer wiederkehrend wie unsere. Werd rasch wieder gesund!
    Alles Liebe und eine glückliche Woche, Traude

    1. Danke,liebe Traude! Katzen and Hunde koennen seh r komisch sein. Meine haben much immer gut unterhalten. So Gute Nacht, schlaf gut! Alles Liebe dir!

  34. Your funnies really made me smile today as the little ginger cat reminds me of myself in a morning and the following picture has a dog that reminds me of my other half.
    But I came on here to look at your journal page and what a joyous page it is. It is full of autumnal colours, colours of nature and the flora and fauna we all love. It really is a beautiful page.
    I am just sorry that you are in bed full of a cold. Get well soon is the message (although it is a silly one isn't it, as if you are going to get well slowly??)
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you like it. It reminded me of childhood fairy tales etc. oh dear, I never grew up! My cold is getting better, that makes me happy, today I have even been painting a bit. I just want to get rid of this cold and cough, quickly. Would be good!. Hugs!

  35. Oh wow I love the owls! nearly didn't see the taller one. Super picture! And your other pictures too. I hope you're feeling a lot better. I had a nasty bug last week that started the week before. Just went to bed with a jar of Vick! Sorry I'm late, but then I always am! Happy T Day,,,mine isn't tea either, its hot chocolate...I choose that because, even when it cold it's ok! ((Lyn))

  36. Hi Llyn, haven't seen you around lately. I have been ill all week with a cold and cough, but slowly it's getting better! Hugs to you!

  37. Such a fabulous page! I love the imaginary that you used, so creative and beautifully detailed 😊. Thanks so much for all your amazing inspiration over at AJJ and I hope you are feeling much better soon! Hugs, Jo x


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