
Friday 10 November 2023


Hi Everybody,

Hope you are all well and fit, and especially that Nicole has recovered from her operation.I have a cold and cough, and hope it is soon gone.

Today I'm starting with a new face made this week. I had the cardboard backing from a drawing block hanging around, and there was already some gold paint on it and some patterns, I must have started it many years ago! I am linking to Nicole's FF0 and Gillena's AFFF

I started by scribbling some words, stamping with a script stamp and  adding some diluted colour round the edges:

I added the colours with prismalo coloured pencils which were later activated with a wet brush to spread and intensify the colours:

I also added some pieces of scrap paper which were swimming around on my table, and some words cut from Shakespeare's ' A Winters Tale'

And it looked nice in my fruit bowl

And some more faces:

Have a great Friday and a happy weekend!
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This new face is truly gorgeous Valerie. I like how you showed us the process too. It just got better as you went along, but it was fantastic even before you got there. I hope you have a lovely Friday. hugs-Erika

  2. So many faces and so many expressions and thoughts - you certainly have a very creative mind to come up with so many different faces! Nice work - now go enjoy a fantastic weekend!

  3. The colorful faces are just beautiful! I had a cough a few weeks ago and it lasted for 3 weeks! I hope you have a quick recovery!

    1. Thanks Judee, I hope my cold goes away more quickly! Hugs!

  4. I loved watching your first face develop personality. Love your faces period. The memes are great. Hugs, Sandra

  5. All the faces are amazing, but the first one is awesome. I love how you showed us the entire process, too.

    1. Thanks, it was fun for me, too, to see the face changing and developing! Hugs!

  6. Wunderschön dein Gesicht und toll ausgedacht! Die anderen Gesichter sind auch so hübsch!
    Gute Besserung und erhol dich gut, ich hab auch ein wenig schnupfen!
    Schönes geruhsames Wochenende wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Viele Dank, liebe Elke. Ich hoffe dass Dein Schnupfen auch schnell weg geht! Hugs!

  7. Beautiful faces and good thinkies Valerie!

  8. Hi Val, good morning. I love all of your faces, and the new one is fabulous. Different, and very beautiful. Have a great day. Take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, glad you like 'my' face. Hugs to all!

  9. Liebe Valerie, allein schon "the smile fort the day" ist äußerst entzückend und aufbauend! Die Gesichter, die du geschaffen hast, sind es auch. Ich finde es toll, wie du die Pappunterlage des Zeichenblocks mit der vor langer Zeit aufgetragenen Goldfarbe zu einem Kunstwerk umgewandelt hast. Aber auch deine anderen Gesichter gefallen mir - ganz besonders das blaue Mädchen mit dem Spitzenmuster!
    Momentan kränkeln wirklich viele - mein Mann und ich auch - hoffen wir, dass wir bald allesamt wieder fit und gesund sind! Ich schicke dir jedenfalls liebe Besserungswünsche!
    Herzliche Novembergrüße aus Österreich, Traude
    🍂🍃🍁🍃 🍂

    1. Viele Dank. liebe Traude. Mir macht es Spaß Gesichter zu malen. Dir ein schönes Wochenende, pass gut auf dich auf. Hugs!

  10. Yep, that’s what I always do. I find a piece of old cardboard, already besmirched with paint, and I turn it into a work of art. Do it every day. NOT! It’s amazing what you crafts people and artists see in the offcuts and discarded bits of stuff most of us just consign to the recycling bin. Your ladies are magnificent this morning, Valerie. I shall be dreaming of them all day. When Miriam sees that far-away look in my eyes, she’ll think it’s for her - and you had better not tell her otherwise! I should let you know that my friend from Australia will be arriving here tomorrow. We will be birding every minute of the day and then we’ll be leaving for Cuba a week later, so for about the next three weeks my presence on your blog might be sporadic at best. Just so you’ll know that I didn’t drop dead! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David! I will miss you when you are not here! Forget me not! Since I was a small child I have always used spare bits of paper, cardboard, wood - whatever - and turned them into paintings or objects. I even paintedx on the wall at home - strangely enough, it was not liked and got scrubbed off! A neighbour gave me 2 off-cuts of wood this week, that will be fun to use! Have a great weekend, take care, big hugs! xxxxxxx

  11. ...Valerie, your ladies have beautiful eyes. Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Tom. You have a great weekend, too! Hugs!

  12. This week's new face is stunning! And of course I like your other faces too!

    1. Thanks Debra! I wish I could draw myself a new face, that would be fun! Hugs!

  13. I can’t quite read the quotes you included from “A winter’s tale” — but I remember its most famous line, which is not spoken but it’s a stage direction:
    “Exit, pursued by a bear.”
    And the character is then mauled — off stage, naturally.
    best, mae at

    1. Yes, that's a fun stage direction. I wonder where the bear came from?! When I grew up in London in a neighbour kept a bear in his back yard, but he had to remove it because a lot of neighbours were scared. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  14. Hi Val, Love your new face, and all faces that you make. Hugs, Martha!

    1. Thanks Martha, hope you had a good day, and that you will have time to rest over the weekend. Hugs!

  15. That baby has probably won a lot of hearts, what a sweety! Hugs!

  16. Thank you for joining FFO. Have a great weekend.

  17. Love all the faces and the first one is fabulous.Hope you feel better soon and enjoy the weekend.
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, hae a great weekend, hugs! Valerie

  18. I like look of first three art pieces.
    Coffee is on

  19. Super art and vibes. Take care of that cough. Rest.
    Thanks for linking to AFFF


    1. Thanks Gillena, the cough is getting less! Hugs!

  20. Valerie, the new face you created is amazing. I love this kind of "half faces" and it was interesting for me to see your process of it. The final result is so beautiful with such lovely colors. You are truly talented.
    I'm sorry that you've got a cold and hope that you will feel much better very soon. Despite the cold, I hope you have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thanks Carola, I love making faces. My cold is getting better, so that's good, too. Hugs

  21. Love the Ascemic writing on your new face creation, but also the beginning base, it looks yummy. I love process shots, but they are so easy to forget to take, lol. Ascemic/hidden writing is so therapeutic for venting what pisses one off. Ha, I don't do it enough, lol. Hope your weekend is good and therapeutic, xoxo

    1. Thanks, dear Aimeslee. If I were to write about everything that pisses me off I would have a lot to do.... But I do love a good scribble now and then! I went to a workshop some years back, we each got a huge canvas to write on before we painted over it, and it was really good. I mostly forget process shots, you're better there!! Have a great weekend, take care, and hope your Arthurs leave you alone! Hugs!

  22. I loved that background Valerie and then the build up to that gorgeous face and soft colours, I love it..hope your cold goes away soon , you cannot take the risk of a sneeze when painting..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks for the warning, I will try not to sneeze while paining! Hugs!

  23. You always come up with such great techniques for your art work, love it. Great collection of funnies too. Happy weekend. Hugs, Angela x|Xx

    1. Thanks Angela. I don't reall have any techniques, I just start and see where I end up! Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  24. A lovely post.
    Just love the wonderful smile on the babies face.

    Hope you had a restful weekend ... kick out the cough and cold and have a good new week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  25. The colorful faces are just beautiful!
    Great collection of funnies too.

    Hugs and blessings, Valerie

  26. Wow. I'm really impressed with your FFO piece, Valerie. It's absolutely beautiful and I really loved and appreciated seeing the process and steps. It's quite enigmatic -- and lovely.

  27. Great piece! I like the colors and design and how the face emerges.

  28. Sometimes it's good to play and just see what happens!

  29. How step one went to the end I don't know, it is fabulous! I read and re-read your post about how you did that portrait but i still am in awe of what you achieved. I love it.
    That is not to say I don't like the others, I do but this one has an ethereal beauty about it. Well done Valerie, it is beautiful.
    So sorry you have a cough and cold, nothing worse and at this time of year too.
    Take care, Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I done know how I got there, either! But it was fun! Hugs!


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