
Saturday 28 October 2023

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all doing well and I wish us all a great weekend!
Today I have a hybrid piece for Neet's 'In gear' challlenge at AJJ:

And I have a piece I made for a course I did. It should have been painted, and I made it with soft pastels, sso it wasn't as detailed as it should have been, but at the moment I have other problems, like very shaky hands again, So please excuse any spelling mistakes! And I actually like the picture as it is!

And I have some funnies/thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art and thanks for the funnies Valerie -Christine

  2. The pastel piece is very pretty. A happy accident! Tremors that won't quit are such a nuisance, you have my empathy. Hugs Deb

  3. That journal page certainly fulfils the brief for 'in gear' at AJJ. What a wonderful page it is which is much like one of my dreams and shows so many industrial pieces. I love the various 'figures' you have in there. The robot, the winged man, and, of course, the two young people.
    That car is fabulous, so full of rust that it looks almost as if it has first of all been burned out, or perhaps it belonged to an old farmer and they are his two daughters who are wanting to learn to drive in it. I just hope they did not take it without his permission and something went wrong resulting in all the nuts and bolts, gears and wheels flying out all over the place.
    Perhaps now it is 'time to wake up' for them.
    Thanks for a super entry for my theme at AJJ but I am so sorry you are having problems with your hands. Nothing worse for someone who loves to do art. I wish I had a magic wand to make them go away for you.
    Take care, Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I was hoping to get more pages done but it didn't work out. And here I gathered everything I still had and packed them into one piece! The girls are very good, they won't use that car wihout permission! I wish you had a magic wand, too, that would be fantastic . I'd better call Harry Potter! Hugs!

  4. Hi Val, good morning. I had a good sleep in today and that was good. Now I'm drinking tea, reading the newspaper and writing to you. I'm sure you'll be drinking coffee! Have a lovely weekend, hugs, Sarah

    1. Have a restful weekend and take it easy. Yes, I'm drinking coffee! Hugs!

  5. You certainly have your art in gear this morning, Valerie. It appears that you have risen to the challenge in fine style. Now if only you can get all your own gears to work in synch you’ll be in fine shape! Actually your art done with trembling hands is quite lovely, and you have said that you like it the way it is, so that’s what counts. You are the artist and to you goes the final say. I did my presentation on owls last evening in Cobourg to a large and appreciative audience, and saw an old acquaintance I hadn’t seen in years, a fine ornithologist and retired medical doctor. She is now approaching ninety but still looks great; not quite as robust as I remember her, but that’s only to be expected since it’s about a dozen years since I last saw her. It was really terrific to meet up with her again. I also had an early dinner with the recently widowed mother of my son-in-law, Andrew, at a Ukrainian restaurant established by recent arrivals from the destruction taking place in their home country. The food was delicious and it was good to be able to help them get started in Canada. Weekend is here. Heike time, no doubt. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David! Glad you like my shaky lines! But I really like it, so all is well. Sometimes I get very cross with myself, but that doesn't help either! Glad your owl discourse went well, that's great, and nice that you met up with your son-in-law's mother and had a great meal together. So glad that the new immigrants are working and doing well in their new land. Good that you supported them by eating there. Have a great weekend, hope you see lots of birds! Hugs! xxxxxxx

  6. I'm still trying to wake up after a rough night of interrupted sleep so I can relate to your hybrid. I love the pastel work, it's so graceful and serene. Thanks for all the giggles and I love the spelling graphic, it's so true! Wishing you a wonderful weekend with hugs

    1. Sorry that you had a rough night, Carol, that's not good. Hope you can have a snooze this afternoon. Glad you enjoyed the funnies! Hugs, xxx

  7. Oh i like your AJJ hybrid piece. I'd been thinking of robots too, and then I just ran out of time. But I'm loving how you hit just about everything with gears. And I really like the softness of your flower. It has a beautiful dreamy like feel, maybe better than if it was much more distinct. Hoarder collie made me laugh too. Thanks for the morning smile. I hope the shaking clears up soon and you have a really lovely weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I just used up everything I had left over for Neet's theme, and it all went well together in the end. I enjoyed the 5 day course I joined it, Sue is a great teacher, and it was something different, and helped to take my mind off things! Enjoy your weekend, hugs!

  8. Fabulous journal page and love the soft pastel flowers.
    Carol x

  9. Both pieces look good, especially the in gear piece, which is detailed and interesting. That joke about the crocodile made me laugh.

    1. I loved the crocodile one! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  10. Well done art vj. Great post

  11. Fabulous piece Valerie and love your Art work, gorgeous colours and I could happily sit by that brick wall and stare at those adorable little creatures and the sunflowers all day..have a wonderful weekend..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy! That brick wall is wonderful, a real breath of sunshine! Happy weekend, hugs Valerie

  12. Hi Val, lots of beautiful work from you again. Love the pastel flowers and the fantastic steampunk piece. And the jokes are all funny, I laughed at the dog and the crocodile especially loud! Hugs, Martha!

    1. ThANKS Martha, have a great weekend, take care, hugs!

  13. I like it just as it is, too. And your hybrid. Sorry about your hands and the shaking. I know how frustrating that can be and I hope it eases soon.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I have to learn to be contented with how it is and not how I would like it to be! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  14. Your art work is very expressive. I think you are like many artists who mastered new techniques rather than becoming limited by the perils of aging. I'm thinking of Monet, Matisse, and even in a sense, Rembrandt.
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. Yes I need to learn new techniques, or be satisfied with simpler things, but I will not give up! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  15. I do like the pastel flowers.
    Thanks too for the funnies and thinkies.

    Wishing you a restful weekend, with a few cups of coffee to drink and enjoy :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, glad you remembered the coffee! Happy weekend!

  16. Your pastel flowers are lovely. Sorry about your hands. Love the funnies- they are always inspiring and uplifting. Love the one about spelling !

    1. Oh yes, spelling was always somewhere in the realms of magic for some of the classes I taught! Happy Sunday, hugs!

  17. Two beautiful pieces of art Valerie, so much to enjoy in the first one.
    Great thinkies too.
    I hope your hands are better today.

  18. LOL luv your funnies. Have a nice Sunday. Thanks for linking to SundaySmiles


  19. I like how you used disparate items and made them work perfectly for Neet's theme at AJJ. Brilliant. The flowers are beautiful and so soft looking. Loved the Hoarder Collie.

    Failed to publish, but I'll keep trying every few hours.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. My dog was a hoarder, too, she put scarves, gloves, caps or anything warm and wooly into her basket!

  20. Oh you were smart to come up with robots (and I'm still wishing I'd stole, er, borrowed your witch on broom idea for Tag Tuesday, lol). I'm working on and hope to get finished in time an "in gear"page about my first car, a 1968 VW Beetle. I learned to drive with a stick shift and no it wasn't fun, haha. But I did love that car. Hoping your tremours subside, it's no fun when the hands don't work right. I lose strength in my fingers and wrists at the most inappropriate times, cannot hardly hold a ceramic plate of food with one hand anymore. But we limp/shuffle/march on, right? Hugs and Happy Week, xoxo

    1. Oh yez, we need to keep going whatever happens d! I put everything I had collected for Steampunk onto that page, it was fun! I love my robots! I used to have a Beetle, too, it was bright orange, and I loved it, a real 1970s car! Have a good week and keep well, hugs!


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