
Saturday 21 October 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing all visitors a happy weekend!

It's freezing cold here today, raining non stop, and the heating isn't working, so I'm well wrapped up to write this blog! Yesterday it was warm and sunny, and I was able to go for a walk down to the Rhine and through our little town. People were enjoying the sun:

I love the ancient town walls:

There are always ships, barges and boats to see:

One lonely gull:

Some of the leaves have turned red:

Parking space is always hard to find!

The old tower covered in red leaves used to be the customs house. The officers had a great view from the roof of all ships passing by and collected their taxes:

A bench for weary walkers:

Our town book box, all books are free to take:

And after all that walking I  earned my cappuccino:

The sky very early in the morning:

Here you can see a planet, too, but I've forgotten which one it is:

And this is a painting made for one of the LB lessons from Melanie Rivers. Mine doesn't look anything like Melanie's, and I'm not happy with it, but that's the way it is.

And this is a painting I made a couple of weeks back. Now I have altered it so I can link to Neet's in gear challenge at AJJ. I added a lady - the same one used in the painting above - and a steampunk tag which I made many years back. I think the man on the right likes the lady!

More early morning photos from my balcony:

And some funnies / thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fabulous post lovely and happy one xx

  2. A nice walk, thanks for the funnies! -Christine

  3. A lovely post today. I see the planet, it is, I think, Venus. Often seen in the sky, known both as the Morning Star and Evening Star depending on the time of day, for it is almost always the brightest object in the heavens. Have a lovely weekend! :Hugs Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, and especially for the info! Hugs!

  4. Hi Val, good morning. Hope you had a good sleep and feel rested. I love all of the art and photos today. The early morning shots are fabulous, it's such a wonderful show each day! The kids are all at Leah's for the weekend, it gives me a bit of time to get sorted etc. Have a good weekend, rest, read, paint! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Enjoy your weekend and have a break, don't work all the time! Hugs!😁

  5. The peek into your world through photos is quite amazing. I love the house with red leaves and the beautiful scenery, along with your amazing paintings. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks Carol, this is a pretty little town, I like living here!

  6. Oh I love both paintings, but since I'm partial to flowers, and blue too, I really like that one. You do know how to paint a good vase. I need to practice that more. :) And lovely sky photos, and you have a beautiful place to walk along the river. I like to walk places where things are always changing, and I know from your past photos that is true for the river. Stay warm. That's terrible about the heat, and we're in the dark and wet weather too. It would be a good day to nap but we're meeting my daughter to have an early birthday celebration since she's off on an adventure for her birthday. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! We have a lot of lovely walking paths here, all easy to walk as everything is flat around here. I think I will have a nap now, you've inspired me! Have fun wth your daughter, and hope she enjoys her birthday adventure! Hugs!

  7. It's always fun to join you on your walks around your town and especially by the river. I see the leaves are starting to turn in your world, too.

    I think the painting looks a LOT like the one Melony Rivers drew. I sure recognized it from the painting she made, even if I didn't watch the video of her making it. And you did a beautiful job adding the woman to the tag of gears. The man looks like he wants to be with the lady. It's a great entry for Neet's theme at AJJ.

    Always great to pamper yourself and with you it is coffee or cappuccino. I LOVE the thinkie about never explaining yourself. Have a super rest of the weekend, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, glad you enjoyed your walk! I think we should never have to explain or justify ourselves to others!

  8. Love the pics of your walk,the river and beautiful sunrises.We had heavy rain and really strong winds all Thurs night and all day and night yesterday-never left the house but calmer today so managed the local shops
    Carol x

    1. Glad you managed to get out in spite of the weather! It's a nice place to walk here, our little town goes back well over 1000 years. Hugs!

  9. Awesome post, I enjoyed everything, our temps have just gone up to the 80's F and still no frost here which is unusual for sure. You live in a wonderful area to be able to walk and see many different things Happy weekend Hugs Kathy

    1. Enjoy the warm temps. Have a a great weekend, hugs!

  10. Cold and rainy here so I'm happy to look at pictures of your little town and boats on the river. You have such a way of capturing amazing sky images. You did a great job with the paintings. I think you are far too critical of yourself. Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Thanks, the sky is always fascinating. Yes, sometimes I am perhaps a bit too critical!

  11. This is a fabulous post. I love seeing where you live. I hope the heating gets fixed. Stay warm and have a nice weekend.

  12. What a beautiful day at the Rhine! Just love it. You always seem to have fun with your art and photography.

  13. A u nas wczoraj padał deszcz a dziś jest ciepło , lubię słoneczne dni. Piękne fotografie, wspaniała biblioteka z książkami za darmo. Miłego tygodnia:)

    1. These free books are a great idea, you can take books out and / or put them in. Have a great weekend!

  14. I hope the heating is soon fixed.

    Fabulous pictures, you live in a lovely area.
    So pleased you were able to enjoy a cappuccino.

    I enjoyed your art and thanks for the funnies/thinkies.

    All the best Jan

  15. No heat sounds very difficult! I hope your system is soon repaired and you can sit and paint comfortably.
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, this happens year for year because the house admin forgets to control things before it gets cold! Have a great weekend.

  16. What a splendid walk -- and well done, you, bundling up and walking anyway. You deserved that drink! I hope you get some heat soon. It has been cold here too, for this time of year. I'm not ready. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

    1. Thanks Jeanie! Today is rest day! Happy Sunday, hugs!

  17. Happy Sunday Valerie

    My card is HERE


  18. Gosh, I think you are right, that man is looking ever so longingly at the lady. Love that tag you have introduced to your painting, and I do like the painting in its own right but it is good to see how you have repurposed it to be included in my theme at AJJ. Loved the various shades of bluke, bukt now you have added the vase of flowers it really brightens everything up and it reminds me of a dresser with flowers on and the tag looks like a lovely photo frame. Thanks for including this in myh theme for AJJ.
    So enjoyed all the photos, it was especially nice to take the walk with you through your town. Great 'sky' photos. Not sure I could stop at a coffee in that shop, the cakes look too tempting.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps hope you have had a lovely weekend, rested some and recharged yur batteries.

    1. The Neet, glad you like my page. We have nice places to walk here, and the cakes are more than tempting! I am really resting today, and enjoying it! Hugs!

    2. Thanks for the heads up on my 'blunder' for my monocled man page. Have now changed it and checked, I don't think it is on any of my scheduled pages. Just shows how dizzy I can be. Glad you are resting today.

    3. Actually, I think it's a great name, and would like to see it more! I sent off a letter last week, and posted the envelope without the ledtter in it! These things happen! Hugs!

  19. I hope they aren't rationing ya'lls heat. I've read many accounts of this being the case in Germany and UK. Thanks for including the town sign. I google mapped and have a good idea of the area where you hang out now. And you surely know I'm not a stalker, lol. Just been curious about it, I have a thing for needing to know the setting. The Reinpromenade looks so familiar to me now because of your many gorgeous photos. And I like your blue taster painting, a nice abstract. But I love the yellow flowers in the other painting, those are very cool. Have a great Sunday and new week, xoxo

    1. No, no rationing. Last year was difficult because Russia stopped gas needed for gas heating etc. The admin here is just a bit slow to put it politely! I'm sure you are not stalking me. Our little town is Kaiserswerth, which means emperor's island. We don't have an emperor any more , just the remains of his castle! Have a great, new week! Hugs!

  20. Valerie thank you for linking to SundaySmiles

  21. I am very late getting to this post, Valerie. Yesterday I led a walk for the Society for Ecological Restoration at the University of Waterloo, and then I came home and there were messages, and people to call, and things to do, and Thai fried rice to make for dinner, and on and on it went and the day just got away from me. I actually accomplished a great deal, but getting to your blog was not on the list, obviously. For that I apologize, but here I am now, freshly showered, coffee at my side, ready to allocate my full and undivided attention to you. I am very impressed with the book box. We have them here, and they are called mini libraries, but they are nowhere near the size of the one you show. It’s a lovely civilized gesture it seems to me, in a society beset by crassness and shallowness. Books are so precious. They represent the very essence of freedom of thought and expression, even that which offends you. To think that they are banned in some places is abhorrent in every way. I hope that your weekend has gone well. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David! It sounds like you had a long and interesting walk, and I forgive you for not visiting me! You may get up off your knees now! Your comment was hidden in the murky depths of the comments, but I resurrected it!! Every district here has their book box, Telekom gave their old telephone boxes for free to be used for the books. I often put books in, and sometimes I find a good book, too! Hugs! xxxxx

  22. I think our high today was 87F. 87! That's warmer than usual even for us. It's expected to stay that way through this week. We haven't had rain for a couple of weeks, and the Mississippi River here has broken low water records. Rain in maybe 5 days or so they say. Weird weather.

    You capture those skies and clouds perfectly!

    1. You could send some warmth over here and I'll send you rain....

  23. A great post Valerie. I love your art, and the photos of your town.

  24. Your town looks so beautiful in the Autumn sunnshine - it's a totally different kin
    Nd of

  25. Your town looks so beautiful in the Autumn sunshine - the light is so different at this time of year isn't it? Your balcony is in the oerfect place to capture those sunrises! I love your painting and the page you made for Neet's AJJ theme. Great funnies and I absolutely love the last one - a great reminder! Hugs, Chrisx


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