
Thursday 5 October 2023

Thursday/Friday Post - FFO and AFFF

Hi Everybody! 

Today I am showing 2 pieces I made for Lifebook. I am not doing all of the lessons, I don't have the energy for that, I'm just doing those that are fun for me.

The first one was from a lesson by Andrea Gomoll:

I used soft oil crayons and smoothed it down with water:

Then I decided to use another version of the face in this painting, she is now a rather scary looking night sprite:

And something for Nicole:

The heads were made with molds:

A set of gold rimmed tags:

And some funnies/thinkies:

This was me as a baby:

I am linking to Nicole's  FFO and to Gillena's AFF.

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Awesome art Valerie, and loved the funnies too-hugs Kathy

  2. There's so much beautiful art in this post Valerie. I like the variety. That's a fun HAlloween tag too-perfect for Friday Face Off fro certain. Nicole will love it. And are those kitty mugs the ones in your kitchen? along with your cow? Have a fantastic end of the work week, but luckily you don't have to go to work. :) hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! I thought Nicole would like that tag, too! My Kitchen is full of cows and kitties. Good that I don't have to work anymore, so I can spend a lot of time in my arty kitchen! Hugs!

  3. Lovely art Valerie and good thinkies!

  4. So far I haven't done any LifeBook, so well done you! I do like the first lady gold tag image. Hope all is well. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! Usually I try everything, but I need to be very limited in my choices this time. But I'm enjoying what I'm doing, just taking things slowly! Hugs!

  5. I have downloaded the PDFs of the LifeBooks so far, but I have only watched ONE video. It was the only one I actually thought I could make and it was the stuffed doll. I am going to try that one as soon as I get stuffing. I've made fabric paper in the past, but never with napkins or tissue paper.

    You did a great job with these faces. Of course, there seem to be a LOT of faces, which I know interests you far more than it would me. I like both faces, but the second one is a bit quirky.

    What a face for Nicole. I know she will love the skeleton. Just awesome. Some great faces, too.

    I LOVE your moo and kitten inspired kitchen. I also like the image of you as a baby. Have a super weekend, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, the one you like was the one I liked the least! Tastes are dfferent! Hugs!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! I had to go to the dentist today, as always it's not nice but necessary! I have a new contract so will have lots to do this afternoon, I got the studio set up yesterday so I can start as soon as I've had a nice tea. Take care and have a lovely day, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Sorry about that, I need to go next week! Have fun with the new contract! Hugs to all!

  7. Wszystkie prace są niezwykłe i piękne. Zawieszki są cudowne złocenia dodają im piękna. Jesteś prawdziwą artystką. Życzę dużo zdrowia i uśmiechu.:)

    1. Thank you so much. Lucyna, I am honoured that you like my work! Hugs

  8. Love all the colourful art and hope you are feeling better
    Carol x

  9. So many different faces, so many styles, hints of Modigliani, such creativity. I swear that you are a renaissance woman, Valerie, a polymath, a visionary. After all, who else can discover rare birds unknown to science, paint long-necked beauties with hair cast to the wind, dwell on the delights of coffee, have discriminating taste in sausage, and pasta too, walk in the park and be inspired by its beauty, and understand fully that Canada Geese rule the world? And all of these talents are presented weekly, several times in fact, for us to enjoy and to wish that we had but a smidgeon of your intellectual capacity. I will continue with my humble blog, a bird here and there, a caterpillar or two, even a butterfly and a bee, wildflowers, water beetles….stuff like that. It will have to do. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. David, you should right scandalous books instead of reviewsing sedate bird ones, you have so much imagination and your use of words is amazing and always makes me laugh - thanks for that! I think your geese will soon be called International Gesse instead of Canadian ones, as I swear there are more in other ccountries that there are in Canada! I love watching them, but a lot of people would like to be able to hunst and shoot them, so I hope that it will not be allowed. I was sure today was Sunday, and spent a long time in bed reading and resting, and now I've realized it's Thursday - oops! Hugs xxxxxx

  10. Wonderful creations, love the colours. Anesha x

  11. Whatever! Sorry about the many mistakes, my fingers are not behaving today!

  12. Wow! I don't know why those opening images shocked me! You are a master of color but those were so different. Loads of terrific color and wonderful work here, Valerie!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, sometimes I just try something different, and scrivbbling with the crayons did me good! Hugs!

  13. You're an amazing artist to have created so many things to enjoy! I love the baby picture of yourself! Have a great week ahead

    1. Thanks so much Carol! I was a lovely baby, but old age has messed things up a bit!

  14. I like that color combination. I'd forgotten all about oil crayons, but I still have some of those. The figures on your gold-edged tags have a lot of style.

    1. Thanks! I discovered mine recently when I looked into a cabinet looking for something else! Even when my hands are shaky I can hold them in my fist and scribble away - fun!

  15. WOW, lots of fun and spooky and cute and colorful things to see Valerie, love the art work with splashes of bright bold colours and the faces..awesome..hope you are well..

    luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, glad you liked today's assortment! Faces are always my faves! Hugs!

  16. All kinds of goodies today. Your lady, like the rest of us, is subject to mood changes. Heh.

  17. Simply amazing pieces. Luv the autum one best.
    Happy Friday
    Thanks for linking to AFFF


  18. ...just doing what is fun works for me and she turned out beautifully! Take care and have fun this weekend.

  19. I like the first face best. And my favorite funny is "Water is essential for making coffee" - and yes I am drinking coffee right now. (and every morning!)

    1. Thanks Gene. People who love coffee are my sort of people!

  20. For me this is very different. I am so into yellow right now. I love love love these pieces with the yellow. Really brilliant. All of your faces are stunning. I am pulled to the angel with the serious face, she is beautiful. However, I am thrilled with the piece you made especially for FFO. How can I go wrong with skull art. LOL Thank you for joining FFO and have a very lovely day.

    1. Thanks Nicole, glad you liked the Halloween piece, I had fun with it, too!

  21. That's some really nice at, some of it in time for Halloween. Just love it.

  22. You were an adorable baby. Always love your Modigs and those mold faces are cool. Nice Lifebook lesson. Hope you'll have a great weekend, xoxo

    1. Thanks so much, Aimeslee! Hope you are feeling better. Have a wonderful weekend, hugs 🤗!

  23. Wow! ~ Love both faces in beginning of post and so much creativity here ~ you have been busy and love the funnies ~ especially the library ones ~ thank you!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  24. You always come up with such amazing artwork. Great texture on the tags too. Loving the funnies, I don't know why but at first I thought the dog was a bat! Have a great weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Yes indeed, that dog looks like a huge bat, too funny! Hugs!

  25. Hi Valerie! I love your heads for Nicole! The colours on the first peace are lovely! ☺

    1. Thanks so much, Rain, glad you are back with us again!

  26. That Head with Butterfly Wings and Gilding is my favorite.


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