
Friday 13 October 2023


Hi Everybody!

Today  I have pieces for various themes and challenges, I am still very distressed over the situation in Israel and the awful things that are happening there. I just hope and pray there can be a solution soon.

I'm starting with a steampunk piece for Neet's in gear theme at AJJ. This is another hybid piece put together from bits and pieces of different pages. And it has faces on it, so is also suitable for Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF:

And I have another piece I made for the Lifebook taster sessions, a fun scribble-rooster from a lesson by #NadyiaDuff. This was fun and relaxing to make::

This was another Facebook lesson from #RachelChristopoulos. I am not good at flowers, but I tried. I like the vase better than the flowers!

And some thinkies and funnies - mostly with faces:

Naughty but funny:

Have a great Friday, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I do like your steam-punk piece, your rooster and your vase of flowers :)
    Many thanks for the great variety of funnies.
    Wishing you a fabulous Friday.

    All the best Jan

  2. Fun pieces. I love your confetti-like background on your floral piece.

  3. Lovely art and thanks for the laughs Valerie -Christine

  4. You have a great selection of art today Valerie. Nice page for Neet's challenge, and I especially like that rooster. You caught the feel for one exactly. And you say can't do flowers, but you can do a great job of the vase with water in it. And oh my goodness, that meme with the dogs and toilet paper-I've been there. When we first had Maddie she was in the car along with a big package of TP, and what did she do, she shredded it all over the car. She also did it with yarn once, and ate my bamboo needles. Good thing she outgrew that. :) Yes, the news is so sad. It is all we see on our news, and it makes you lose your faith in humanity that people can do those things to other people. Have a lovely artful Friday. hugs-Erika

    1. I had a dog and a cat together, and they both loved shredding TP, sometimes I came home and it looked like it had snowed! I think sometimes that people are much more cruel to each other than wild animals. We need kindness instead of war. Hugs!

  5. I think we're all hoping for a quick solution - - and I think that it is far from coming, I'm sad to say. Your art is lovely today. You've been busy!

    1. I don't think there will be a quick solution either, so sad.

  6. A solution would be such a Blessing wouldn't it? I think reasonable people can coexist in Peace and Harmony. Sadly not all people are Peaceful or reasonable. Love the Steampunk piece...Dawn the Bohemian

    1. It would indeed. So many people are without reason, love and kindness, all things we need to live in a peaceful co-existence. Have a great day, Dawn!

  7. Luv the response for 'in gear'.
    And those thinkies LOL


  8. I also feel sorry for Israel, but I feel sorry for the Palestinians, too. They are caught in the middle and have seemingly nowhere to go, since Egypt won't take them in. This is Hamas's fault and we should never forget it.

    Your hybrid piece for Neet's theme at AJJ is wonderful. I'm glad you used a hybrid entry and made it fit perfectly with her theme.

    LOVE the rooster. You got that right on the money. The flowers and vase are nice, too. Both are great paintings.

    LOVED the hip replacement and was really touched by the Diane Langberg quote. My sentiments exactly.

    Have a super Friday, dear Valerie. I want to meet that pig!!!!!!

    1. Hamas is pure evil, they care about nobody. They are simply terrorists. Glad you like my journal pages today. The rooster was fun.scribbling is good! I'm glad my knee replacements didn't look like that! You want to meet that pig???? Oh my!

    2. Hamas is more than pure evil. From what I have learned this past week, every country in the region feels they are far worse than Isis and Hezbollah put together. They rule by fear. We must never forget they are the ones who started this "war."

  9. Hi Val, good morning! Love it all as always, love the faces and funnies. Your posts always make me laugh. I have a new project to do, it will keep me busy over the weekend. Have a great day, take care! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Have fun with the project, don't work too hard. Hugs to you all, Valerie

  10. wunderschön deine Journalseite und der bunte Hahn! All das witzige mit dazu!
    Lieben Gruss Elke (Elkes Lebensglück)

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke! Dir ein schönes Wochenende, Alles Liebe Dir!

  11. The situation in Israel is very troubling, Valerie, and for people who have family there exceptionally so. Have you been in touch with them? Are they safe? The brutality on display indicates that there are no obscene depths to which mankind will not descend. Hamas looks to be a reincarnation of ISIS. I think that every member of that organization needs to be hunted down and removed from society. Then perhaps the people under their vicious, brutal control can be liberated and humanitarian services be resumed to the Palestinians trapped there. I feel a great sense of sadness that we seem to be incapable of moving beyond barbarity and we seem never to be able to live alongside each other in peace. It’s hard for me to be excited about a coloured rooster today. Shalom, dear Valerie. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I have left some messages, but no answers. I hope they are okay. Some of them will be fighting, I hope the others are keeping safe. I will never understand why people have to slaughter or torture others, and so many suffer because of it. Have a good weekend, David, take care, schalom! Hugs xxxxxxx

  12. ...when people can't or won't talk to with each other civilization breaks down and it seems to be happening all around the world. I hope that peace breaks out soon. Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Tom, it's sad that people can't talk to each other. 'All we are saying, is give peace a chance'! Hugs

  13. The situation in the MIddle East is so troubling — the attack on the music festival and on Kibbutz families in their homes was horrific. Hamas has no limits on decency, and all of the Palestinians in Gaza are now their hostages, as well as those they took from Israel. The next days will be horrifying.

    Many of those amusing “facts” are in fact untrue or very misleading, but it’s a good joke.

    best, mae at

    1. Yes, the situation is very troubling. So many people are suffering because of these evil people of Hamas. When and where will it end?
      Hmmm, facts from FB? Rarely true! But as you sa, a good joke!

  14. I really like your rooster. Great job on it.

  15. I too am very pre-occupied and very distressed about the situation in Israel. Your blog has brought me some joy today. Love your art work and the funnies gave me.a good chuckle.

    1. Thanks Judee. I try to find some things to cheer myself and others up. Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  16. I like your blue and gold rooster a lot. Fill in the background and voila! You have a masterpiece! That hip replacement joke was so funny. Haha.

    1. Glad you like it! Perhaps one day I will manage to paint the background!

  17. Look at Mr Rooster puffing his chest out - he knows he is a handsome guy. Lovely work Valerie.
    Your piece for my theme at AJJ is beautiful. So rich in colour and it perfectly fits in with the theme, which you have used in abundance. I love the central figure, how you made it up with all those mechanical pieces, and I just love love love the light bulb face with the top hat. It glows against that rich background and i can just imagine her spinning which is what the words are telling me happens.
    I love the butterfly, the piece of metal turning, the lady sat quiet ly in the bottom corner, the pointy hand, the newsprint, the clock face, and do I spy eyelets across the bottom?
    So much to see and enjoy about this piece Valerie, I could get lost in sitting and enjoying this page. Thanks.
    Hugs, Neeet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you liked my creation, that's good to know! Hugs!

  18. Liebe Valerie,
    du schlägst heute einen spannenden Bogen von Israel über Kunst bis zu Thinkies & Funnies. In dem "Kommentar-Gespräch" zwischen dir und David habe ich erfahren, dass du Familie in Israel hast... Es ist erschütternd, was dort zur Zeit wieder passiert. Ich hoffe mit dir (und allen anderen Betroffenen), dass es eine rasche Lösung geben wird... (Das Problem ist: Das habe ich bei Russland-Ukraine auch gehofft ...)
    Es ist wirklich besser, sich abzulenken! Du hast tolle kreative Kunstwerke geschaffen - mein Favorit ist das Steampunk-Bild. Aber der Hahn, der sehr flott gezeichnet aussieht, hat auch viel Ausstrahlung. Und ich musste sehr kichern über die Zebrahüfte und den Schweineorgasmus ... (Stimmt das wirklich?)
    Alles Liebe und ein möglichst schönes Wochenende, Traude
    🍁🌻🍂 🌻🍁

    1. Momentan bin ich ziemlich verzweifelt, aber ich versuch es auszugleichen mit Kunst and thinkies and funnies. I'm happy I didn't get Zebra knees! Hugs, Valerie.
      Jetzt sehe ich dass ich halb Deutch, halb Englisch geschrieben habe, sorry!

  19. I love all the details of your steampunk inspired collage, especially the beed details and the top hat-- the butterfly is cool too.

  20. OMGosh that steam punk is gorgeous. I mean stunning. Wonderful roaster too. Great funnies. Hope all is well your way. Thank you for joining FFO and have a nice day.

  21. Wow! So much creativity in one spot ~ favorite is the sunflower ~ and funnies are lol ~ thanks ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  22. Those are fun art pieces you had fun with, Valerie. I do like the rooster and your vase is wonderful. Hope you are having good weather and a good weekend in store. xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, it's much easier to paint vases than flowers. But I tried! Have a lovely weekend, hugs!

  23. Your art work is amazing. You say you're not good at flowers but it looks better than good to me. Great collection of funnies too. Those naughty dogs, bet they had a great time! Some interesting thoughts there too. Wishing you a happy weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, dogs - and cats - seem to like playing with toilet paper. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  24. I love your steampunk creation Valerie and the rooster is just brilliant, I love roosters and chickens, I also think your flowers in the vase and beautiful, and that pig takes the cake, I'm still reeling about 30 mins..have a great weekend..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy! I hope you manage to sleep tonight and not think about pigs! Hugs!

  25. Great Steampunk page and love the colourful rooster and flowers.Hope you hear from your family soon and they are all safe.
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, much appreciated. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  26. I love the steampunk page, it reminds me of my teaching days when my special needs class won a trip to see Star Wars with their art work. It looks to me as though you can draw flowers very well, hugs, Chrisx


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