
Wednesday 6 September 2023

Wednesday/Thursday/ Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Time has flown by and it's the middle of  the week already. There's a good quote that says,' After Monday and Tuesday the rest of the week is just WTF!'

One of the art courses I am trying just now is Find your Joy by Louise Fletcher and she has a refreshing approach to things. One of our lessons was to make something in a way we would not usually do, and then again as normal. I chose to make a face. I gave myself half an hour and ony needed just over 20 minutes. I drew a face using soft pastels, without planning beforehand. I drew a quick outline with charcoal.  I chose colours that I would not usually use. At first I thought it was horrible, but then I decided it's not so bad, I would have normally spent more time on her 'make-up' and

Perhaps I should try to be more spontaneous!

The 2nd piece was a face for which I allowed myself an hour - much less than normal. I used phtalo blue and turquoise. The ornaments in her hair were drawn with a turquoise acryl pen. This time I needed almost the whole hour, but usually I sit for much longer!

Some Thinkies and Funnies:

 We had some beautiful sunrises and sunsets this week:

I am linking to Nicole's FFO and to Gillena's AFFF.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Nice faces today Valerie. The red head has a lovely head of hair. I wish mine was half that thick-grin. I like how you set a time limit and didn't even need it. And your quote about junk is so true. That always happens, at least to me, but I bet it happens to everyone. and lovely sky photos too. I hope you're having a nice week so far. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! I used to have hair like that, and now it's just thin and grey and horrbile! Yes, I think it always happens like that when we throw junk away! Hugs!

  2. Hi Val, good afternoon. Hope you are feeling well today. I love your faces, both are beautiful, and I love the redhead! Just like you in previous years, thick and curly red hair! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, red hair was always my preference! Have a great day, don't work too much, hugs!

  3. Both faces are beautiful Valerie, I do love the read curly hair though. I have dyed my boring brown and grey hair fiery red for a few years now.
    Great thinkies and funnies too.
    Happy midweek.

    1. Thanks Alison. Red hair is really nice, I'm thinking about colouring mine again. Mine is also sort of brown white stripes, not really exciting. Have a nice evening, hugs, Valerie

  4. WOW, Valerie. I'm taking that same course and all my art is abstract. No faces in my world. Mine look more like Fletcher's. Your faces are both beautiful. I really like the first one because you can see most of the lines in her hair. I like the second one because of the color.

    Some lovely thinkies. The one about throwing something out really hits home. Beautiful sunrises and sunsets, too. Stay safe and rest, dear.

    1. That's the nice thing, we can do what we want, and I like faces. But I have done some scribbly pieces, too. I know what you mean, as soon as something has gone I need it! I am spending a lot of time resting, I haven't felt so bad in years. Have a lovely day, hugs!

  5. It does this good to do these quick studies from time to time, doesn't it? One of my portraits can take me anything between 4 and 8 hours. I'm not sure which I like best of your tool you've done today. There's a good complimentary colour between the green eye and the red hair. but then the blue one is so cool and calming. Maybe I like the blue one better today because it's so hot. here, and it's calming to look at it. I haven't come across that course. I'm afraid at the moment I'm not finding anything to inspire me in the. art soul gathering/retreat

    1. Sometimes it's a good exercise to be quick, but I prefer to take my time. I've been doing 3 challenges at the same time, so need to be quick. It reminds me of teaching, trying to help 30+ kids at the same time.... Hugs.

  6. It's interesting to think about how taking longer doesn't necessarily yield more satisfactory results. I like them both :)

    1. Thanks, I was surprised, too. Sometimes we over think - or over paint things!

  7. Those faces are both beautiful and show so much emotion with the colors! Great work on both of them. You got me in the first paragraph of today's post with the rest of the week being WTF! I never thought of it quite like that but it works! LOL

    1. Thanks Carol! So now for the rest of the week....W.T.F!

  8. I always enjoy your blog, every time I visit there is at least one joke to make me laugh and share with David. I love those two faces. They are so beautiful.

    1. Thanks so much, it makes me happy to think of you two enjoying my jokes! Glad you like my faces, too! Hugs!

  9. Love the beautiful faces and sunsets,the quote about junk is so true,hope you are feeling better today
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol! Isn't it the truth - you throw something out and then a week later you need it! Hugs!

  10. It's impressive how you constantly try to expand the boundaries of your art work, one way or another. My mother (who painted and did other art work) used to say she had trouble letting a piece go and her quote was "cut the artist's hands off" when they are to fussy. That sounds too brutal: she was a very gentle person so don't take it wrong.
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, I know what she meant! And I have to start letting things go and accepting them as they are!

  11. You ladies are all saying, “I wish my hair was like that.” I say, “I wish I had hair!” So, be content with what you have! Or you could shave off your thinning, stringy locks (not that I believe for a minute that’s the case) and begin a whole new trend. You could even start a new group of bloggers, with new and intriguing challenges. Perhaps the first one, since you will all have bright, shiny, smooth pates will be a head decorating challenge. With all the paints, stickers, coloured felt pens, gesso, stencils etc just think of the job you could do. There would be so much variation reflecting your individual creativity, with perhaps a nod to your national or regional origins. Would a German head (with British origins) look different from a pate from New Hampshire, for example. I think it would. The possibilities are really endless and I think it would have great appeal to a wide audience. Television networks would probably want to conduct interviews and perhaps even carry a snippet of the actual creative process. I think that bright red lipstick could be used to good effect too. Maybe swirls inside the ears. The possibilities really are endless and I expect you will get on this right away. I can hardly wait to see the first gallery of images. Until then, hugs and kisses - David. PS A big hug for Heike, and an invitation to join in the fun.

    1. Okay, we've still got hair, but not like it used to be, sigh! I don't believe that many people would join in a 'paint your pate' challenge, unless of course we could get a group of old men who wsould be prepared to have their pates painted and decorated. Miriam could start with you, and raffle an interview and photo date with you and your decorated pate. Of course, it would need to be suitable decorated with birds, insects, spiders and wild flowers, including all of the scientific names and descriptions. I think you would have a very good chance to win as I am sure nobody else would join in.... And f course, red swirl in your ears would give you extra points! Thanks for this fascinating suggestion, dear David! BIG hugs, xxxxx

  12. Hi Val, fun post - love it all! We've been having fun here, too, my grandson fell down the stairs, we were in the Emergency dept and and he has lots of bruises and bumps but nothing broken. What a start to the day! Poor little John! Take care of yourself, hugs, Martha

    1. Hi Martha, hope your Johny is soon feeling better, poor thing. Things like that happen so quickly! Hugs!

  13. Beautiful faces Valerie, I really love the orange haired one, she is gorgeous..
    If this message comes through twice, it is because Holly sat on the keyboard and not sure where the other comment

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissyy, and thanks for the laugh! Okay, the message only came through once, so Holly was NOT to blame. Give her a hug from me! Hugs!

  14. Well gosh, Val, if you took a blending stump and fuzzied up the few pencil lines on the first one, it would look like you hadn't been spontaneous at all. I think you should definitely do that more often! Love both portraits. I checked out that artist and signed up, will check things out tonight if I get time. Thanks for the link and have nice end of the week, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, I have been having fun with these various courses and soon Tam's Lifebook Tasters start, so.more fun to come!it would be fun if you join up, too! How's your weather, is it still so hot!? Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie

  15. Love the faces, especially the first one. There is so much softness and expression there.
    Hugs, Sandra

  16. I like both your painted faces Valerie. Beautiful sunsets from your place. So true about the junk quote especially when it come to things you might use in your art!!

  17. Like last few photos.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  18. ...Valeris, I enjoyed your one eyed ladies! Have a wonderful weekend.

  19. I like both your spontaneous portraits, but because blue is my favourite colour, the second one resonated more with me. Also, I love the tattoo (or decoration) below her eye! Lots of good memes too, especially listen to your own voice, hereditary craziness, and the definition of junk!

    1. Thanks Debra, I love blue, too, and use it a lot. And I wear blue, too! Hugs.

  20. With art sometimes less IS more. Those faces are nice.

  21. Your header photo is awesome! love it ~

    Also your face art work is wonderful ~ still your style but enhanced ~ Great sky photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  22. My favourite is the first one. So true about the junk.

  23. I like your painted faces, and I enjoyed the funnies.
    Lovely photographs too.

    Sending my good wishes, hope you have a restful weekend.

    All the best Jan

  24. Your artwork may have been done quickly but it's still as good as ever. I love your funnies especially the ghost one but the Junk funny, I hope they are wrong as we've been clearing out the workshop today so we'll see. Happy creative weekend. Hugs, Angela xxx

    1. Thanks Angela, look twice before you throw your junk away! Have a great weekend, 💖💖 hugs 🤗!

  25. Awesome thinkies. Luv the faces and photos; looks like setting sun.
    Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


  26. Ha, not so bad? She is great. I am in a rush with the yard sale. Thank you for joining FFO and have a great day.

    1. Fingers crossed 🤞🤞🤞 for the yard sale, lots of success! Hugs!


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