
Friday 29 September 2023


Hi Everybody!

Today I have some faces to share for Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFF.

I have had a chaotic  week again with lots of appointments here and there and am just showing some faces today, all from long, long ago:

Have a great Friday, and a wonderful weekend.
Take care, have fun, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love these. The mind wanting sleep is so true. Love the cat in front of the pyramid. And the book banning in FL is a good one. Hugs Sandra

  2. I hope you have a relaxing weekend ahead Valerie. It's fun to see all your faces in today's post. I remember some of these. And I like the meme about the banned book in Florida. It made me smile. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I never thought that some places in America would ban books! Hugs!

  3. I hope the excitement of the week has slowed down for you. Love the faces. Especially the Ink with the big, round, eyes

    1. I knew you would love little Ink! Today I had to go to the hospital for X rays, but I'm looking forward to a lazy weekend

  4. I enjoyed seeing the faces ...
    Wishing you a happy Friday and a relaxing weekend ahead.

    All the best Jan

  5. Wonderful collection of faces and good thinkies!

  6. Wonderful collection of you art, and your thinkies and funnies are great. Had to LOL at the Wizard of Oz. Have a lovely day, hugs from us all, Sarah

  7. I always love your faces, and those cows with milk plus. Your funnies were great, like the horse in the fence, BUT the one I LOVED was Live like your life is a book and Florida will ban it. TOO clever.

    Hope you are feeling better. I know you got hurt this week, so please be careful and PLEASE take care of YOU!!!!

    1. Thanks E. Glad you liked the funnies! I am at the hospital, I have had X rays and now I m waiting for the CD with the results....I am trying to be careful! Hugs!

  8. Thanks for sharing all the faces and funnies. I hope your day goes smoothly with all the appointments. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, you have a great weekend, hopefully with good weather! Hugs!

  9. Schön dein Posting heute und erhol dich gut am Wochenende bei so vielen Terminen!
    Pass auf auf dich gut auf, liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, dir auch ein schönes Wochenende! Hugs!

  10. Amazing looking post my friend and I LOVE all the fabulous colours and lovely designs and funnies x

  11. Amazing art today leaning slightly to surrealism. Oh your thinkies are fantastic. Luv the one with the hedgehogs and the one eith Moses best of the lot 🤣

    Thanks for linking to AFFF


  12. This is a retrospective of your work, Maestra Tups. What talent you have, what an enchanting gallery of creativity. The rooster must have been from a long time ago, even before I paid regular homage to your blog. I don’t remember it at all and I am quite sure I would not have forgotten that. It’s great to be able to mine the archives for treasures like this when your energy is sapped and you can’t muster the enthusiasm to create something new. The weekend has arrived once again and I hope you will have time to relax and recharge. We have a funeral to go to tomorrow and my daughter and son-in-law will be arriving tonight and will be here until Monday, so we will be busy! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. The rooster is really from long ago! But I have made so many things in the past years that I really have a huge store to fall back on! Birds, fish, various animals, faces, people, objects of all sorts and all manner of themes. Today I had to go to the hospital for knee X rays, I have the results on a CD and must take them to my doctor next week. I hope you will all have a good weekend in spite of the funeral. I'm sure you will be cooking u a lot of dreamy dishes together with Miriam, pity I don't live nearby! Enjoy your time with the 'kids'. Hugs xxxxx

  13. Great post today with all those great faces! I can so relate to the 2nd one! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Carol. I think we all have those thoughts circling in our brains each night! Hugs!

  14. Wonderful art and thinkies Valerie!
    Have a lovely weekend.

  15. ...Valerie, I LOVE the one about Dorothy!!!

  16. I really like the piece of the two birds dressed in pink and blue dresses. The background adds to the pleasant overall effect. You should frame it and display it in your home. That horse and cow joke made me aghast. What the...!!!

    1. My walls are sadly all full! I think the horse and cow joke photo has been photoshopped! Have a great day, hugs!

  17. The birds with hats are my favorites. Cool images!

    1. Thanks, the stamps are from an American artist who always makes quirky stuff!

  18. Thanks for the well wishes, much appreciated. I'm not getting any better though. :-(
    I hope your weekend gives you plenty of downtime and restorative relaxation. XOX

    1. Sorry to hear it, Aimeslee, and I hope you will soon start feeling better. Had a busy week here - visits to various doctors, the hospital and to physiotherapy were all on the list, and it was a bit much. I'm looking forward to a lazy weekend! Hugs!

  19. Love all the faces and gorgeous black cat.Hope you enjoy your lazy weekend
    Carol x

    1. Thanks so much, Carol. You have a great weekend, too, hugs!

  20. Wonderful art faces and fun lol funnies ~ love the cow one ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  21. I am so late getting round today, just had stuff to do but I'm here now. Your faces are brilliant but the funnies and thoughts were perfect. The pony and the cow just made me smile but not surprised as animals do some funny things at times. Hope you have a restful weekend. Hugs, Angela xxx

    1. Thanks Angela. Sometimes we need to do a lot in the real world. Have a good Sunday, hugs

  22. A mad tea party would sound like fun.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe

  23. That wren with the hat is so darn cute. Have an excellent weekend, my friend.

  24. I enjoyed seeing all the faces.
    And yes, the amusing funnies and thinkies too.

    Hugs and blessings, Valerie

  25. Lovely faces and funny funnies! Can't beat it!

  26. Loving those little Birds in Frocks and Hats... and of coarse John Lennon... and the Memes were exceptional Today, The Man and I were Laughing about the Wizard of Oz one particularly, how True.


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