
Monday 21 August 2023

It's Monday again....

Hi Everybody!

The weekend flew by again. Here it has been very hot again, so not my cup of tea! Today I have one more piece for Sandie's sewing challenge at Tag Tuesday. I sewed the edges together using my neighbour's machine, mine has stopped working again. If you look at the table and shelves in the background there are also glasses and a coffee pot, so this will double as my ticket for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday, which will be beginning Monday evening:

I painted this in the night from Friday to Saturday. We had a storm with thunder and lightning and it woke me up. I couldn't get back to sleep, so I went into my kitchen and painted using the leftover paints on my palette. I grabbed an A3 sheet of kraft paper and just doodled round and round in circles. I put a green eye in the middle, and added some insect stick-ons which were on my table. I wrote the title on the edge - 'In the eye of the storm'. Then I went to bed and slept!

We went for a meal at the Pizzerie again. I had Penne with salmon and Heike had broccoli and cheese bake:

We had our usual non-alcoholic Weizen beer:

And afterwards we had coffee - what else?

And some balcony photos:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a happy T Day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. That is a beautiful tag. Very Victorian and very pastel. I adore it and love how you chose to use it for T Tuesday, too. Of course, I also adored the photo of Heike and her beer. I want her broccoli and cheese bake, too. Thanks for these wonderful and delightful photos for T this Tuesday.

    I saw the Mick Jagger funny on Tom's blog recently. It just goes to show. I also love the one on facial expressions. The cat is probably Squiggles when I don't give him as much food as he thinks he deserves (grin). Have a super start to the week, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Yes,cats on diet are not happy cats! Have a great, new week. Hugs!

  2. Hi Val, good.morning! Mondays are always chaotic here, and this one is no exception! Love your beautiful tag and painting, scary but gorgeous! Have a great week, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, hugs to all, have a great week!

  3. Lovely post Valerie, very nice tag and art work, great you could get up and paint and then go back to sleep!! Your meal out sounded great! I enjoyed the funnies.

  4. Das Tag ist so romantisch gestaltet und dein gemaltes Nachtbild ist fantastisch im Ausdruck von dem Sturm und Regen, alles klasse ausgedacht.
    Wenigstens das Treffen mit deiner Freundin war gut mit essen und Kaffee bei eurem Wetter. Schöne Fotos sindd as wiede rund auch all die Sprüche und Witze!
    Hab eine hoffentlich angenehme Woche, liebe Umarmung Elker

    1. Vielen Dank , liebe Elke. Dir auch eine gute Woche! Hugs!

  5. A very pretty Tag, love the image.
    Thank you so much Valerie for supporting my theme.
    Loving the pics on your blog post too, think the kiss my arse is my favourite,lol. xx

    1. Mine, too, Sandie.....with that in mind, have a great week! Hugs

  6. Lovely tag and that is a cool eye in the storm piece. I like that idea of working during the storm when you can't sleep. That piece is really full of energy, and I can feel the storm. Your penne looks delicious. We've actually had sun for a change, and yesterday was lovely until evening and then it got hot too. I guess it's still August. Fun memes too. I hope you are having a great Monday. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, it was good to paint through the storm instead of tossing and turning in bed. That Penne with salmon is soooo good, yummy 😋😋. Here it's extremely hot again, not my cup of 🍵 tea! Happy T Day!

  7. Your eye of the storm is really quite a storm, Valerie, swirling and building strength, preparing to wreak its inimitable havoc. I wouldn’t want that kind of fury descending on me, human or meteorological! When I wake up in the night and can’t get back to sleep I get up and read a book. See how dull and uninteresting I am! Your penne looks delicious, but I think that Heike’s broccoli concoction looks even better - and she will get her quotient of green vegetables too. However, I am concerned about Heike. I think that one of the appendages of her body fell off! I am confident that my memory is accurate when I state that she always had an extension to her hand resembling a beer glass. As far as I can see it seems to have fallen off but it is resting on the table so perhaps she took it home for reattachment! Surgical techniques are incredible these days so perhaps she has a hand improvement kit at home. And for cuteness, OMG such cuteness, the two giant elephants with the little one really captures my heart. If only my mom had been an elephant! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. We had a really bad storm 5 years back, I was terrified, and hid in the little storage room at the back, as it has no windows. Düsseldorf lost 40.000 trees in one night. Our house stayed safe, but all of my flower boxes and huge tubs just flew away. After that was a huge clear up campaign with lots of people helping, and then trees were planted to make up for at least some of those that were destroyed. I guess I painted some of those feelings.
      Oh, if your mom had been an elephant 🐘🐘 you could have made some trunk calls to me! Hugs!

  8. I'm awake a lot during the night but never to where I can rightly attend to anything. Penne with salmon? I've never had that but will have to give it a try sometime. I keep penne pasta and salmon around...

    Your sky photos take my breath away, and those flowers!

    1. Penne with samon and that delicous tomato cream sauce is soooooooo good! We often have a beautiful sky here, I just stand on the balcony and click! Glad you like them!

  9. Hi Val, your tag is lovely, but the eye in the storm is fantastic. Wow, and you painted it in the night, great. Have a great week , hugs, Martha

    1. Thanks Marthgha, glad you liked it, I like it, too! Hugs!

  10. The memes had me giggling. Oh my! I like that tag, very well done. And the painting is so strange, painted during a storm at night. Wow! But, somehow, those insects give me the creeps so close to the eye.

    1. I am not an insect fan either, I think I am sort of trying out my courage here! Hugs!

  11. Beautiful. I love it.

  12. Uwielbiam twoje prace są takie niezwykłe . Wspaniale, że masz przyjaciół i spędzasz z nimi czas. . Bardzo mocno Cię pozdrawiam i życzę zdrowia:)

    1. That's true. Life without friends is not good! Have a happy week!

  13. Love the Jaggar/McConnell meme. Your piece is purrfect. The colors are wondrous and love the attached leaf. Also like your eye of the storm. Well done:) Saw a gazillion dragonflies this weekend. Some green ones. Most of them blue.
    Hugs, Sandra

    1. Thanks Sandra, lucky you seeing so manY dragonflies, I love them!

  14. Hi Valerie you both have a good taste in food, I love both of those. The photo of Mick Jager is great. My hubby has always said he shouldn't be alive by now but he looks brilliant even at 80. Happy creative week, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks. Both meals were wonderful. Yes Jagger looks great at 80. I hope I look so good at 80! Hugs!

  15. Love the tag you sewed on and that's an awesome way to create your way out of a storm! Y'alls food looks delish, too. Still hoping it will cool down for you and me both! XOX

    1. Thanks so much,look after yourself! Hugs! Xxxxx

  16. I am so glad you have a friend to do things with, like going out to dinner. The food looks great. I love the eye. I am making eyeball christmass ornaments. I think I will add some bugs. Thanks for the inspiration. I love seeing your photos. Have a nice evening.

    1. Yes, I think sometimes we need a girlfriend for an evening out. Although we are all old girls in the meantime. But who cares?!

  17. It's so hard to know what to do in the middle of the night when one can't sleep. SO many of the things I do only wake me up more. Your funnies are good today.
    best,,, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, I can't just do nothing. Mostly I read, sometimes I paint!

  18. I real like they saying by Julia Camron.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  19. Hi Valerie, Lovely photos from your balcony and I love the funnies, my DH is a huge Stones fan so would enjoy that one and the cat one is most likely exactly what they think haha
    Happy T Day Jan S

    1. Thanks Jan, Mick looks fabulous for his age. Cats are always cats! Hugs!

  20. Happy T-day, Valerie.

    The tag is so pretty and I love the stitching. How fun to just pop over to the neighbors for a bit of stitching! LOVE the eye of the storm. I need to try that next time I wake up and can't go back to sleep. The pictures and funnies are especially super today. I sent two of them to my girls. Hugz

    1. Glad you like the funnies! Sometimes my neighbour uses my machine when hers is having a hissy fit! Happy T Day, hugs!

  21. Hi Valerie, thanks for dropping by to view my tag.
    Cloth is the theme for August at Moday WRites if you want to linkup this post


  22. I love your eye of the storm! Beautiful! Lovely tag too.
    Oh those gorgeous sunset/rise photos! Spectacular.
    I like your taste in food, although Heike's broccoli looks very yummy too.
    Mick Jagger still going strong. He eats healthily and has always had a good excercise regime and when on stage covers some 12 km. He is super fit even at 80.

    1. Heike and I like mostly comfort food when we go out.I don't think I will be so super fit with 80! Hugs!

  23. I occasionally go and do something in my craft room if I am wide awake in the night! Your eye of the storm is fabulous! Coffee looks great and I love broccoli and cheese sauce. Love the funnies- the Mick Jagger one especially. I'll be back soon, trying hard to catch up, hugs Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, glad your arm is better. Don't overdo things . Perhaps a generic catch up comment to copy and paste for everyone? Hugs, Valerie

  24. Very beautiful tag. Love that eye of the storm. Amazing sky photos. I just love the way you capture the sky. Happy T Day - CJ

  25. Lovely tag and painting! Love that you used painting to fill your time while you were awake. Your meal looks delicious. Such lovely porch photos.
    Happy Belated Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate, if I can't sleep I read or paint! Hugs!


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