
Friday 18 August 2023

Friday faces and more

Hi Everybody!

Today I have some more faces to link to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF .

These pics were quick scribbles on newspaper, to practise making expressions. Some were later collaged with magazine cut-outs:

Someone said I never draw men:

These statues are at Spitalfields Market in London, where I grew up:

This was at least 5 years ago, and today I'm wearing the same, striped shirt!

This is funny!

Have a great Friday and weekend!
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Like how you used news print in your art.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  2. Sorry to hear you haven't had a bad day. But I will say you have fantastic art in your post today. Those faces are really fun, and I love the newspaper background. This is a great post, and I think it will make everyone who stops by smile. Have a great FRiday. hugs-Erika

  3. Your faces are stunning. I especially like the ones you turned into collages. There are some I found intriguing like the lady with the fish. And I really like how you added the heads you created to bodies from magazines. Clever and unique, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E, I love doing things like this. I have boxes of faces waiting to become people! Hugs!

  4. So much fun today. Luv your faces of expressions. Happy Friday


  5. Amazing! That is some array of artwork. Fascinating! May your day be blessed and your weekend even more so.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. Thanks Jim, I wish you a happy and blessed weekend, too!

  6. ...Valerie, you capture the eye well, they are so expressive! Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Eyes are for me the most important part, in art and in real life. Hugs!

  7. Valerie thank you for linking to AFFF


  8. Well, just when I think I have found my favorite on this post I scroll down to find another and another and another. The man face is brilliant. The funnies are great today to. Thank you for sharing ALL the beautiful faces with FFO.

  9. This is quite a series of faces, Valerie. You have certainly put your creative mind into high gear to create some of these and all are wonderful in their own way. As for wearing the same shirt five years later, good for you, I say. It seems to me that well made garments ought to last for years and not be tossed away with the vagaries of fashion. There has been too much of that in this world and it is in part why we have such a global problem with the mountains of garbage we produce. I should also add that I am happy to see a male face or two. We cannot be forgotten. We will rise up in protest to have our image created and our voices heard. We too demand equal rights and freedoms. Wait, that sounds like the lifelong struggle of women doesn’t it? Let’s just enjoy each other and abolish gender discrimination of all kinds forever. The weekend is about to begin. Enjoy it to the fullest dahling, starting with hugs and kisses from me to you. David

    1. Thanks for the hugs and kisses, i needed those today. Well, I think we ll need them every day! I love making faces on old newspaper or scraps, and then making them into other thingss at a later date, that's fun. I am all for equal rights for men. Be good, do all your household chores, be good to all women and sooner or later you might just get your freedom! Okay, you're a good egg, you get equality NOW! Sending BIG hugs to you, too. Have a wonderful day, xxxxxx

  10. Great facial expressions. I should try using scrap paper like that.

    1. Thanks Gene. Scrap paper is always fun 😊 to use!

    2. Valerie, the woman with my in the photo on my blog is Reba McEntire - country music star and actress.

    3. Thanks Gene, much appreciated! I will hop over and learn about her!

  11. I love all your faces -- they're so fun! And even more so when added to a collage! You have a delightful sense of humour.

    1. I enjoy playing with things which are normally not used together.

  12. Your faces have such personality -- I love their expressions. And your men are wonderful! The newsprint is such an interesting substrate. It works really well for these faces. And thanks for showing the Spitalfields statues. I'd love to see those in person!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, Spitalfields has lots of interesting corners!

  13. The striped shirt looks nice. I'd keep that one, too.

  14. Fun faces and the way you used them as collage. Enjoy your weekend

  15. My favorite piece is the one titled "What's my style?" I like it.

  16. Great selection of faces and collages, I do like the "what's my style?" have a great weekend Michelle x

  17. peggy loves, loves your faces!!!

  18. Wonderful series of creative expressions on paper and other ones too ~ thanks,

    Wishing your good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks so much, Carol, happy weekend to you and Ziggy

  19. Hi Val, had a busy day, but I'm happy to be home. S is doing well, she can go back to school next week. Love your faces, your fantasy knows no boundaries. Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. So good to hear that S is doing better. Have a nice evening, put your feet up, hugs!

  20. There is no doubt your ability to make brilliant expressions, for me it's all in those gorgeous eyes. Loving the dog funny they definitely made me smile. Love the striped shirt too. Have a good weekend . Hugs, Angela xXx

  21. A fab collection of artwork and faces. And the funnies gave me a laugh.

  22. Wow, your faces are fabulous on the newspaper Valerie, love the print in the background and such fabulous fun drawings..have a great weekend.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  23. Beautiful art and I love the funnies Valerie!

  24. I just love to look at all your scribbles on newspaper and the drawing of the man is outstanding with amazing detail! That doggie hit his target quite well didn't he? LOL Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Carol, I love laying around and just having fun. It's bedtime for me, so good night, dear!

    2. And yes, that doggie was spot on!

  25. Hi Valerie. Great assortment of faces, all interesting. Hope you have a nice weekend, xoxo

    1. Thanks Sweetie, you, too. Stay as cool 😎 as possible!

  26. It's fascinating to see how you worked your expressive newspaper faces into your collages, Valerie! I love that you are wearing a five-year-old shirt. I have lots of older clothes too. thanks for the laughs at the end!

  27. I love the two humanoid animal sculptures in Spittalfields.
    Have a good weekend, Hugs, Deb

    1. Spitalfields has become a great place for a wild mix of art, culture and people. Happy weekend, hugs!

  28. The expressions! Cool! Love those sculptures :) I wear things forever. I have clothes from decades ago, and as long as they don't wear out I wear them.

  29. Well that was a treat and a half. I love your faces and here you are sharing such a lot, I am so glad someone said you never draw men (I don't come to think of it) but you did show us one of yours and ait is Amazing! I love it, very clever how you have depicted the guy.
    Thanks for the funnies once more love the figures from London.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. I must admit that I much prefer drawing women's faces, but sometimes I try! But I do like doing scribble men, perhaps I shoud start doing those again. This week I have been playing with still life, sometimes I think I must try other things. Hugs!


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