
Saturday 17 June 2023

Weekend Post

 Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy! I'm happy to say that my computer is now behaving better after working on it for several hours it started to behave normally again.  I still need to re-install a few programmes and hope that the drama will then be over. Sooner or later I will need a new computer, but I would like to keep this one as long as possible, we have grown old together!!

Today I have another hybrid piece for Matilde's numbers challege at AJJ:

A walk through our little town, including shop windows and reflections::

And there has to be a coffee:

Some funnies/ thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I really enjoyed the photos of your little town and all the funnies. Thanks.

    1. Thanks Judee, have a wsonderful weekend! Hugs!

  2. I love seeing all the details in the photos you've taken of your town. Some really fascinating architectural vignettes. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks, it's a pretty little place with some great corners for taking photos. Hugs, Valerie

  3. you live in a wonderful place!

    1. Thanks Mae, I love it here, too! Happy weekend!

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Hope it's not too hot for you today, it's very hot here already. We're all going to the lido later, so that will be fun! Love your art .as always, your cool lady today is a great contrast to yesterday's art. Have a lovely day, and a wonderful weekend, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, I have been asleep for hours, and it's aready late afternoon - I must have needed it. Hope you enjoyed swimming! Hugs to all!

  5. Das freut mich dass dein Pc dich noch lieb hat und jetzt wieder besser geht., ich drücke dir die daumen dass sie lange noch arbeitet mit dir zusammen Eine tolle Arbeit deine fantasievolle Dame, es gefällt mir deine Kunst und auch die Fotos sind so schön...
    Hab ein schönes Wochenende, lieben gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, ich hoffe ich jetzt etwas Ruhe....Freut mich ddir die photos gefallen. Hugs!

  6. I am glad that your computer problems have been resolved, Valerie. I can't say the same about my iPad, so I have to leave comments on my desktop, which is not a big deal really while I am home, but next month we'll be away for four days and if I haven't resolved the problem by then I will be out of touch. It's all a mystery. Miriam is quite savvy with computers and similar devices but it mystifies her too. Lovely series of pictures here, but the one with the flowers growing in the wall is my favourite. Seeds will find every tiny bit of soil available and set down roots. Such is the enduring power of nature. I know that your face today is a woman, but it reminds me a little of John Lennon. The cobbled streets of your town look very inviting, but I am sure that would not be true for a woman in high heels. It's past the time for women to abandon such nonsense anyway. Enjoy the weekend. Hugs and kisses to you and Heike - David

    1. Hi David, sorry about your iPad, and hope you get it sorted before you go away. Are you doing the same tour as last time with another group? It's always wonderful to see how the castle ruins have come to life with flowers, plnts and trees growing from the stones. Nature finds its way back. High heels are not suitable here, not that I have any. I need 'sensible' shoes! Have a great weekend, take care, hugs, Valerie xxxxxx

    2. We are going to visit my daughter in Ottawa.

  7. Great hybrid page and love all the funnies and pics of where you live-such a beautiful place to live
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, glad you like our little, old town! Hugs!

  8. Nice page. Loved all your building pictures.

    1. Thanks Ashok. The buildings are a tad diffeent to your modern ones, but both are good. Valerie

  9. Też mam stary komputer i trudno mi się z nim rozstać choć rodzina namawia mnie bym kupiła nowy😉 Bardzo podoba mi się Twoja praca i fotografie z miasteczka. Miłego weekendu😊

    1. Then you know how it is! Hqappyy Weekend, hugs!

  10. Hi Val, lovely art and photos again, the town where you live looks so pretty and ancient, very exciting! Have a nice weekend, hugs, Martha

  11. So true: What were we thinking? I'm now going through the final phase of my life. I wish I could extend my life another 50 year. Not going to happen. I love your flowers and shrubs.

    1. Indeed. No, another 50 years woud be too much for me! Happy weekend!

  12. Glad your computer is doing better! Nice to see the flowers blooming in town. Good thinkies

  13. Your hybrid piece is great Valerie. That face is really interesting, and it reminds me of something. But my brain isn't registering what it is right now. I like it. And I like seeing all the pots of flowers in bloom about town. Hurrah for summer and flowers. I hope you are having a lovely weekend and enjoying some down time as well as more of your favorite coffee. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! She looks a bit like John Lennon! Have a great weekend, have fun, hugs!

  14. What wonderful photographs of beautiful city sights. I love the cobblestone walkways and all the beautiful window boxes too and your hybrid piece is equally charming. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks Carol. It's a pretty little place here, except on Sundays when it's overrun by tourists! Have a great Sunday, hugs!

  15. Pretty hybrid piece and I love that quote, Valerie. So glad you got your computer back up, I'm impressed with your prowess as well! I hear you about making it last, mine is 12 years old I think! Hope your weekend is nice and relaxing for you after that trauma! I'd need a Valium or 2, lol. XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee. valium would send me to sleep, I need coffee when I'm working! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  16. Your hybrid art is beautiful Valerie!

  17. Got lots of pigeons no ducks😊 happy Sunday Valerie.
    Thanks for linking to Sunday Smiles


    1. Lots of pigeons here, too, as well as ducks and other feathered friends!

  18. Thank you for the virtual tour of parts of your town.

  19. Oh Valerie, I absolutely LOVE your beautiful journal page. It looks like you, too. I like how you included the bird and the numbers, of course. It's a great entry for Matilde's theme at AJJ.

    Although I enjoy peeping in the windows and seeing the reflections, my favorites are the beautiful flower boxes in the windows. they brighten everything.

    Loved the kitty, the coffee, and the last one about growing up. That kitty is adorable.

  20. So pleased your computer is now behaving ... long may it last.
    Your home town does look pretty, I enjoyed your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  21. Great journal page - the face is very interesting, the colors are fab and I love how you incorporated numbers. Lovely pictures of your walk and super funnies. Hugz

  22. As always I enjoyed the walk through your town.
    Thoroughly enjoyed your hybrid pice, what a fabulous portrait you chose and how lovely is the composition,
    Hugs, Neet xx


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