
Friday 9 June 2023


Hi Everybody!

It's Friday - yessssssssssss!

For Matilde's numbers challenge at AJJ I have an A3 mixed media face to share:

And some older faces for Nicole's FFO:

I am also linking to Gillena's AFFF.

Sorry, no bla-bla today, I'm not feeling so good and want to get to bed!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!



  1. Is the first a self portrait? I love it.

    1. Yes, I took a poto of myself from the side and used it as a guide to the painting! Hugs!

  2. A fabulous collection of faces :)
    Hope you feel better soon ... sleep/rest well.

    All the best Jan.

    1. Thanks Jan, I need to rest more, that's true!

  3. so many wonderful styles!!

  4. Feel better soonest! Hugs, and chicken soup for the soul, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, I think I overdid things the past couple of days. Today I am resting!

  5. Lovely art hope you feel better soon

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Sorry you are not feeling so good, I think you may have done too much again?! Have a restful day, take it easy, put your feet up! Your art is brilliant, as always, a fabulous self portrait!Hugs from us all, hugs, Sarah

    1. Yes I did too much! Today is rest and feet up on the programme!

  7. Wow sone fabulous art. Have a goid weekend Valerie. Happy you linked to AFFF


    1. Thanks Gillena, and thanks for hosting! Hugs!

  8. Yes, the first woman does remind me of the photos I've seen of you, Valerie. I am always intrigued by your very cool facial shading and shadowing, I see it as your style or your trademark. Lots of nice portraits here. I am sorry to hear you are not feeling so hot and was hoping you hadn't overdone the sightseeing and walking. Sleep is thankfully restorative for me and I hope it never stops being so. I hope it is for you as well and that you get some! And that you feel better lickety-split. XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee. I like this 'raw' sadowing, where the colours are not blended. And yes, it's me but without the wrinkles!! I really did too much these past days, and I know I shouldn't. I keep forgetting I'm 77 and not 7! I love 'lickety-split'!! Hugs!

  9. Ι LOVE your paintings, Valerie. Especially your portrait. Congratulations, my talented friend.

    1. Thanks Mia, have a wonderful weekend!😊💗😊

  10. Hi Val, your faces are all wonderful, but the self portrait is fantastic, love it. May I make a copy for myself? Hugs, Martha
    Hope you soon feel better, get some rest,!

  11. ...Valerie, you have a great collection of enhanty ladies today. Be the Exception is my favorite. Enjoy your weekend.

  12. As soon as I saw that first image,I had a suspicion that it was you, and it was quickly confirmed by comments from others. Very cleverly done, Valerie, as are all the other faces. Such a variety! So many colours. Would that I could meet so many beautiful and interesting women! Sorry to hear that you are feeling in peak condition and that you have taken to your bed. I hope that a little rest gets you all fuelled up for another outing with Heike to enjoy the culinary delights of your town. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I just wrote a comment and once again it disappeared. My laptop is making a lot of problems just now, sooner or later I need a new one. You should come over here, the Altstadt is always full of strange women, you could pick and c hoose.... Have a great day, take care, hugs to you and Miriam, Valerie xxxxx

  13. Lovely faces, Valerie. I hope that you are feeling better quickly.

  14. Dein Selbstbildnis ist toll geworden und all die anderen Gesichter eins schöner wie das andere! Grosse Klasse auch mit den Farben!
    Ich hoffe du hast dich was erholt über Nacht!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Bettruhe und schlafen helfen viel. Un jetzt lege ich mich wieder hin! Dir einen schönen Tag, Hugs!

  15. Those faces are amazing, and the first reminds me of someone I know! I love how you added the fun deer face in between the human versions. NJ on all of them. I hope you feel better soon and enjoy your weekend. Take care!

    1. Thanks Carol, hmm, someone you know? Who could that be! I am staying home and resting this weekend! Have a great one, too!

  16. You never disappoint us with all this gorgeous art work. Hope you're feeling better soon, I think my cold is starting to clear though my head feels like it's full of stuffing Lol! Take care. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, it will probably take a few days before it's better! Have a good weekend!

  17. I hope you will feel better soon...Have a restful weekend!

  18. Awesome collection of art works VJ. Blue lady with bird on shoulder is my favorite.

  19. Ohhh this is a fine collection of faces. I really do love the first one. Thank you for joining FFO and have a very nice weekend.

    1. Thanks Nicole, have a great weekend! Hugs!

  20. These faces are awesome! You are very talented 🥰 Thanks for using numbers 😊

  21. So many beautiful faces. Rest up and feel better soon

  22. Lovely faces. I like the eyes, especially the green ones. Mine are a boring brown. LOL.

    1. Brown is a nice eye colour. Mine are green!

  23. Oh Valerie, feel better! Hopefully the rest you get today will help. I will keep you in my prayers. And oh my goodness, your collection of faces is amazing! I love them all! My fav is the first one as she reminds me of me! LOL! And then I saw, after reading the comments, that she's a self portrait! YAY - we must look alike? And my second fav is the deer! What gorgeous colors! But of course, I love them all. You are so talented, my friend. Rest well today. Hugs, Sharon

    1. Thanks Sharon. Perhaps we are lost sisters, we'll have to celebrate that! The good thing about paintings is that you can leave off the wrinkles and double chin! Hugs!

  24. Oh my, what wonderful faces and art Valereie, the first one is the spitting image of Helen Mirren the actress, older of course now but she played the part of the Queen if I'm not mistaken..
    Have a great weekend..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  25. Have a lovely, restful and healthy weekend my friend.
    Hugs, Sandra

  26. Wow Valerie, you really have painted some truly fabulous faces. I hope a good nights rest sees you feeling better now, hugs Chrisx

  27. You have so many wonderful faces, and especially the newest on you-am I correct? Lucky is definitely a state of mind. That is a great page. And I am sad to hear you are feeling not so good. Hope the weekend brings some improvement. hugs-Erika

  28. Wonderful variety of faces ~ so creative and great post ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter, and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks so much Carol! Stay happy and healthy!

  29. You are SO good with faces. These are perfect for Nicole's FFO.

    I also love YOUR face on the entry with numbers. I really love the way you drew yourself. It's wonderful for Matilde's theme at AJJ, dear. Sorry I am SO late visiting.

  30. Your numbers picture is awesome ... did you have a model for it? She looks like someone you must know. And the old faces are really old pictures of young faces :) And every one of them is awesome. You have a distinctive style, Valerie and it speaks highly of your talent. So sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope the days to come will be more comfortable for you.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. Yes, I did have a model - me! But I took off the double chin and wrinkles! Have a great week, hugs!

  31. I hope by now you are much improved. I love all your faces!

  32. So sorry to hear you are not feeling well Valerie. Hope your early night works its magic and you feel much better.
    I love your portraits. Faces fascinate me and I remember, being told years ago, to concentrate on the people `I was out with and not gaze around at others. It was bone structure, hair styles, colouring etc which was making me look around me.
    The first one you show us today is different from your usual style and i wonder if it is a self portrait? Brilliant, and something I would never dare attempt. Perhaps I need to up myk game and do more portraits.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! Yes, the first one is a self portrait , and the goodx thing you don't need to include the wrinkles and double chins! Have a great day!


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