
Friday 12 May 2023


Hi Everybody!

It's Friday - yesssssssssssss! This was a stressful week, so I'm happy that I have no appointments at the weekend, and can just do what I want. I think I did too much clearing and cleaning this week, so a weekend break will be welcome.

Today I am linking to Nicole's FFO with some faces, and also to Gillena's Friday Art Fun. Some of my pics are not very clear today, sorry, my hands are very shaky just now. This is a face made a few years back. I put some black paint on an A3 sheet of craft paper, and then drew the vase with soft pastels, and gave it a scary face. This was fun!

And these American coins are also adorned with faces:

The reverse:

I found these heads while cleaning. I made them years ago, and discovered them while cleaning and tidying:

And these are some of the pieces in which I used these faces:

Family faces - my great grandmother, my mother, and me at the bottom:

More family faces:

My mother again:

This is an old box made from some sort of metal. It was probably a cheap trinket for those who couldn't afford to buy a better quality. The picture is printed on to oil-paper, which is very fragile after so many years. I keep my old coins in it. The box is dated 1784: 

Some beautiful sky shots:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great Friday, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The masks look amazing, they add an otherworldly feeling to your pieces and I love that. I also love the first piece with the blue shades-- the chalky look of it, makes it look awesome.

    1. Thanks Quinley, I like that scary, blue face, too! have a great weekend!

  2. All kinds of goodies today. Loved the cloud photos. Hugs

  3. Wow it´s a wonderful post Valerie ! Hope you could rest this weekend, you have had a lot of work. Your Artworks are fantastic, love to see all the faces, as your family too. Gorgeous masks and so beautiful photographs. Thanks for sharing and for the smile.
    I wish you a lovely Friday and weekend
    Big hugs, Caty

    1. Thanks so much Caty. Have a wonderful weekend, hugs,.

  4. You found some great art pieces in your cleaning Valerie. You have so much variety, and that is fun. I had some clay heads I was looking for the other day and I don't know where I put them. I'll keep looking I guess. I also love the meme about the traffic light. That one had me laughing. I hope you have a relaxing weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. When you are looking for things you mostly don't find them, just when you are looking for something else! Yes, that funny had me laughing, too! Hugs!

  5. Lovely faces and photos Valerie enjoy your weekend! That one about the seatbelt ticket was good!

  6. Hi Val, good morning 🌄! No sun here today, just grey clouds and rain, hope it's better at your place. Love all the art today, but those heads are a bit creepy....the blue face is amazing! Have a great day, hugs from us all! Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, it's grey and cloudy here, too, not reallyy nice! Hugs to all!

  7. Your smiling scary face is amazing. Thanks for linking to AFFF


  8. So many fabulous faces, Valerie. That must have been some serious cleaning that you did to unearth so much that you didn't know was there. Beyond cleaning, in fact, this was a treasure hunt! Did you finish now, or are there still more surprises to come? Sorry to hear that your hands are shaky, but they can't be anywhere near as shaky as Donald Trump's mind. I am not sure whether the recent town-hall was shown in Germany, but it is terrifying to think that a maniac like him is yet again a serious candidate for president. It is perhaps even more scary that the citizens of New Hampshire (some) came out to be part of it and cheered and gave him a standing ovation while he sat there and lied over and over and insulted the host, and did everything but actually heap praise on Vladimir Putin. These are strange times indeed. Have a restful, peaceful weekend. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David! I am still not finished, so there will probably be more surprises to come, hopefully good ones. Now DT is not a surprise, and certainly not a good one. He just can't stop lying, cheating and bullying. I am very happy that his opponent won the case, although of course, he didn't do it and the Democrats and judges are all to blame....What an awful person. And that so many people believe him, and cheer for him, unbelievable! Today I am having a break from cleaning and tidying, but tomorrow I will continue. Hve a lovely weekend, cook something good, watch lots of beautiful birds. Hugs, Valerie xxxxx

  9. ...faces, faces and more faces! And skies galore! I love your collection of saying. Enjoy your spring week and stay well.

    1. Thanks Tom, you have a great weekend, too, take care!

  10. Wahnsinn was du alles gewerkelt hast früher und auch die neue Kunstseite ein Hauch mystisches mit der Vase! Wunderschön mit den Masken und den vielen Gesichter in all den Kunstwerken. Tolle Himmelfoto so stark die Wolkenbildung und die Sprüche!
    Ich wĂĽnsche dir eine gute Auszeit von deinen Termintagen!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Früher konnte ich viele Sachen werkeln die heute nicht mehr möglich sind! Dir ein schönes Wochenende!

  11. Spooky faces. I really like you genealogy tree faces with your grandmother, mother, and you. You captured some amazing sky photos, too. Enjoy your restful weekend.

    1. Thanks, I made a lot of family things some years back. Happy weekend!

  12. Beautiful skies and faces. And oh, that cat-in-the-pot!

  13. I love all of these faces. The molds are wonderful. That first face is amazing. Yes, cleaning just gets more difficult all the time. LOL Your are always impressed me old and new. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Nicole, glad you like the mo(u)lds! I have so many and haven't used them for years! Hugs!

  14. I love all those faces. Very interesting.

  15. I hope you have a nice, restful weekend. I love everything in this post.

    1. Thanks Debra, hope you are doing well. Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. It's amazing what you can find when you have a cleaning frenzy. Love the old box.

    1. Thanks Lin, the box is one of my faves! Hugs

  17. I hope you take the time to relax this weekend and restore your energy, Valerie.! The spirit in the bottle was so much fun. And, of course, I loved your family tree. Family photos are fascinating, and I always enjoy seeing them. I never tire of seeing lovely sky shots. Oh that poor dog with all the puppies! I'm surprised the photographer was able to keep the puppies lined up like that for enough time to take the photo. Happy hunting as you clean. May you find more treasures like your clay faces. All the best to you!

    1. Hi Louise. I slept for a massive 10 hours to start the weekend, and I think that is really good, lately I've been sleeping just 3-4 hours per night, and that is not good. I love family photos and seeing the likeness in them, it makes you feel connected. I have a lovely view of the sky and the rising sun from my apartment, and I spend a lot of time looking at the sky. No cleaning this weekend, it's rest time. On Monday it will continue!

  18. I love your family face art, Valerie! And your old coins made me smile. I still have what was left in my purse from when we vacationed in Canada and Europe in 2004. Foreign money, I treat it like a rare collectible, lol. Hope you and your hands really do get some rest! XOX

    1. Hi Aimeslee, thanks! I always bring coins back from places where I travel, and other mementos, mostly worthless but things which I like! As a kid foreign money was almost as valuable as moon dust! Have a great weekend, and take care of yourself! Hugs!

  19. Gorgeous photos and awesome art work ~ and Happy Mother's Day to you ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  20. Lovely faces and beautiful skies.

    All the best Jan

  21. What a great collection of faces - lovely to see the family ones. Your sky pics are beautiful indeed - I love our ever changing skies! Love the cat in the plant and the speed camerai story really had me chuckling, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I found that story funny, too!

  22. Scary face ... no, it doesn't look scary to me. It looks wide eyed and surprised. They say "in the eye of the beholder", right. Either way you look at it, it is a beautiful piece and the colors are so calming they almost contradict the facial expression. So, for someone who wants to relax, you sure filled your page with a lot to look at. Isn't there a law against photographing money? Hmmmm ... maybe it is just dollar bills :0 anyway, you are right they have faces on them. Your faces are crazy good ... do you make a mold to make them? And I love the art you did with them. I also love your family tree ... and your mother, what a cutie she was. I am guessing your little metal box with coins is worth some money. I would be very careful to preserve it. You should ask an antique dealer the value ... it can't hurt to know and you can still keep it. It is really unique.
    Your sky shots have so many moods ... the blues, the yellows the oranges from calm and cool to hot and angry. Great shots, Valerie. And always, your Funnies and Thinkies hit a home run. I would have loved to see that little Aussie before she popped out nine pups ... I can't even imagine! And the cat ... what a hoot. I LOL at the driver who drove past the traffic camera 5 times ... not to smart. I wonder if he would be able to get them to combine them into one low cost ticket, Ha! So I agree with the first thinky ... Be a Blessing. This world is so full of angst and vitriol and a kind word, a smile, a soft touch, a donation, there are so many ways to help those who are suffering ... we should be doing that every day.
    I am glad you are getting a break this weekend, Valerie, it is well deserved. I don't see anywhere that would tell me that you have children, but if you do Happy Mothers Day and if you don't have a wonderfully relaxing weekend.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Hi Andrea, thanks for your looking comment which made me smile. Those little faces were made with a mold. I think there are laws not to copy banknotes with a photocopier. I have a daughter, but haven't seen or heard from her for many years, so sad.
      Being kind to others is so important. Have a great week, hugs!

    2. Long comment not looking comment, I need to get some sleep 💤💤!

  23. I am not sure you will see this, but I love those poly clay faces. I also adore the one you created on the jug. I actually laughed when I saw it.

    Love the dogs, the kitty, telling the truth, the anti social cat (I have one) and the seat belt.

  24. Great colour for your scary face. I really enjoyed all the faces you shared with us today. The family photos are a treat and your mother was a beautiful girl, as are you.
    Had to stop and read the driving funny, was not expecting the ending it had. Great!±
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps sorry about the shakes, I am hoping mine is medication

    1. Thanks Neet. Medication can cause the shakes. There was a song back in our youth, ' I've got the shakes, the hippy hippy shakes'


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