
Monday 1 May 2023

T sTands for 2nd on the 2nd

Hi Everybody!

Today Is Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday, and also the 2nd on the 2nd, where we show posts which we showed some time in the past. I have combined both events here. I'm starting with some photos from 2009:

Here I have a demonstration of how to eat a chocolate muffin:

And now we're taking a jump to 2015:

Smiling coffee: 

These photos were taken at a huge fleamarket we visited, situated in some old railway huts:

The café:

And this was a lucky photo opportunity, also from 2015. We heard a lot of noise and then looked up at the sky and saw the storks returning home from their winter holiday. I pointed my camera at the sky and made the most of the flyover:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. A very tasty post today and great photos too. Happy creative week my friend. Hugs, Angela xXx

  2. What lovely photographs, especially the storks!

  3. I love your photography-the storks were awesome
    Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, the storks fly over here every year, always the same Route. Hugs!

  4. These are great second looks, especially since I haven't seen all of these photos. I love seeing the storks. You snapped some super photos; they must have been flying fairly low or else you had a great zoom.I hope you had a super May 1, and happy T day too. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, my Zoom helped me! Have a great day 💕🥰💕

  5. Oh, it just made my mouth water.

  6. This is the way to eat a chocolate muffin, with whipped cream (Aber bitte mit Sahne!). I love the photos of the flying storks. And that fleamarket looks like a really good one - as do the cookies on the coffee table. Have a lovely month of May, Valerie.

    1. Oh yes, immer mit Sahne. The flea market is in Neuss and always fun! Happy May!

  7. Wonderful T day and second look, Valerie. I remember all of these except eating the chocolate muffin. That was fun. I remembered the flea market and drooled over the various globes. I'm STILL drooling over them. Those storks are simply out of this world. Thanks so much for sharing these photos with us for T and your second look this Tuesday.

    1. Thanks E. Eating chocolate muffins is a serious business!

  8. Fabulous share, Valerie. Great food and drink pictures, and the fleamarket and storks look super fun. Happy T-day and hugz

  9. Good morning Valerie-Jael Tups: Thank you very much for this extensive pictorial tutorial on the way to eat a chocolate muffin. Obviously there is more to this than meets the eye, and the degree of ooziness of the chocolate no doubt influences one's decision. On balance, I think the best approach is to open your mouth as wide as you can and stuff the whole thing in! I think that my grandchildren perfected this technique very well. Now, to that huge flock of storks flying overhead. Better be very careful they don't contribute unwanted icing to your chocolate muffin, or extra cream for your coffee. It is prudent to be aware of such possibilities. But to have seen that spectacle would have made my day - my whole week in fact. How exhilarated you must have felt. They are not carrying any babies, so doubtless they would have set about making them immediately on touching down, and who can quarrel with a little good, honest lust! Having seen this fascinating glimpse into years gone by, I think you had better go through more pictures and show us additional visions of your past. Be bold too, anything goes! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I just wrote you a long comment ans it disappeared, WTF!!!! I always love seeing the storks, and they always use the same route and fly over our street. The street has been here for a long, long time, and I love that the storks can navigate so well. . After such a long flight the storks deserve a bit of fun. A lot of them live in a castle not far from here, with wonderful gardens round about, they know what's good for them. And sometimes the go for a walk along the Rhine, I love seeing them! I must make some more chocolate muffins, they are so yummy. But not until my dental problems have been solved! Have a great day, hugs, xxxxx

  10. Hi Valerie, great photos and instructions how to eat the muffin, I always end up with a mess, we saw storks nesting on electricity pylons down near Cadiz. My husband hates markets of any kind so I don’t go to many!!
    Happy T day. Jan S

  11. Storks!!! Wow! What a sight that is! That's a bird we don't get here, so it's a special treat for me to see :)

    Happy T Tuesday

  12. Thanks for making me drool over those delicious treats this morning! Those are some great pictures you caught of those storks in flight without having them drop reminders on you! LOL

    1. Thanks, we had the fun without being pooped on!

  13. Hi Valerie, hope you are well. That does look like an interesting place to explore, and I love your stork photos, well done on capturing them. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Hi Elle, hope all is well with you. Happy May!

  14. I left a comment this morning, Valerie. Maybe it's time to check your spam.

  15. I tasted that muffin, every mouthful I could taste it and I want that chandelier, good price for something so spectacular....paint off my cat you asked, just a bit of water on my hands and rub her,I use water paint and it washes off if you are quick and she doesn't mind and she is pretty careful really, steps over things and tries not to knock things.over.

    luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Glad you enjoyed the muffin! Must make some more. Your kitty always looks so sweet! The chandelier might be sold already! Hugs

  16. This post made me hungry:) Hugs

  17. Love your photos. The storks are reminiscent of the huge flocks of canada geese that fly over each spring and fall..

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. The Canada geese here have settled in and stay here all year, they seem to like the Rhine! Hugs!

  18. LOve all the pics especially the storks
    Carol x

  19. Loved the coffee revisits! Seeing the storks must have been an amazing sight! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  20. How lucky were you to photograph those storks. Amazing!
    Love the fleamarket you visited, a veritable treasure trove.
    Great coffee and cake.
    ~~Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. The flea market is s fascinating and really huge, it's always fun to see the treasures there!

  21. Great photos Valerie! Especially the storks. I've never seen so many.
    The Brocade cafe is wonderful. I think you have shared photes from there before. I'd love to have a nosey around that place.
    Belated happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. Some Cafés are really special. There's one in Düsseldorf called Bazaar, I'm sure you would love it.

  22. Love the smiling coffee ...
    Great to see all the storks.

    All the best Jan

  23. Hi, Valerie! I was amazed by the face in the first coffee photo. Some baristas are so talented! You have me craving chocolate, after the chocolate cupcake series. The cafe looks wonderful! I would love to spend some time there. I've never seen a live stork. Your stork flyover reminds me of Canadian geese flying in formation. Are storks noisy. Our geese certainly are! Hugs to you!

    1. The face is a photo digitally placed on the coffee. I just ate some chockie. We have lots of your Canadian Geese over here, they have conquered the world!

  24. I love all the photos of storks coming home. That's a rare photo opportunity. The coffee photos are simply funny. And I like how you finished a muffin :)
    Thanks for sharing all these. Have a great weekend ahead and a Happy Belated T-day!
    Amila -

  25. I love flea markets although I rarely go. I enjoyed seeing all the treasures in your pictures.
    That muffin looks yummy and well as your drink.
    Sorry I am late making it around this week.
    Happy Tea Day,


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