
Tuesday 30 May 2023

Flowers and more

Hi Everybody!

Time has run away from me again, and I'm busy chasing myself to get something done. Today I am sharing 2 hybrid pieces. The first tag is meant for dear Sandie's Nautical challenge at Tag Tuesday. This was made with a mix of hand painted backgrounds, photos and some digital elements:


This is my last journal page for Aimeslee's flowers challenge at AJJ. Aimeslee was a great hostess and made many beautiful journal pages for us. Thanks so much! Tomorrow we will be starting a new challenge at AJJ, with a new hostesss.

 This is a mix of photos and fantasy:

And some miscellaneous photos taken in past weeks;

Have  a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Gorgeous art Valerie, and I really enjoyed all the photos too-hugs Kathy

    1. Thnaks so much Kathy, have a great week! Hugs!

  2. Love the Nautical tag and beautiful fantasy journal page-love all the pics
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, have a great week, take care!

  3. Fantastic art & wonderful photos Valerie!

  4. Great Tag, here un Chile may is moth off sea and celebrate historial feat Prat's
    You tag made me remember that 💐☺️ thanks so much

    Hugs and blessing

    1. Thanks so much, Elisa! Sandie hasy chosen a great theme. Have a good week, take care, hugs, Valerie

  5. Fantastic tag Valerie
    Luv the flowers. Thsnks for dropping by my blog today.


  6. Look at that bear:) I love both pieces, but especially the second. The pictures draw me in. I'd love to be able to stroll through your town and around your countryside. Have a healthy day.

  7. Lovely art and gorgeous photos!

  8. So much to see and enjoy in this lovely post :)

    Happy midweek wishes.

    All the best Jan

  9. Love the Tag and journal page. Your photos are great. Love the pansy and dahlia. Spring has sprung and we know where the birdies are.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. Oh yes, I have several on my balcony just now! Hugs!

  10. Once again beautiful art work Valerie, great photo and general photos too.

    1. Thanks Sue, hope you are feeling well! Hugs!

  11. Hi Val, good morning 🌅! Hope you had a good rest. Love all the art today, both are so different and really beautiful. Have a great day, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

  12. A super Tag Valerie, the image of the sailor reminded me of my grandad, he used to smoke Players Navy Cut cigarettes and a similar image of the sailor was on the packet.xx

    1. The image is from an old ciggy packet, I think it was Senior Service, but I'm not sure! Hugs!

  13. Das ist ein wunderschönes Bild der Seemann und auch die anderen Kunstwerke grossartig,ich liebe diese Art und all die tollen Fotos!
    Dir ein guten Tag für all das was du erledigen musst!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Vieln Dank, liebe Elke. Dir auch einen schönen Tag!

  14. There used to be a brand of cigarettes called "Senior Service" and the sailor with the cap looks like the package for those "fags". Smoking was considered elegant and sophisticated back then! I remember that people had engraved cigarette cases and expensive lighters. Everybody, it seemed, smoked everywhere! Now vaping is taking over. Lovely images from your recent walks, Valerie, especially those of the birds, who are after all the very essence of life! It's great to see people enjoying sidewalk cafés in pleasant spring weather. Perhaps a table has been reserved for you and the indomitable Heike. These next few days are going to be a dining out extravaganza. I will be a judge at the woodcarving championship on Saturday and a luncheon is part of the festivities and that same night friends are taking us to dinner. On Monday I will be having lunch with Josh and next Wednesday two friends have asked us to guide them on a walk along the Mill Race and we are ending up with lunch in St. Jacobs. That's a whole lot of dining out for me! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. The image is really from Senior Service ciggies, I found it on the net. My great uncle used to smoke them. Times have changed indeed, smoking is not au fait these days, in the good/bad old days everyone smoked, at home, in cars, buses, trains - and we still grew up more or less normal! I neither smoke nor vape, but some friends do. If people want to smoke here they have to go on the balcony because of the smoke alarms. I wish you lots of wonderful food on your adventures this week, sounds good to me - enjoy! Big hugs, Valerie xxxxx

  15. Aww, thank you for those sweet words, Valerie. I enjoyed it very much! Even though now I'm a bit worn out and not wanting to touch any flower art for a bit, heehee. It's just temporary. :) I do love both your tag and aj page. Thank you so much for linking one last time. I just posted my last one as well. Your photos are always so interesting. My eyes are always drawn to the castle looking ones, the really old brick. One day I'll have to show you the sketch of a tower I think I drew from one of your pics and you can verify. Hope you are feeling good and have a great day, xoxo

    1. You're welcome, Aimeslee, it was great having you as host this month. We have lots of castles and grand buildings here, our little town was founded in the 8th century. Hugs, Valerie

  16. I am always impressed with your artistic talents and enjoy all the wonderful photos you share. How did you sneak up on that beautiful bird for the photo? LOL Thanks for sharing another great and enjoyable post!

    1. Thanks Carol. The bird is sitting on my balcony, I snapped it through the window!

  17. Hi Valerie, you always manage to come up with something different. Gorgeous photographs too. The red teddy is brilliant. Wishing you a very happy and creative week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks. The strawberry teddy is always outside the fruit and veg shop and all kids love it! Hugs, Valerie

  18. I really like that piece of the lady in lavender with the flock of birds. You should frame it and hang it up or place it on a shelf. Very pretty.

  19. Two beautiful pieces of artwork and such a gorgeous array of photographs.
    The nautical theme is very clean and crisp looking and the floral page for your journal is just mystical and so beautiful
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks so much, Neet. Keep getting better! Hugs!

  20. this second art is just masterpiece!

  21. Oh, I LOVE your nautical tag Valerie, so much, and your last floral journal page is gorgeous, so love the colours..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  22. Earth Laughs in Flowers is gorgeous and I love your fun and beautiful photos too!

  23. I am loving Sandi’s new challenge. When I get home I will try to join. And it is great to see your flower art too. I can’t believe tomorrow is June. Time is flying. Have a wonderful start to your month. Hugs erika

  24. I love the open markets. Take special care. Hugs,

  25. I am completely in love with your Earth laughs in flowers. It is one of my favorites this month. It's a fabulous entry for Aimeslee's theme at Art Journal Journey and I LOVE it.

    That's a great tag. Never heard of that cigarette brand. Must have not hit the states. It fits nicely with the theme of the tag, though.

    LOVE that sculpture on the corner of that building and of course, I always go bonkers over that copper sculpture. I'm surprised you didn't ask to ride the cow (grin). Hope you are feeling better today, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I love riding on cows! Hugs!

  26. So bright and beautiful and so many gorgeous details for the eye to catch, love it..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  27. Love your mix of flowers and fantasy. The figure is beautiful with her long flowing dress as she walks through that mystical garden. I particularly like all the different shapes you got in the flowers and the variation in the colours. Lovely work.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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