
Saturday 15 April 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy!

I painted this strange lady last week. I just started and then it sort of painted itself, and this is what appeared. Perhaps she's a weather witch? A rainbow fairy? Who knows?! The quote is from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

The clouds yesterday evening:

Sunrise this morning:

There's still frost on the field:

Today I had to go to the doctor and then do some shopping. The office of the doctor is by the Rhine, so I had a little walk;

The walkway here is narrow, my rollator just fits:

The Rhine was blue:

I looked into some of the shop windows:

On the way home I visited Heike and we had coffee and apple pastries, very nice indeed!
I'm planning a quiet weekend, with time for painting, reading and walks - that is,  if it stays dry!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. I like your lady, she is colourful.

    Lovely photographs from your walk, and the coffee and apple pastries with Heike sound very good.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  2. Quite colorful hair.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  3. Lovely lady and a beautiful day you had. Enjoyed the photos.

  4. Lovely day ans some great clicks vj. Loved your art

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you feel rested this morning. Here I'm the only one awake! Love that beautiful and extravagant piece today, I think she's wonderful. Have a great day, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah.

    1. Thanks Sarah. I'm not feeling so good today, so I'll take it easy! Hugs!

  6. I learned a new term today, "rollator." That sounds really high tech, here we just call them "walkers." I didn't realize you used one, Valerie. Must be quite a challenge on some of those old cobbled streets. Your woman today is wild! I am starting to imagine what you might have come up with had you studied with Picasso. You might have made him look ordinary! You do have a vivid imagination and the talent to interpret what your mind conjures up. Seeing your walker reminds me just how lucky I am that even at my advanced years I can still walk 10 km without even breaking a sweat. Yesterday Miriam and I did exactly that, and she rested for a while on a bench while I continued and picked her up on the way back. First time I have picked up a woman in years! The female turtles ate emerging from the water to seek places to lay their eggs and we saw two huge Snapping Turtles yesterday. They are survivors from the age of the dinosaurs and they look like it! I am inordinately fond of them, however. I note that you are feeling a little off so I hope you will be able to use the weekend to recover. A visit to Heike for coffee and cake would be just the ticket, I think. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David! Up till now I only had to use the rollator on bad days, now I need it when I walk on my own so that I don't turn into a fallen woman who has to be picked up! Not good,, but I am trying to find a funny side to the situation. Glad you were out and about with Miriam and were even able to pick her up on the way home good for you. I had a nice walk this morning together with Wheelerie, my faithful rollator. The sun was shining, and we enjoyed ourseves! This afternoon I'm enjoying reading with my feet up and ☕coffee at my side, yesssssss! Have a wonderful weekend, take care and stay fit and healthy! Hugs!

  7. Love the colourful lay you painted and love all the nature/shop pics from your walk
    Carol x

  8. Your sky photos are lovely, and the riverside looks like a pleasant place to walk. It's nice to see shop windows that are window shopper-friendly. The shops here are boring...

    1. Thanks, the sky is often beautiful. We do have nice shops, but they are mostly very expensive!

  9. Those daffodils on the stair rail. Sigh. What a grand walk -- I'm glad your rollator fits -- that's a close one! You have such wonderful spots to walk -- I hope it's not too bumpy on cobbles or can you keep off those? I'm never good on those (and that's just with feet!).

    You have a wild and crazy woman today! Maybe a reflection of you?!

    1. Wild and crazy? That's me! The cobblestones are a problem, and make my arms ache! C'est la vie!

  10. I like that painting, creative and imaginative. I also like those flowers lined up on both banisters of the stairs. Glad you had a good time with Heike. Much to be grateful for.

    1. Thanks. The flower decorations are always pretty. Have a happy weekend!

  11. Hi Val, love your lady today, she looks so strong and determined. Great work. Have a great weekend, hugs, Martha

  12. Thanks Martha, have a nice weekend!

  13. There she goes again! another beautiful lady. Love the photos too. Have a good weekend. Hugs, Angela xxx

    1. Thanks Angela! Have a happy Sunday! Hugs xxx

  14. I like rainbow fairy:) Look at those clouds. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs

    1. Thanks Sandra. We had wonderful clouds this past week! Hugs!

  15. I know nothing about Harry Potter, but I adore your lovely lady. What a fabulous beauty.

    I think I need one of those walkers since I hurt my back about six months ago. It's hard for me to stand on my own without some kind of help like a shopping cart, etc.

    I love your sunrise and sunset shots. Nice to see the river and I was surprised to see the frost in the field. And I enjoyed seeing the shop windows, too. SO glad you and Heike spent some quality time together. I'm sure it was pleasant for both of you. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, dear.

    1. The Harry Potter books were wonderful, I enjoyed them so much! I'm sorry you hurt your back, a walker would probably be a help. We have had frost every morning for weeks - it warms up when the sun comes out, but it's too cold for the middle of April. Have a great week, hugs!

  16. Very fine photos 😊 Have a nice sunday 😊

  17. I'm late stopping by because my weekend wasn't very quiet, at least through Saturday. But mostly good will say. I really like this lady. I think she controls the length of day, the sun and moon. I am loving her rainbow hair too. This is a fun piece , and I hope the rest of your weekend is quiet and maybe includes another apple pastry too. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, sounds like you had a busy weekend. Glad you like my lady, I would love hair like that instead of my thin and dreary strands! No more apple pastry, but an ice cream! Hugs!

  18. Your lady is so pretty and pairs well with the quote. I enjoyed your walk along the Rhine and the shops. I love the yellow and blue flowers in the flower boxes on the stairs. I wish I had a green thumb like that. I love the little birds in the planter, too. Enjoy your restful weekend.

    1. Thanks CJ, I would love to have a green thumb, too, but no luck!

  19. Thanks, Viola! There are so many opposites in us and the world, and we need to have all in balance. Have a great, new week, hugs!

  20. what a great painting with some wonderful thoughts added. We all struggle with the light and dark in our lives in different ways. Love all your photos too, especially that beautifully decorated stairway with all those pretty flowers!

  21. A rainbow fairy sounds a bout right. The blue is so pretty. XOX

  22. Love the quote you used and if that was in your head when you first started painting I am sure that is what led you to paint her as you did. She is perfect for the quote and quite a mystical figure to me. Lovely colours.
    Do you find it difficult to walk with your rollator on cobbled streets? I do, and when I go to places like York I find it very tiring using the rollator with so many cobbles. Just wondering.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. It's very hard walking over the cobbles, and I can't avoid them here. It's tiring and makes my arms ache. I have heard this from others, too. Hugs!


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