
Wednesday 5 April 2023

Wednesday-Thursday post

 Hi Everybody!

It's the middle of the week already - where did the time go?
Today I have 2 pieces to share. The first is a tag for Wendy's challenge at
Tag Tuesday Her theme is nice and easy - spring colours / yellow and green, so hope to see lots of you joining in!

I was given this tote when Heike was having a clear out. It's made from something like tyvek, and about A3 in size, so just right to repurpose for Elizabeth's
challenge at AJJ:

I painted a face on it, and gave the girl a flower in her hair:

And some funnies / thinkies:

The view from my window at 6:30 a.m.

We're still having cold and frosty nights, but lots of sun:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good afternoon. Hope you are having a good one! I love your tote, what a fantastic idea. You should make more of them, I'm sure they would sell well! Have a great afternoon. I'm off for a cuppa and a rest! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, enjoy your cuppa, I just made myself a coffee! Hugs!

  2. Love the Spring tag and fabulous face you painted on the tote,what a view from your window!
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol. The view from my window is the best part of my flat! Happy Wenesday!

  3. Hi Valerie, love those spring colours they are not something I would have thought to use but then maybe I'm a bit stuck in a habbit of using the same colours all the time and trying to get out of it. I love Tyvek for all kinds of projects and the lady is beautiful. I can relate to the lack of space as I find it difficult to throw stuff away you wouldn't believe how long I stood this morning with a plastic box in hand and the bin lid open! Take care and happy crafting. Angela xXx

    1. It's good sometimes to try something new! Throwing things away is hard! I sometimes need days to decide if I can throw something out. Eveything could possibly be useful sometime/somewhere/for this/for that - we all know it! Hugs!

  4. Always pretty sunrises there. I'm thinking the lady's flower in her hair means she's the owner of the Peace bus :)

  5. I just adore your art today. What's not to like about green and yellow??? And that girl's green eyes are so pretty.

  6. Your green and yellow tag is adorable. Your lady is lovely. I was especially thrilled to see the tyvek bag that you painted your lady on. I'm also thrilled you used translucent paint so the words could show through. This is really stunning. Thanks for sharing it with us at AJJ using Bleubeard's and my theme.

    Beautiful sunrises and I laughed at the restless egg syndrome. Hope you are taking it easy, dear.

    1. Thanks E, glad you like it. That was a fun make.

  7. Cześć piękne prace, miłego dnia :)

  8. Lovely tag and great job on the repurposed art! Enjoyed the thinkies and the morning view if frosty.

  9. We have an overpowering collection of cloth and other non-disposable shopping bags, mostly either freebees or gifts. I can’t bring myself to get rid of any of them! Decorating them with new designs is a neat idea, but just not my thing.

    best… mae at

    1. I think lots of us have such collections! I am planning on taking mine to thrift shop.

  10. Happy Wednesday, Valerie! Your spring tag is refreshing, and I love how you decorated the bag. It turned out really pretty. Such a pretty lady with a flower in her hair. Loved your funnies/thinkies, especially the 60s Volkswagen one. It sure brings back memories! Enjoy Wednesday ~ Yes time is flying by so fast. xox

    1. Thanks Louise. Ah yes, those lovely old Volkswagen, I wish I still had mine! Have a happy day! Hugs!

  11. The pouch is great...I love the merging of the text with the portrait and yes, the flower in your hair is a must now that spring is coming :-)))
    Yes, we still have frost at night... but... when the sun is shining you can sit outside and drink coffee that's how warm it is.
    hug to you. Happy Easter.

    1. Thanks Viola! Glad you like it! You seem to have weather like ours. Have a great day 😊😊

  12. Hi Val, love both pieces today. The first one is so ethereal and the tote beautiful. Both are very unusual! Have a nice evening, hugs, Martha

    1. Thanks Martha, glad you like them. Have a nice day!

  13. What fabulous pieces - I especially like how you have re-purposed the bag. It's really cold here too with frosty mornings. So sorry to hear about your sewing machine, I hope you get it working soon. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! I really miss not being able to sew! Take care!

  14. I do like how you have re-purposed that tote bag :)

    I do like the view from your window photographs.
    Isn't it lovely to have some sunny days, Monday and Tuesday were so nice ... but we have rain this evening as I type this!

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, sun is always good! Happy Easter!

  15. Fabulous tag and journal page, love the funnies and your photographs. Hugs Wendy

  16. Lovely tag and the tote bag is awesome. Hope you're dental appointment went okay.

    1. Thanks, I have the next appt today, not looking forward to it!

  17. That VW sure takes me back;) Love the tree ladies and the gal with the flower in her hair. Now that song is threading through my head:) You make the most expressive expressions on your ladies. Hugs

    1. You and me both! I wish I still had my old VW! Keep singing!

  18. That's a great tag Valerie. I made 2 today, and I'll be posting them soon. And that is a great recycle piece. I love the face on your bag. What a cool way to journal. And perfect for Elizabeth's challenge too. And I say to my husband all the time that maybe we need more space for all our "stuff"- smile. Hope you're having a super week. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I am looking forward to seeing your tags. I am on to another one, too!

  19. Fabulous tag Valerie in the yellow and green, love the colour combo and great painting on the bag, love it..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  20. A great post Valerie. I love your beautiful art.

  21. Love this, the colours are beautiful and the design of your art shows it off very nicely too

  22. Yellow and green - what a great combination. I immediately think of sunshine and daffodils, green leaves and guacamole. These are a few of my favourite things as Julie Andrews once trilled. It's a great idea that you had with the bag, Valerie, and the result is impressive. No doubt you will be using this to carry home your sausages. How happy they will be tucked in there, carefully wrapped in quiet seclusion, contemplating the sizzle of the pan. The VW brings back memories of another time when young people of conscience rose up in rebellion against the injustices of war, and the obscene ambitions of ideological politicians. Sadly, little has changed. In the United States where much of that protest originated, they have gone on to arm themselves to the teeth and routinely massacre their children, and they idolize another demagogue - or several. A young person can carry a gun but needs to be shielded from history, or a nude statue. As for Volkswagen (the people's car) I have driven their vehicles for twenty years now, and have been quite happy with them, despite their deception about my diesel Jetta's performance. After all. If we are going to judge a manufacturer on truth and honesty we would never buy anything! Last night for dinner I made Thai fried rice and it was, as always, delicious. I made enough for two nights, so right now it is in the fridge, and all the ingredients are getting happy with each other, so tonight it will be even better. On that note, I will sign off for today. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David, thanks so much, how dare Blogger put your comments into the spam prison! Today was busy, dentist, shopping, art group so I didn't see it. Your Thai rice sounds wonderful, wish I was there! Back in the 60s\ 70s it really was a different world, with hope for a better future, but just now it's scary. Some are prepared to destroy the world to get their own way! I was always happy withVW, but today I travel with public transport. I had to laugh at the thought of carrying sausages home in my nice tote! Have a great day, enjoy your dinner, hugs, Valerie xxxxx

  23. Check your spam folder, Valerie.
    I left a comment for you earlier.

  24. Your technique on the background of that tag blows my mind. What a blend. I wish i could pull off something so seamless with my paints.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I used diluted acrylics, very wet! Hugs!

  25. ...I wish you peace☮️!

  26. Those blended greens look wonderful on the beautifully designed tag. I love the simple face you pained on the bag, what a fantastic creation that is. Wishing you many more beautiful sunsets like the one you posted today but I love those tiny birds in the trees enjoying the start of another beautiful day!

    1. Thanks Carol! The birds always wake me up, they start singing long before sunrise, and I'm always surprised that such tiny creatures can be so loud! Happy Easter!

  27. I had to laugh - I have the problem of "not enough room."

  28. Both of these piece are just gorgeous. I love the saying about not having enough room. That's me. LOL Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a wonderful day.

    1. I think none of us has enough room for all we need for crafting and painting etc!

  29. Loving that tag - wonderful drawing! This is another brilliant tote bag transformation - your faces are always a joy to see! Great funnies! I thought at first 6-30 was early time to be up but if you weren't up you would have missed this fabulous sunrise! Hugs,Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. The birds are better than any alarm clock to wake you up nice and early! Hugs!

  30. The Tag and the Tote are beautiful ... I love your unique style. As for your Thinkies and Funnies, you hit another home run. Not enough room says it all. We had a ton of "junk" before we moved. All old antiques and collections, which my son would look at and say "What am I going to do with all of that when you are gone?" So when we got ready to move, we packed everything over to an antique dealer and now, four years later, we are still getting checks in the mail from them, Ha! So, as the saying goes, your junk is somebody else's treasure. Love the psychodelic art ... I was there when that was happening and it was an interesting time of hopes and dreams ... sadly that battle still rages on with no solutions. Restless Eggs and Advise from a pickle are both clever plays on words. My father was a master at plays on words so I have a special appreciation for them. Your view from your window and your weather are much the same as mine ... Spring is near, there are signs of it, not the least of which is the coming of Easter Sunday. Wishing you a wonderful Spring and Easter, Valerie (isn't this the second time I have said this to you this week? How do you find the time to post twice :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol
    , there are signs

    1. I know what you mean, I never manage to get rid of everything, and I suppose I don't want to! I try to post 4 times in the week, it keeps me in touch with my tribe of fellow bloggers. Happy Easter weekend! Hugs!

  31. Hi Valerie. Your Spring tag and painted tote are fabulous. Love how you have drawn your own art on both. Happy Easter, XOX Aimeslee

    1. Thanks so mmuch, Aimeslee, have a great day!

  32. luv the tag Valerie

  33. What a fabulous Tag Valerie, I love trees, so this one is right up my street,lol. Hope you are feeling better and adjusting to being back at home again, hugs xx

  34. Love your tree ladies. So beautiful , you are so good at creating them :)

  35. What a lovely spring tag - it made me think of the Green `Man and how this could be the Green Lady. I love how you have depicted her as a tree.
    The idea of painting on the tyvek bag is fabulous. It is one of your wonderful ladies which you are so clever at painting. I hope you can use the bag, it would be fun to go shopping with that swinging from your arm.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  36. Your tag is just gorgeous, no beautiful! That shade of green is so fresh. Take care and be kind to yourself Valerie xxx


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