
Friday 28 April 2023


Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already, the weekend is nearly here! I had a busy day today. Had a blocked pipe under the sink, and needed to get a plumber here to repair it, as the water from the kitchen sink was running into my washing machine instead of down the drain. Well, he's fixed it, and the water is now going in the right direction. My floor was covered in black splashes and splodges, so needed to clean. And next week someone else needs to come as the pipes need new joints, whatever they might be. Next week I will hopefully know more. At least it's all working and I can use my machine again and pour water down the sink, lovely! It's good to be thankful for small mercies!

This was a collage made some years back, and I didn't like it. So now I have repurposed it. I pulled off as much as I could, and wanted to put a new collage on it. But now I have decided to leave it as it is, and have named it the 'Eve of destruction' I think there was once a song with that title. I am linking to Elizabeth's recycling challenge at AJJ:

I can see a figure in the midddle panel!

And a look into my messy art room while I was working there:

M balcony now has a few plants thanks to my home-help, but I need to paint the balcony! And here are also 2 faces for Nicole's FFO

And I have another tag for Pinky's anything goes challenge at Tag Tuesday It's very simple, just some found scraps put onto a tag with a ribbon added:

This morning at 5:30 AM:

And now I have lots of funnies and thinkes with faces:

And to end it all I'm showing you my ass and face at the same time:

I'm also linking to Gillena's Friday art fun.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Glad the plumbing is taken care of! Lovely art for the challenges and fun thinkies!

  2. Hi Valerie. Thanks for linking to AFFF.
    Luv that interesting recycled art. And such a delightful tag, luv the flowers and cute ribbon.
    Have a good weekend


    1. Thanks Gillena, have a great weekend, hugs!

  3. Hi Val, good morning! It's Friday at last, yippee! We'll be at Lea's over the weekend. Have a great one! Hugs from us all, Sarah

  4. Thanks Sarah, have fun, hugs to all!💕🥰

  5. ..."Eve of Destruction" is a protest song written by P. F. Sloan in mid-1965 and it was popular recording by Barry McGuire. I live your collage, have a happy weekend.

    1. Thanks Tom, now I can look for it on the net. That song was in my young years, long, long ago! Happy weekend, hugs!

  6. What a fun post, loved those crocodile and alligator smiles this morning! Your collage is amazing, loving the textures and grungy finish - so beautiful 😊. How tidy is your balcony too with those pretty plants, perfect! Glad you got the washing machine pipes fixed too. Take care! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks so much Jo, I like photos of crocodiles and co, but wouldn't like to get near them IRL. Have a wonderful weekend, take care, hugs!

  7. Old plumbing needs to be fixed - and promptly - in machines or humans! There's nothing as bad as a dribble where and when you don't want it! So, good to have it taken care of. The Eve of Destruction is nigh upon us, so your artwork is prescient, Oh Lordy, Lordy yes. It is because we have sinned and transgressed against the word of God - Jehovah I think his name is (was?). At least that's what the advance guard of Jehovah's Witnesses have been telling us as they march from door to door in a proselytizing vanguard to save the world. All I have to is repent, accept Jesus (I thought he played shortstop for the New York Yankees), be born again (I'll be 175 lb baby) and all will be well. Then I will be saved - nah, SAVED. I will know that I will never sizzle in the eternal, bubbling cauldron of hot oil, provided by their loving god. It has nothing to fo with global warming, climate change, CO2, acidification of the oceans, or anything like that. It is divine retribution for our sinful ways; it's all in the book, don't you know? THE BOOK, the black one you never open anyway. But they do, and they know. With the same certainty that's there's cold shit in a dead dog. Word of advice - don't ever let your sense of politeness ever lead you to talk to these fanatics. All you do is listen anyway. But at least you'll know how utterly worthless you are. Don't worry the warranty never runs out and everything can be fixed in Jehovah's workshop and there are even angels to help you. End of story this morning, Valerie, dahling. Your messy workshop is not messy at all. It is well loved, worked in, cherished, appreciated. As are you. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, your posts always make me smile! We have the JWs here, too. They haven't been here in our house for some time, but they often stand on the bridge over the moat in our little town, and try to catch the unwary....I'm sure when we die that we are dead, and stay dead so I'm not bothered about retribution and being boiled in hot oil. But we have a chippy on the other side of the road, he fries chips and sausages and Schnitzels in hot oil....My sister tried to save me for many years, told me I would be the most precious jewel in her heavenly crown if I started batting for her side, but I resisted.So let's make the most of our lives as long as possible, and enjoy the time we have left! Have a lovelyy day, David, may you find many new species waiting for you! Big Hugs! xxxxxxx

  8. Thank goodness you were able to get that sorted quickly, there's nothing worse than water flowing all over the place. I'm sure you'll feel better when the new joints are in place. Just recently I was watching a video of Barry McGuire singing.

    1. Indeed, I had that once before and it was awful! I spent a long time on my knees mopping the water with old towels, and it warped the laminate flooring in the kitchen!. I would not like it again!

  9. Not sure what happened there but I'm back. I was saying we have some stations on TV that cover different years of pop music and that happened to be on one of them. Great to see your Art space too, it makes me feel closer to you. Great collection of funnies too. I think Winnie the Poo has the right idea so I'll leave you now. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Those pop music sendings showcasting the various years sound good, I haven't seen them here. My art space is in my kichen, and it's small, but I like it! Hugs!

  10. How I like your collage Valerie! It is truly precious, it is a good way to recycle. I also see a figure in the center, and another on the right. Your art studio is very tidy and the flowers on your balcony are so pretty. I really like your tag and the sunrise photo. Thank you very much for the smile.
    I wish you a nice day, big hugs

    1. Thanks so much Caty, have a happy weekend. Hugs!

  11. Oh, I hate home repair issues. They are no fun and almost always expensive. I hope all goes well with all of yours. I love seeing your art studio. It's so bright and neat! That light is so important. And your balcony flowers, art on the walls, all so happy. Love the cat meme with the different cat definitions! Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Repairs are always expensive, I will surely get the invoice soon! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

  12. Oh Valerie, I so enjoyed this post. Glad you got the plumbing fixed. The art is beautiful and I love all the quotes and funnies. Your art room looks pertty organized to me. I love seeing where poeple create. Thank you for joining FFO and have a lovely day.

  13. Hi Val, love your fun repurposing, and the tag is very pretty, too. Great funnies and thinkies! Sorry about the blocked pipes, that's no fun! Have a great weekend, hugs, Martha!

    1. You're right there! Have a lovel weekend! Hugs!

  14. That collage is nice. It looks like an abstract painting.

  15. What beautiful painting. Hope you have a great weeking. Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha, hapy weekend to you and yours! Hugs!

  16. Your art work always amazes me, it looks so good when you do it, but a mess when I do it, love the sweet tag you made, and your balcony with flowers and things s so pretty, will looks real good painted, I love doing things like that, and I had a good laugh at all the snippets today, the cat and dog together, so funny..
    Have a great weekend and take care..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, glad you enjoyed the funnies, have a wonderful weekend, hugs,Valerie

  17. Sorry you had problems with your pipes, pleased everything is working okay now.
    Lovely art and your balcony flowers look colourful.

    Have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

  18. Valerie, I remember that song, I was a kid so it was like fantasy to me but he was probably serious. Your reduced collage seems very fitting to the song since you were the "Eve" of Destruction, heehee. I'm so glad the plumber got you in business again, hope the joint phase goes as well. Happy Saturday, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, I like the idea of being the 'Eve' of destruction! And thank goodness for plumbers who come at short notice to rescue us!

  19. Plumbing issues are always a mess, but sink water running into your washing machine? Really? I can't even imagine how that could happen ... thank goodness your plumber understood the problem. Your "Eve of Destruction" is aptly named and I too can see the figure in the center. An art room that isn't messy isn't being used ... yours definitely is being put to good use and I am guessing that if all of us had to show our "art rooms" we could put you to shame. My art room is so messy, I had to move most of it down to a counter in my kitchen, which is now a mess. All in the name of creativity, I say ...
    Your flowers on your balcony are lovely as is your flowery tag ... Spring seems to bring out the flowery topics in all of us. Your Thinkies and Funnies have a lot of cute cat stuff this week and glad to know your Ass is awake :) Fun stuff (except the plumbing mess). Hope you have time to relax over the weekend ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea! I'm glad. am am not the only one with a messy art space! Yes, my ass is awake! Hugs!

  20. Plumbing problems can interfere with daily life more than almost anything else. I'm glad you're on track to getting it all taken care of. Nice balcony view!

    1. Thanks, I hope next week will see the repair completed! Happy Sunday!

  21. I'm glad you got your machine going again without the dirty water Valerie, hate to be without my washing machine. Your art piece just fills my imagination! The more you look the more you see!! I love your crafty space and it looks so tidy. How nice to have a balcony and that view is gorgeous!! I love your sweet little tag too. I have enjoyed using up bits and pieces from my desk this fortnight and it has helped to keep me tidier lol. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I hope your pipe elbows get fixed!!

    1. Thanks Pinky, it really was disgusting! Tags are always good for using bits and bobs. have a happy May, hugs, Valerie

  22. There is nothing worse than dirty and greasy water from your sink heading to the washer. I hope fixing the pipes will completely solve the problem soon.

    Sorry to be so late AGAIN. Still looking after four cats, four sandboxes, four food bowls, and two households. I hope things calm down soon here.

    I adore your Eve of Destruction. It is even better than my Demolish. You did an excellent job and now I have an earwig for the day. This was wonderful and such a great entry for Bleubeard's and my theme at AJJ, too.

    Your tag is wonderful. I love how you layered the flowers.

    Of course, I LOVE the cats. Kitten heels is hilarious. Hope to catch up before you give up on me.

    1. Thanks E, it was really disgusting. Sorry you still have so much to do. At the moment I seem to get exhausted even when I don't do much, and now I'm off to rest! The meds seem to knock me out!


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