
Sunday 2 April 2023

T sTands for 2nd on the 2nd and more

Hi Everybody!
Hope you are all doing well.
I am trying to do less just now, as I tend to do too much and then I get very exhausted again. But it's hard!
Today I have some collaged pieces from 2016 /2017 for 2nd on the 2nd. Collage and painting are always my favourite occupations:

When I grew up in London I saw 'Bill Posters will be prosecuted' everywhere. I thought Bill Posters was a person, and felt very sorry for him:

Here the images were inspired by Enrico Baj:

And here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit for Elizabeth's TsfT, where we share drinks and more:

Some Easter decorations with Tea-pots in the background::

These will be presents for the family that lives above me:

And of course, there is no T Day without drinks:

I made this journal page for Heike using a repurposed photo I took in the Pizzeria:

And some funnies/thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, lovely to see your old and new creations, they are all really good. Had to laugh about poor Bill Posters, too funny. You need to rest more! And do less, even if you don't like it! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. es, poor old Bill - he never did anything and was much maligned! Have a great, new week, hugs to all!

  2. I couldn't discover that you didn't do much... thank you for your great site... the collages are so beautiful... I love!!!
    I'm cutting and sewing a fabric... it's so much fun :-)) before especially today in rainy weather and gray in gray outside.
    Many greetings to you... Happy Sunday and a happy start to the week.
    Hug of Viola... and thank you.

    1. Perhaps I can't do as much as I used too! I am looking forward to seeing your sewing! Have a great, new week!

  3. I remember many of these pieces, and it is fun to see them again. I also love seeing your piece for T day too. You and Heike are having lots of fun lately, and that is a good thing, isn't it? My walking friend and I are going to do something fun tomorrow because friends are good, aren't they? And all the Easter candy looks good. One thing I noticed is behind the candy for your neighbor's children I noticed a blue and white metal can. It looks almost exactly like the can my mom kept her bingo "pennies" in during her last few years while she lived in her assisted living. I have it and I really treasure it, even if it is just a can of pennies, because it makes me think of her having so much fun. Thanks for that warm little fuzzy. (Even if you didn't know it would be a warm fuzzy.) Have a lovely rest of your weekend and start to the week. And happy T day. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It's good to get out for a bit and have some fun and see different places. The blue and white tin - togther with many others , all in blue and white, were given to me when my neighbour die. she loved her tins. I use the for sugar, spices, etc. Glad it gave you the warm fuzzies! I used to lay Bingo with the ladies in the home, they loved it, too! Have fun with your friend tomorrow! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Lovely pages, enjoyed your thinkies very much! I am so used to plucking dandelions out...hard to stop.

    1. Thanks Christine. Don't you hear the dandelions shouting at you when you pull them out!?? Hugs, Valerie

  5. Hi Valerie, lots of great art today, and fun funnies! Have a good week, hugs, Martha

  6. WOW wonderful pieces Valerie,love the quote from the 4 year old, I might try that instead of trying!..have a fabulous week..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  7. A fabulous selection of art Valerie!
    Great thinkies and funnies too.
    Take care and have a good week.

  8. I love the collages, the paintings, and the great use of stencils. I remember so many of these and they bring back wonderful memories. Thanks for this great look back as your second look on the 2nd.

    Love the bunnies and the wonderful coffee images you shared with us this week. I love the journal page you created of Heike with the non-alcoholic beers. You made T day special this week, dear Valerie.

    Cute funnies, especially the flamingo!

    It appears I'm once again getting "Failed to Publish."

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I liked the flamingo, too! Hugs!

  9. Lovely pages..have a great week

  10. Good morning, enjoyed your post-take care of you-hugs it's hard I know. I love dandelions I make soaps and creams with them, and never mow them over. great thinkies, always love your art-
    hugs Happy new week and T

    1. Thanks Kathy. Life doesn't get easier, does it?!! Dandelions are so beautiful and useful, you can even eat them in salad. Happy new week, hugs!

  11. When I was about seven years old I went for a few weeks to the Sunday school class of some evangelical whack job church, because they had sticker books and each week you got a new sticker. Even then I quickly realized the people were nuts, and even a little scary and I stopped going, but they had a message using Bill Stickers (not Bill Posters) as an example of an ungodly man who was not wanted anywhere. The fellow in charge of it all seemed very concerned about the welfare of us boys, I must say, because he was always inviting us to his home. i never went! Thanks for featuring the bee and its message. People should learn to love what comes up out of the ground naturally and not replace it with exotic plants that don't belong there, and especially not with green deserts of chemically nurtured grass. The bees will thank you and the whole world will be a better place. Good plan to take it easy, Valerie. Gotta save some strength to tackle sausages with Heike, after all! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. There were always lots of those whack job churches in London, and people were always lured in with little gifts, otherwise nobody woul have gone. I found them all very suspect, my elder sister used to love them. So now I have to be sorry for Bill Stickers and Bill Posters! I was with Heike when I read your c omment earlier on, so we started planning the next food outing! ost of the lawns here are still trimed back to the grass roots 'to make it tidy'. We live in a crazy world! Hugs, Valerie xxxx

  12. Everything is eye candy here, and I'm especially fond of the first collage that looks like rock stars! Love the artistic views and thoughts and everything is fabulous! Love the funnies too, especially the bee reference! Nice job on everything!

    1. Thanks Carol, glad you like the. The bee funny is really good. Have a great week, hugs!

  13. Oh poor Bill Posters! Dear Valerie, I understand you well - for me it was also a name at first 😁! Your collages from 2016/2017 are great, I really like the style.
    And yes, the poor bees - of course they suffer a lot when a garden is cleaned of all "weed"...
    All the best from Austria and a good first week of April!
    Hugs, Traude 😘

    1. I still think of Bill Posters! You have a good first week of April, too. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  14. Haha. I love your memes and that adorable collage of Heike, a lovely friend.

    1. Thanks, she is lovely indeed, a good friend!

  15. Your creations are lovely. I love the details in them and I love the first and second pieces 😍

  16. I love your collection of "seconds" -- and I'll be sure to share the flamingo guitarist with Rick!

    1. Yes, that's something for him! Loved the photo with me. Pity we're so far apart!

  17. Lovely art and a very good selection of funnies, I particularly like the bee one :)

    Take good care of yourself and rest a while if needed.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I am trying to rest more and take things easy!

  18. Lovely creations and I enjoyed reading through the funny quotes. I feel sorry for Bill Posters too :) The easter decorations and presents are lovely.
    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful post. Happy T-day!

  19. Wonderful art, Valerie. So glad you posted some of your previous pieces along with your recent page. They are very creative and thougthful. I had to laugh at the Bill Poster comment. The piece on no one is free really struck me - it is so true and most people have no idea. And the saddest thing is that we are all related - literally - so it is even sadder that we treat our cousins this way. Lovely coffee and those candies are wonderful. You are so thoughtful and sweet. Happy T-day and hope you feel more energized soon. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. So many people get treated badly, women in some countries have no rights, others are hungry or sick - we need to help. Hugs!

  20. Wonderful pages. I love the story about Bill Posters. 😺The white chocolate duckies and lamb are so adorable. You're so very thoughtful. Take care and Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ. It's funny that some things stay in your mind for ever - poor Bill P! Have a great day!

  21. I like the collage, especially "fragments". Your Easter treats will make a big hit I'm sure :) Happy T Tuesday!

  22. I've absolutely loved seeing all your art Valerie and your Thinkies/Funnies... I 'am currently attacking the weeds in my yard but i always leave a few that i love... for me AND the bees.. lol Happy T day! Hugs! deb

    1. Thanks Deb! For me all are flowers, and they stay where they are! Hugs!

  23. Hi Valerie. I am so taken by your art today. They should be posters or murals. The colors are just amazing. Great funnies today too. Have a very lovely day.

  24. I always love your art, but today's art particularly spoke to me. The ones with the three men. Well actually all of them.
    And I really liked the art quote about running a line around your thoughts.
    Happy T-Day,

  25. Love your Bill Posters inspired art as well as your journal page. The Easter candy will be enjoyed I am sure. Love the funnies.
    Happy Tea Day,

  26. Love your art work and the funnies but hope you're getting plenty of rest too. Hugs, Angela xXx

  27. Your Bill Poster story made me smile! A fun story. Valerie, take care of yourself. Love your art, especially the repurposed photo. The funnies were great too. Have a happy T Day.

  28. Doing less is good - I feel much better since I left the Crafty Individuals team. I think we all eventually have to admit that we are getting older! I loved seeing those pages. There are so many cute Easter gifts these days. Love the page with Heike's photo. Take care!Hugs, Chrisx

    1. So true. I can't manage to do so many thingsy at once any more - sad, but true! Hugs!


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