
Friday 31 March 2023


Hi Everybody!

First of all I would like to thank all you lovely girls who linked to my  anything goes challenge at AJJ, I was overwhelmed by all of the wonderful entries, so many ideas, styles and colours - fabulous! And a big thank you to my teamies who supported me so well.

This is my last entry for AJJ. I started this page a few years back, and last week I finished it, wonders never cease! It's an A4 watercolour and ink sketch, the birds were stenciled:

I love this dog:

And these 3, too:

I am linking to Nicole's FFO and
Gillena's Friday art fun.

I bought this dark chocolate last week. It's very delicious, and it's a bit dearer than others, but  each bar that's sold provides a meal for hungry people: 

I will be back tomorrow as we are starting a new challenge with a new host at AJJ.
See you then!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your hopeful blooms are a perfect way to end the series, Valerie! I love them (and the cute pups!)

    1. Thanks Jeanie, it was a busy month for me! Those pups are so cute!

  2. I love these flowers and that quote is so true. It's a lovely way to end the mont, and it was a really good one. So thank you for this great theme. And I'm with you about those dogs you shared. That first guy made me smile a lot. It's Thursday night here, and I have one more page to share in the morning. Happy end of the month. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanksy Erika for all you made for my challenge. And tomorrow we start all over again! Hugs!

  3. The flowers in your painting are very spring-like and I hope you are enjoying some good spring weathr as well. We are still very cold! But a few green shoots are beginning to emerge from the brown stubble in our garden.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. It'sy greening up nicely, we have had masseds of rain and it's cold, but spring will c ome!

  4. I like the saying "Where there life-There hope"
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  5. WOW, that watercolor painting is out of this world, Valerie. What a beauty. I love the sketches and the way you colored the flowers and grasses. This is a perfect way to end your time as host at AJJ. It is wonderful and you are a truly amazing host. I pity the host who has to come after you. You have certainly set the bar high!

    Nice about the chocolate. I love when companies give back. I have to say, your thinkies went to the dogs today (grin).

    1. I am sure you will be very good at jumping over the bar! I am sure the next host will be very creative! Hugs!

  6. das ist eine schöne kreative Arbeit, ich liebe es mit dieser Art!
    Mir hat es auch riesen Spass gemacht dein Thema!
    Süss und so lustig diese Hunde. Lecker die Schoko ... dann wünsche ich dir einen guten Tag, pass auch auf dich mit diesem Aprilwetter!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Du hast mir so viel Freude bereitet in Laufe des Monats, Deine Kunstwerke ware alle fabelhaft. Dank!

  7. The water color is beautiful! The dogs are adorable! And that's some chocolate I could enjoy!

  8. Oh wow, Valerie! What a beautiful water-color and stenciled art project! I absolutely love the gorgeous flowers and the fact that they're water-colored makes them all the more beautiful. And I want to thank you for hosting the AJJ theme this month. It's been so much fun. I love the cute dog photos you shared. And chocolate bar - what a great cause! Thanks, Valerie!! Hugs, Sharon

    1. Thanks Sharon, muc h appreciated! I had fun this month, it was nice to just make something without having a goal in mind. Have a great weekend, hugs.

  9. ...I hope that you are enjoying your life! Your flower garden is beautiful this dark morning. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. We hardly ever buy chocolate, but when we do I prefer dark and Miriam prefers milk. Miriam quips that I have always been on the dark side so it's not surprising! Her tongue is so cutting I am sure it must have sharp edges. Yesterday I acquired a number of books from a friend of mine who is downsizing and there are a couple of old gems that I am especially happy to have. Many of the others will be distributed throughout the local Teens nature club. Your flower garden is cheerful and lovely, Valerie, and the addition of the swifts circling overhead is a very nice touch. I can almost hear them screeching. The weekend is a mere day away so I expect that you and Heike are planning to stroll the streets following your nose to the best odours coming from a restaurant. Last night we had pasta primavera, homemade, and very good it was too. Tonight - who knows? I hope the weather will be balmy, the sauerkraut salty, the sausages splendid, and Heike happy. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Oh dear, how can you say things like that about your sweet Miriam? I like dark and milk choccie, but dark is supposed to be healhier! Yesterday evening I was out with Heike again and I had penne with tomato cream sauce and salmon - yummy! Heike had spaghetti with shrimps, it looked good, too! But sausages and sauerkraut wouldn't have been bad either. Tomorrow I have invited Heike to the ice parlour, and we will be having waffles with fruit and ice, not bad eItHer. I hope you enjoy your new / old books! Have a nice day, hugsxxxx

  11. The watercolor is delightful. I love dark chocolate. I see that is 70% cocoa, yum! The dogs are so funny.

  12. Hi Valerie, I can't tell you how pretty your flowers are today. Your art is always so expressive even with flowers. I do love that dogs face too. Thank you for joining FFO and have a wonderful day.

  13. I am so grateful to AJJ for having this great blog as I am trying to do more in my journals but finding it hard to get going with it and it's really good to see what other people get up to, very inspiring. Take care and happy creating. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Glad you like our blog. It's always good to get new inspiration from other bloggers, and I have great fun vissiting them. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  14. I appreciate your encouraging art :) What pretty flowers!

  15. Great journal page love the beautiful watercoloured flowers -love the cute dog pics too
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, much appreciated. Enjoy your weekend, hugs 🤗

  16. Piękne kwiaty namalowane akwatelą. Pies jest zabawny i.kochany. Czekolada jest młodsza bo pomaga innym. Miłego weekendu😊

    1. Thanks Lucyna! Eating choclate to help others is good!

  17. Pretty art to conclude your project.

  18. Wow what a creativie week you've had, I love your watercolour flowers. I hope all went well for you yesterday at the neurologist. Take care and have a very happy weekend xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I get the resuts next week. Happy weekend! Hugs!

  19. I am so glad you finished this page Valerie. I love the watercolouring, such beautiful colours that work so well together. That is a lovely idea to put the birds flying over the beautiful floral garden.
    Hugs, Neet xx (need to play catch up)

  20. I love those dogs too Valerie. And you're art is beautiful.
    Have a lovely weekend x

    1. Yes, those dogs are so funny! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  21. Your painting is so beautiful I love it. the dogs were all too sweet.
    Happy weekend hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks so much, Kath, have a great weekend, hugs!

  22. So glad you managed to finish this page Valerie, she was waiting for you. So beautifully done in watercolour and pen a stunning final piece. Sorry again for missing so much and not having any free playtime this month to come share some pages.
    Wishing you a wonderful creative weekend Hugs Tracey x

    1. Thanks so much Tracey. I know what a HUGE work load you have! Hugs!

  23. Your flowers are so beautiful and the birds so cheerful. What a lovely page! The dogs made me laugh - what a great contribution to FFO! Have a lovely weekend, Valerie.

    1. Thanks Carola, those dog pics are really a hoot!

  24. Good on you for buying the chocolate bar and helping others. Where there is life there is hope. A purrfect quote and a purrfect piece for the background. Funny dogs:)
    Have a good weekend.

  25. So much work went into creating this page and it turned out beautiful with all those colorful flowers and peaceful birds soaring in the skies above! Love the quote too. As for those dog pics, I needed a good smile today so thanks for sharing them! Dogs always amuse me with their unique personalities :) Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Carol! Those dogs are so funny, you just have to smile! Hugs

  26. So your painting is a few years old, but the thought behind it is ageless. And, it is beautiful just to take it in.
    I love the dog too ... so funny and the three noses ... what a hoot!
    I would eat that dark chocolate and love that it gives meals to the hungry. It is shameful that we have so many people hungry and homeless while others gauge prices and make be profits so they can live high on the hog. Don't get me started :( Great post, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea, glad you like it. I think we could spend months, perhaps years, talking about the injustice, greed and unfairness in this world. It just never stops. Hugs!


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